How to properly change a girls diaper?

Childcare Worker here :raising_hand_woman:t3: you literally just do the best you can :sweat_smile: obviously with explosive poops :poop: it does get all up in there & can cause infection. Always wipe from top to bottom in a downward motion. Yes, you will have to ā€œget in thereā€ sometimes to properly clean the feces to eliminate the chances of infection as much as possible. But clearly they will more than likely experience infection at times, because there truly is no way too :100: avoid poop going there :upside_down_face:

Wipe down not up I got 4 girls ages 15 yrs to 3 yrs

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When I were young @19n had my first born a girl I were doing it all wrong n she would getting infections the baby doc gave a class how to clean n it work clean all crease very gentle in time u will learn I did do not b agreed to ask how to clean a baby girl r baby boy their Lil penis need to b clean also

Iā€™m a boy mom to 2ā€¦ and Iā€™ve always wondered this too. What do you do if it gets inside their private parts? I would simply pass awayā€¦


Wipe front to back
Nappies for girls is basically the same for boys

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You might go through a half pack of wipes but you need to separate all the folds and wrinkles and wipe from the front of her body towards the back of her body. If itā€™s a 3 alarm situationā€¦ā€¦ bathtub.


Away from the cooter cat

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Front to back just be gentle youā€™ll figure it out as you go

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After 3 daughters and a few granddaughters, I am still uncomfortable with the blowouts bc you have to peel back every fold,get into every crevice,etcā€¦
If itā€™s extremely bad, a "rinse off " definitely helps. Just like with little boys,you have to move skin around.


Wipe how youā€™re supposed to wipe yourself. Front to back. Also, make sure to get in the lips. Poop can hide in there, because girls have more fat there.

Clean inside all the lady parts.

I have 3 girls, I honestly wouldnā€™t know what to do with a boy. Wipe front to back and make sure you get all the crevices, and she is clean. The sides of her vagina and her hinny hole. Same as a boy I think but just make sure she is clean and nothing left. Itā€™s okay to use 35 wipes as long as she is clean, we donā€™t want infections.

The thick part goes in the back for girls and front for boys, cloth diapers. Disposables only go on one way for both.

If it gets messy in the front I like to use a warm cloth instead of a wipe, you just gently seperate and wipe from the middle outward like a gentle flick, the only thing I could compare it too is the technique U use to brush a horse :rofl::rofl:

Girls have them too :joy: real bad. Clean all the crevices and folds. Hold ankles up, wipe her bottom going the direction away from the vagina, then new wipe and clean vagina going opposite way.

This could be the dad asking. He could be nervous because of the baby being a girl.

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I had the exact same concern and questions when i found out my 2nd was a girl!! You go through so many more wet wipes with a girl!!!:tired_face::joy: poos are a lot more challenging to clean up, especially when youā€™ve got a wriggler of a child, but the only thing to remember is to always wipe front to back and make sure you get into every crease and fold! It made me feel uncomfortable at first bc I didnā€™t know if I was hurting her, but you soon get to grips with it! If itā€™s too hard to get all of the mess, just pop them in the bathā€¦ simplest solutionā€‹:joy:


Front to back. But blow outs, I would just take to shower and clean up baby. Much easier and faster.

Same way you would clean yourself if you had feces on you.


Front to back and donā€™t be afraid to get in there as otherwise you risk UTI and infections

If it is a blow out Pooh and diaper, you might want to bathe her. I agree: blow outs go everywhere. Just let her dry before putting the new diaper on.

The same as you do yourself

You are a beautiful mammy Evie Rose, love you. XOXO