I have been breastfeeding for about 4 months now and have had mastitis at least 4 times…what am i doing wrong? is there a way to prevent this? it is so painful and it makes me want to quit
While babes eat start were ever you keep getting it and message up to your nipples help work the milk out while baby eats…and after the eat message all the milk ducts up to your nipples get as much milk out as you can
Finish the feeding completely, don’t just feed a short time and stop
You have to make sure you’re emptying your breast. If baby isn’t eating everything you’re making then you may want to pump and make sure you have your flange sizes correct.
Likely means there’s not adequate removal happening so, I would start with 1. Getting baby’s latch assessed by an LC. 2. Nursing more frequently or pumping between feeds to ensure you’re removing milk often. Both of these should help you.
I used homeopathic belladonna, ibuprofen, extra rest and hot showers with massage
My Dr. Told me too stop breastfeeding because it will cost yeast infection for my daughter. He gave me pills to dry my milk.
Massage the breast milk out in the shower.
U may need to pump.
Do t wait to get totally engorged, use Brest friend to prop baby and get a good latch
Take a warm/hot shower and massage from very top/side towards nipples not too hard to hurt but definitely with some pressure. You can also place warm washcloths on them while breastfeeding and massage as well. You should massage them even when not feeding to prevent the build up and pump or feed often. If you start to get a fever/feel sick definitely see a Dr.
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It sounds like your babe might have a tongue tie. I’d take him to a dentist and get it assessed. No amount of massage or hot showers or even sometimes pumping will help you empty if your baby can’t latch properly due to a tongue tie. Clipping a tongue tie is a pretty simple procedure, our son did really well with it
Microwave cabbage leaves cool to warm and place inside your nursing bra.
Don’t let it go so long before feeding/pumping and each time make sure you’re emptying completely.
I would pump in between feedings. That helped me empty
Make sure you are getting empty every time. Even if you have to pump after nursing. Hand compressing in a hot shower.pump or nurse more
Have you seen a lactation consultant? How long is baby feeding? Do you try to pump afterwards? Next time you breastfeed or pump use gravity and massage your breast as you are pumping or feeding.
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Don’t quit you’ll regret it. That’s what happened to me with my last baby I ended up getting mastitis twice in a row and it was so unbelievably painful I ended up quiting and I still regret it to this day and my baby is 7 1/2 years old now. She was only a month old at the time. Just keep nursing through it and messaging your breats when you nurse even once it passes.
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