How to put baby on a sleep schedule?

My son is 10 weeks old and I’m having some issues with his sleep pattern. He will be up all day and night taking 5 minute naps here and there but he’s so tired and fussy, and then he will crash and sleep for a whole day and night only waking to eat. This is very difficult for me and my husband because I leave for work at 7am, he’s home with the baby, I get home at 2pm, he leaves at 3pm for work, gets home around 11pm and I need to get to sleep at this time to get up for work but it’s impossible to get any sleep cuz he’s so fussy and my husband needs help with him. Idk what to do. I try putting him down for naps when he is awake and he will sleep 5 minutes and wake up. I have tried Swaddling him not swaddling him putting him on his back his side his stomach I have tried letting him sleep in his swing his bouncer his bassinet I have tried Tylenol gas drops I have tried everything and I just don’t know what to do. Help me. He’s literally staying awake 24 hours with five minute naps throughout that period. Then crashing and sleeping for 24 hours just waking up to eat. I’m exhausted and it’s taking a tole on my mental health.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to put baby on a sleep schedule?

Don’t even try. Too young. You’ll make yourself crazy. He may have reflux and need meds or special formula.


There is still a while yet before they sleep for longer stretches…best advice…see if a relative could maybe watch baby a few hours so you and hubby could sleep.


That’s what I was going to say, recruit some help until baby is older if you can


Will be not sleep if you take him out in the buggy? Once he is asleep push it into your house then you can get some rest too. Also try white noise and put your phone close to him. Sends my daughter straight to sleep, she’s 12 weeks


Oh mama! I’m so sorry you’re feeling the strain of life with a newborn. At this age, they eat, sleep, and poo… in their time. As they grow a little more, their circadian rhythm adjusts and they sleep longer. Sleep when baby sleeps. If no-one is around to help maybe taking shifts between sleeps until baby gets the groove of things.

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Agree with the above but also make sure you have a set bedtime routine as well. Like bath, bottle, bed or whatever you wanna do. Also we make sure it’s ad dark as possible for naps and at night, besides a night light. White noise helps as well. And I know it’s hard but try not to let baby sleep longer than like 2 hours at a time for naps on the days he sleeps all day…


I would suggest calling the pediatrician. Baby is too young for a sleep schedule. Obviously something is going on with baby for him to be awake 24 hrs with 5 min naps here and there, he may have colic, reflux, gas, milk protein allergy, etc… there are a lot of things that could be causing him to be fussy and not sleep, so the pediatrician would know best.


I’d definitely reach out to a friend or relative so you can get some uninterrupted sleep. Baby right now is too little for a “schedule” per se. As far as when feedings are could help. We always did about every 4 hours, or if baby was hungry sooner within reason. Baby needs a feeding schedule to help with a sleep schedule.


Katie Carachelo Williams

You don’t. He’ll eventually work to his own.


When he crashes out on the days he sleeps a lot, I would feed him when he wakes up and then try to interact with him a bit so he stays awake for a lil longer. On the days he’s on the go, give him a warm bath and a warm bottle. Put him in a darker room and let him fall asleep with maybe some piano music. If he cries for you but has already eaten and been changed, use a shirt you’ve already worn and let him lay on it so he smells you. That may comfort him enough for him to go to sleep for a bit.


I had a hard time with my daughter and finally gave in and co slept. I know it’s not good advice for everyone but it worked for me and my husband would set up alarms for checking on us and waking me up to feed her. It helped so much within a few weeks she was sleeping through the night. Some babies just love to be close to you.


Sounds weird but bath him with lettuce!! Worked wonders for my baby

He’s 10 WEEKS old! He needs to be held and cared for, not fed drugs to make him sleep.


This too, shall pass

You need to create a routine for conversation with the baby and entertainment that doesn’t over stimulate.

A sleep schedule? That young. Well maybe the baby isn’t ready is there a grandparent sister friend that can give you a nap during the day? My daughter in law would come get in my bed and I would take care of him while she rested the first six months.
He was a gassy baby and he needed rocked and so I did. Many people older than you have a grandparent program maybe you could look into it. Reach out like you did here and let people know maybe you went back to work a little early but with the economy bI cannot blame you. If I was close I would help you.
Grandma of 11


Give up hunni
At 10 wks old you’ve got no hope

Babies that young sleep when they want to
Not when you want them to
Every new mom goes through
Lack of sleep and walk around
Same as most babies feed on demand
with tooth picks in our eyes for the first 12 months

I’m guessing this is your first child ?

Please don’t drug your baby so you can sleep through the night


I have a 4 month old and to get her on a semi schedule I had her do tummy time before I got ready for bed or planned to do chores around the house. The goal would be 10 mins but if she got upset beforehand I would get down on the floor and talk/sing/play to calm her but if she continued to be upset tummy time is over for us. It worked well for us (still does lol). Also, I’ve seen where some moms wake their baby after 2-3 hours during the day to play and have awake time to help set a schedule. Every baby is different and if they seem to need the sleep, they could be growing or fighting a small virus and need the extra rest. Start slow and keep at it. Good luck momma

Ive got 8 children. 10 weeks is too young for a sleep pattern. One of my babies slept and only woke every 2 hours to feed and I thought there was something wrong with her . Lol. I would pat my babies to sleep and then rest a small wheat bag on their belly . It’s applied just enough weight that it felt like my hand was still on them. Was like magic. …


Both my boys NEVER slept! Up every hour. I would cat nap holding them cause they screamed the entire time ! Never did I ever think to drug them with Tylenol and gas drops. He’s only 10 weeks my god. No such thing as a schedule for a newborn. You do not have control. Get counseling if you have postpartum. I did it with no help from the father I knew he wouldn’t be there going in. Accepted it, no family worked 2 jobs and went to school full time. With a baby that did not sleep.

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Five minute naps? If the baby cries after that five minutes are you immediately picking him or her up. My children are adults now but when they were babies their pediatrician told me to let them cry up to 20 minutes before picking them up. Overtime your baby will learn to soothe himself or herself back to sleep. The baby is awful young now and at that age, there is no such thing as a sleep schedule. Good luck!


Keep him awake all afternoon no matter how hard it is. When you decide it’s bedtime. Give him a long relaxing bath. Then give him a massage and rundown with some great lotion. Diaper him, put his pjs on him and put him in a high chair. Feed him yummy warm oatmeal with a bit of milk and brown sugar. Then take into a dark room with a nice warm bottle of infant formula and Rick him closely. May want to swaddle. We always called this the triple whammy” and it works wonders. They get so relaxed, full and sleepy.


He is probably colicky…but either way this is what babies do…they eat, sleep, cry and soil their diapers all day and night…I have 4 kids and I can tell you a 10 week old baby is not going to have a schedule…that baby should be eating every 2-3 hours…maybe you should take some time off work if that works for you…I know it can be hard with only one income but a baby is a lot of work


Have you tried adjusting room temperature/ lighting ?

My oldest can sleep thru anything

But my youngest son like a cold room with fan on and a blanket.

I know 10 months is too young for a blanket(for some parents, not all-not here for that debate)

But maybe try adjusting room temperature and lighting and white noise.

Or maybe he is colicky.

10 weeks! 10 weeks!! What is wrong with you people that you think a NEWBORN baby is going to be on any sort of sleep schedule?!


Is there a way for you all to cuddle him the whole time he’s asleep? I’ve always seen it as this, we are animals, and as animals we naturally want the protection of our mothers when we are babies, especially in our most vulnerable state, sleep. Maybe if he was cuddle up to you all he could sleep better. Most countries practice cosleeping, even if America doesn’t lol. My 2 year old sleeps better in bed with me. When this new one pops out, it’ll probably sleep on me every chance I’m awake and have at least an arm to cling to when I’m asleep :woman_shrugging:t2:. To each their own though.


Okay this is so random but are you breast feeding? My cousin had her baby on formula and turns out he was allergic to a lot of the formulas they were giving him. He would just cry and cry and they just thought he was terrible at sleeping. Maybe ask his pediatrician? But I do know having them on a sleeping schedule is nearly impossible, but it’s definitely doable I’ve heard from other moms. I hope you find some answers!!:heart::heart:

Good luck😂 you can’t put a baby on a sleep schedule…

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Keep room area well lit during day n dark at night newborn need you at this young of age
My kiddos were every 2hrs up as newborns.

At 10 weeks, you and baby are in the 4th trimester. Baby doesn’t yet understand that he/she exists separate from you.
Maybe find a way to place a shirt with your smell on it near by when baby is sleeping.
Also, talk to the Dr as baby may have a milk allergy.
Some babies just aren’t good sleepers.
Usually getting into a routine will help, but not always possible.


10 weeks is too early to sleep train. Unfortunately newborns wake frequently.


I didn’t sleep for the first three years apparently…mine only slept during the day and not at all at night at that age. Hopefully it will settle down but it’s still early days.

You don’t, you work with their schedule. You shouldn’t be giving a 10 week old Tylenol either! :flushed: this is what we sign up for when having children I thought!?! I have a 2.5wk old and she’s my boss.


He is so young still. He isn’t capable of self soothing at this age so don’t follow the cry it out method. Also, he is way too young to add any kind of food to his milk. There is research that says babies are most fussy from 2 weeks to 3 to 4 months. Check this website out here to get more information.

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This sounds like how my oldest daughter was and she had a milk allergy. We switched to nutramigen over breast milk and other formula … she got so much better. We still had some sleep issues but nothing like before the change.

You don’t. You follow your baby’s schedule and work around them, not the other way around. Unfortunately not all babies sleep through. Ours was sleeping through by about 10 weeks, completely dark room, no night light, black out curtains. And naps during the day were when you make the most noise, keeping the house active so they don’t get confused with day and night. It’s what we signed up for, kids aren’t a walk in the park!


Try to get a bedtime routine going the best you can same time every night bath, read, lay with them at the same time everyday day sleep next to them if you have to, do what you need to do…And during the day feed them and let them nap when they want but live your day to day make noise watch TV whatever so they know the diff between night and day… Good luck it’ll get better stay strong

Its normal for baby’s to be like this. Can you take a vacation from work ?

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I rarely ever put my almost 3 month old “down for naps”. I hold him when he naps during the day. Good for baby and you with bonding


a 10 week old pretty much sets their own schedule


My son is 7 weeks. When he gets over tired I either let him cry for a bit or go for a drive depending on how exhausted I am. If they are in a crib or bassinet on their back let them cry for 5 minutes or so. Don’t pick them up, don’t go over and check. Within a few minutes they should fall asleep.

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I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your baby l have 3 grown up sons and l know what sleepless nights are like with my second son l put him in one of those carriers that you strap to your front so as he feels close to you and not alone so l could get on with stuff and then he would fall asleep enough to be put to bed :sleeping_bed: my third son was worse he would not stop crying when I put him down when I came home from the hospital with him l had to sleep downstairs for them first few weeks so the red of the family got some sleep in the end l had have him in bed with me l know that’s not ideal but it was the only way that I got any sleep :sleeping: you can buy these sort of cots that attach to the side of the bed l didn’t have one of these as they wasn’t available over 22 years ago but maybe you could try it or what about your mum maybe she could help out for a few days to give you a break l hope this advice helps and l wish you all the best with your baby :two_hearts::heart_eyes:

Best advice my Grammy (single mother of 4) gave me was “Sleep when the baby sleeps.”

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10 weeks is still a lil young to start sleep training… but I would recommend starting a nightime routine… we do bath, bottle and bed… start installing that routine into the day at the same time everyday!! Also sleep sacs are great I see you’ve tried one maybe get a different style?? We also use a sound machine…


Gas drops always made my babies worse BTW I know this isn’t the same for every baby but just something I noticed with mine… bicycles and belly massages always gave us a better outcome!!

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Congratulations…you have a baby

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Are u breastfeeding/pumping? Or is bub on formula? Does bub seem happy and content or crying and irritable? There could be a number of factors contributing and I’ll happily help if u want to send me a DM. Babies are all different but a baby that doesn’t sleep well indicates a problem. Could be something small but your baby is still very new so sleep is an important part of growth and development.
A schedule is not something u should aim for tho, sleep for baby and yourself is important bit not a schedule

Go to your dr. They should be able to help you address this, he may have colic

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Try wearing a carrier? Get a good cosy one like a tula if you can, my babe slept pretty soundly in his enough that I got really good at putting him down for naps from the carrier to bed.
Neither of my boys slept through the night until well after thier first year. It’s so hard where you don’t have a long maternity period to deal with this young age…
Your babe is developing mentally in leaps and bounds, he is not neurologically hardwired to a sleep schedule at this point but it will come…
Your Hubby and you may need to find a way to provide each other much needed rest…
I wish there was a magic answer, but there isn’t… stay strong, stay patient… seek external help of some kind as you can already recognize your mentality declining… :heartbeat:

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Buy a white noise machine, can get them for around 20-25 bucks and they are well worth it. Also start doing a nightly bedtime routine (bath, story, bottle, etc)


Have you tired do the Baby burping method where you sit them in between your legs sitting up and then rotate little cycle to try and get extra air out ps does baby sleep better elevated in your chest or laying down flat if elevated could be colic

Sorry to say this but new borns don’t sleep on a schedule that young I know it’s tiring but they just don’t yet,I’d say about 6 months old all mine Started to be on a somewhat of a set schedule good luck


Call your pediatrician


Ask your pediatrician you are getting alot of bad advise. Please don’t think a ten week of can self soothe and please don’t give your baby oatmeal and whatever other thinks that were said. Ask your pediatrician! Not a Facebook group.


He’s 10 weeks . Still a damn newborn they normally do sleep all day and only wake for feedings . You’ll never really get a sleep study down untill they are about 2 mines are 7 and 8 and 1 yrs old in order to get some rest u gotta sleep when baby sleeps because hours of babies sleep are so different

My 10 week old is the same expect awake all day and sleep all night now since I started sleep training worked wonders for me I don’t mind him being awake all day fussy with 5 min naps so much now

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I must be lucky. I’ve never had a problem getting my boys to sleep as babies.


I feel you…getting them on a schedule was one of the hardest things.

He may have colic! Prayers for you :pray: you might have to change milk,ask his doctor first!

10 weeks is way too little to adjust to your schedule. Baby just spent months in the dark at a constant temp with regular noise and now baby is in an entire new situation in every way. Don’t mess with food additives or anything it’s going to be getting babies needs taken care of for awhile and once baby is ok and older you will get longer stretches of sleep. It’s not going to be hours long rest times for awhile yet and that’s normal. If your stressed out baby will be stressed out and neither of you will be ok or happy. Gas drops won’t work that little usually try kicking legs or bicycle legs where you move baby legs like riding a bike if you legit think he’s gassy. Make sure you burp after feeding try different ways to burp too to get loud belches. Baby may just want to snuggle with you for a bit. Hang in there Momma. If you have family or anyone who can visit for a day you and hubby may need a day of sleep so you can catch up on rest. This won’t last forever so hang in there.


10 weeks is too small to force them on a sleep schedule. Baby’s this old usually won’t sleep unless they’re completely content . Something is wrong with this child if they are staying up for 24/hrs and they are probably pretty uncomfortable because of it . You’re just gonna have to adjust yourself to his schedule and get him in to see the doctor. He’s not going to take hours long naps. Gas drops usually don’t work on tummies that little and you can NOT give your baby Tylenol to put them to sleep.


Babies don’t develop a circadian rhythm until around 4 months. You and your husband are on babies time right now. He’s not on yours. Do not give a baby Tylenol just to see if they sleep. :woman_facepalming:t2: he is to young to cry it out or sleep train.


I would talk to your pediatrician. Try making a routine with him and sticking to it also. If your pumping to breastfeed it could be something your taking (like a medication) or eating


You can’t get a 10 week old infant on a schedule :roll_eyes: jesus

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Welcome to having a baby. It’ll pass, you just gotta get through it till it does.


At 6 weeks my daughter was the same. I tried breastfeeding but she never got enough. Dr. Changed to a formula which caused vomiting, switched to a soy formula which helped. Still not sleeping more than half hour when my mother added a small amount of rice cereal to formula a d she slept for 4 hours! Improved from there. She was hungry. She is a mother now and did the same with her son.

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I’d advise to sleep train at the reasonable age, 8 months is ideal. But as of now, you have a new born. Enjoy it as much as you can, it goes fast


This is absolutely a normal variant in newborn behavior. This is why we need better parental leave in America.


You have a brand new baby. Sorry love, it’ll be a bit before a sleep schedule even comes into sight.


What are ‘gas drops’? :pleading_face::thinking: Also, please don’t put babies on tummy to sleep, it increases the risk of cot death. 10weeks too young for schedule. See paediatrician, and get some more help if you can.

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That’s what infants do…

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My son did this for weeks as a newborn. He just grew out of it after a couple months.

It is hard to get them on a sleep schedule at that age, but something that helped me with my kids and now grandkids was a nice warm bath and lotion with Johnson and Johnson lavender, then a slightly warm bottle with a dim light swaddled and slowly rocking


Talk to pediatrician

10 week old baby getting tylenol because he wont sleep? News flash 10 week old babies DONT SLEEP. Suck it up and stop drugging your kid. :grimacing:

Bathe him, feed him, put him to bed. Let him fuss awhile. He will go to sleep on his own.

I would definitely say reach out to the doctor. He could have an allergy, colic, etc. And they may be able to point you in the right direction. A 10 week old should not be up for 24 hours only sleeping little 5 minute naps, and then crashing, so to me it sounds like something may not be right. It could be as simple as a formula switch. Good luck, I’m nervous for this part when my time comes! (I have 2 other kids, but the newborn-no-sleep phase sucks!)

In the meantime, please reach out to someone you trust to watch the baby so you and hubs can get some rest. You deserve it.


Lmfao, um, welcome to having a 10 week old baby? I don’t know what to tell you, other than, …start getting used to it. You really should have known this was going to happen. Everyone knows when you have babies, especially new borns, yes you have a new born, they will not sleep. You literally can’t do anything about it, until you just keep trying to do the same routine everyday and they get used to it. It will eventually happen, probably not for another 2 months at least.


Routine is important. Give a warm bath at the same time each night and put him in Jammie’s. Rock him and feed him. Let him down. It will take a bit, but he will understand that this routine means sleep.

I would also talk to his doctor. That’s too long for a baby to be awake with no real sleep.

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Routine is crucial, but, both of my kids got on a sleep routine until they were two, and I was very vigilant about a routine, neither one slept through the night. For a new, first time mom, it’s very hard, when the doctor tells you they will sleep through the night at around 6 weeks, and they absolutely don’t. One thing that concerns me, is you state your baby is sleeping 24 hours at a time. You might want to check with your Pediatrician on that one. They usually wake up to be fed and changed. Just throwing it out there.

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Here’s what I did at around 2/3 months old. Started the day at 8am and opened all curtains around the house and I did my home life thing. I then closed them at naptime from 12-3 and had quiet time, opened curtains again from 3-7pm and bath time routine started at 6. At night, everything stayed dim, dark, quiet and calm, no loud noises and no bright lights if we got up for diaper or feeding. When we were breast feeding I would feed as soon as they woke up. I NEVER woke my kid to feed if they were sleeping, I would pump if it hurt. If they get hungry, they will wake up.
They have been sleeping pretty much all night since about 8-10 months old. As a toddler they would easily sleep from 7pm until 8am. I would wake up and sit around waiting for them to wake up. Now at 7.5 they’re up at the buttcrack of dawn on weekends and can’t get out of bed on school days. LOL

You don’t. Baby’s sleep when they need to sleep. It’s not healthy to try and put them on a sleep schedule