How to relieve constipation in babies?

Hey Mommas
my baby is 4 months old and is on day 2 off being constipated and is crying cuz his belly hurts I have tried different things that was recommend but would like to hear what yall have tried and has worked
P.S I have talked to the dr


Gripe water, juice, rub their belly left to right, do bicycles with them


Please dont give the baby juice. I recommend colic care it’s the best brand of gripe water we’ve tried

Juice, bicycle kicks with his legs, or rub his belly

My daughter is the same age and we’re having the same issue. My pediatrician recommended 1/4 tsp light corn syrup added to one bottle a day. Sure enough after 2 days she got it all out. It’s been working and now we’ve dropped it to every other day


About half a teaspoonthout hurting her tummy

Gripe water, warm bath it relax the belly, bicycle kicks

Have you thought about changing formula?
If that’s what your feeding with
When I switched from breast milk to formula my doctor put us on emfamil reguline, because they tend to get backed when they switch and that specific formula helps with constipation.

Karo syrup mixed in their milk

Of aloe vera juice sorry

My doctor told me to give my son 1 ounce of water cause he used to get very constipated and that worked for me :woman_shrugging: after I gave him water I’d do some bicycle legs and have some tummy time and then next thing I know I’m smelling something funky

Gripe water, baby massage, moving/rotating his legs. Prunes and some juice depending on age and pediatrician’s advice.

My pediatrician recommended DILUTED apple juice and it did the trick.

Restoralax helps alot

Feeding specialist told me give a baby fruit that starts with a p

Prune juice, a warm bath to relax and then cuddles with your breast placed on the mid to lower abdomen while rubbing his back with a bit of pressure in a downward motion. < this is how I got both of my boys to go.

If you have tried everythinf get glysorin suppositories and cut in half long ways. That is the ONLY thing that works for my son. Or if you are doing soilds give baby some prunes or pears those seem to work.

Metamucil for infants ask pharmacists

At that age it’s probably gas, but when my daughter was constipated we used Karo syrup and water.

Massage his stomach and try some prune juice

2 Oz of apple juice always did the trick for my little guy

An ounce or so of water and a splash of 100% apple juice worked for us :woman_shrugging:t2:

Take a thermometer, put petroleum jelly on it and carefully put it into his anus. I did this with my grandson and it worked

They make a prune concentrate for babies you mix into their milk. Worked for my son. Also warm bath with belly massage.

Or if it gets worse and juice doesn’t work baby laxatives :upside_down_face: it’s not fun and baby will hate it but it really works

4 ounces of water 3to4 tablespoons sugar guarantee it works

If you want to try stage 1 prunes baby food that work for my son

Put a little bit of soap up his but. Like a little shaving of it. Or a thermometer with patrolium jelly. Also taking a Luke warm bath, massaging his belly and holding his knees to his chest will help him poop

Take a cue tip for a little bit of Vaseline on the end put it right just right inside the rectum and they will go within an hour he said that I was told that guy in nurse at the hospital because I am a foster mom and I have a 7 week old that is constipated and it works

Little teeny tiny drop of molasses in his bottle. Works so well

Have u tried Caro syrup in warm milk or juice

Or get a qtip, lube it up, put it right up his butt. Doesnt need to be far. But makes them poop. My son alwwaayyyssss got constipated.

Please don’t use petroleum jelly. Just look at the name of it. It’s not healthy

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2 oz of white grape juice. Works wonders!

Baby suppositories. Work like magic. Immediately have a bowel movement. Our daughter had issues with constipation. We used Miralax once a week for months until she was regular.

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It’s normal for a formula fed baby to go 5 days and even longer if breast fed.

He might need a gentle formula. This used to happen with my youngest. He would have poops so hard I’d have to help pull them out or put lube on his butthole to help it come out. With mine it was definitely the formula. They make nice little glycerine enemas too, they’re made just for babies.

Caro Syrup mixed in with the bottle, about 1 Tbs.

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I mean, technically 2 days isn’t considered constipated at that age, but if you’re concerned you can give up to 2 oz of pear, apple, or prune juice undiluted. I wouldn’t recommend the whole 2 oz at once, though. Start with a single ounce. That’s what my pediatrician told me for my son.

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Rub above his butt and if that dont give him a warm bath only submerge his bitt or try rubing his tummy

Glycerin suppositories work fast! Be ready! :joy:

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Baby massage and regular gripe water, baby massage tutorials on YouTube for constipation are fab

Children’s suppositories. Only need a small piece of one, just make sure you hold your finger there for a few seconds to make sure they dont push it back out

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Little bit of prune juice mixed with water

Karo Syrup…Glycerin Supposetories…


I gave 1 oz baby apple juice and 2 oz water once a day for my son as he had almost constant constipation as an infant

Karo syrup mixed in the bottle, has to be the dark kind for some reason

Could be gas. Try gas drops and gripe water.

Give a teaspoon through a syringe of olive oil. It won’t bloat him full of painful gas and make his tummy hurt more. It will soften and smooth the sharper dry edges which is maybe why he’s not wanting to go because it hurts. Suppositories are BAD and you can become very dependent on them. Rubbing his tummy in a counterclockwise circle can help get things moving and also bicycle’ing his legs that will help move trapped gases. Try changing your diet if you are bf or try a gentle formula or even a lactose free which is what both my babies digested with ease even though not lactose intolerant. Best of luck and hang in there. I know it’s tough watching your baby in pain of any kind.

Def glycerin suppository Walmart sells them for about 5 bucks or try a thermometer up the butt


Corn syrup mixed in milk bottle

Rub his belly in a downward motion with lotion then take a sterile baby thermometer with Vaseline and do small circular motions in his bottom. Do not put the entire thermometer in just the end of it. Worked wonders for my son when he first born .

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Myralax. Not sure if I spelled it right. It’s a powder that goes in drinks. I give it to my son when gets constipated.


Just talked to my doctor about this today. 1 oz prune juice mixed with 1 oz water.

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Glycerin suppository. The liquid kind work better than the chips. My son’s GI said they’re safe to use weekly - they don’t cause dependence.

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Or knees to chest in general

A nicu doctor told me to use 1 oz of pear juice

Mylacon drops or glycerin suppositories because he is so little. The big one would be a baby eniema. i would not use Miralax yet because he’s too little.

Please dont give ur baby corn syrup, its so bad for their bellys. 2 days isnt considered constipation… but at 4mos you can give an ounce or two of prune or pear juice. Theres also a product you can buy thats basically concentrated prune juice that gets things going full force too.

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I’m having this problem also! My doc told me to give him 2 oz of prune juice but I thought that was a lot so we did 1oz and a warm bath :crossed_fingers:t2:

Chiropractor ! In the mean time a warm bath

My son always was plugged up
And It seemed like nothing was working and I would cry because I felt like the worst mommy ever and I was at the Walgreens and this mommy next to me recommend this because she seen me crying comforting my son as he was trying to poop
And omg I’ll never try anything else again
These were lubricated with jelly so it don’t hurt going in and it was the perfect amount
My son is one now and has a healthy bowel movement

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I second the massaging belly w baby oil or lotion…stimulating LOs bummyhole a little w vaseline and the thermometer…and having your LO doing bicycle kicks or can just rock LO on your lap forward and back. If LO doesn’t go right then, the next feeding will trigger it after that’s done. If still nothing, a little baby gas drops will do the trick or prune juice/baby jarred prunes

Apple juice and a warm bath worked every time with mine

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My daughter got like this frequently as a baby. 1) You could use some peppermint oil on her feet (weird, but it works - your feet have the largest pores of your body so it absorbs the fastest). The oil will help soothe her tummy. If you dont have any, you can dissolve one of those peppermint candies in a small amount of water and let her sip it to get the peppermint into her system. You could also try a little prune juice.

My Dr had me do Karol syrup a half teaspoon i believe this was like 5 months ago i only had to do it once she went that day but don’t over do it…the first ped we ever had recommend prune juice but the white karo syrup worked for sure

I found out quickly. Her peaches gave her diarrhea . so I never gave them to her except when she was constipated.

Belly massage. And you have to push deeper than you might want to. The pediatrician palpated my sons abdomen and said he was impacted even though he pooped every day. He said there was ALOT in there. Once he did that we came home and the amount of stool that came out of this child for days was astonishing. So that’s what I’ve done.

We switched our daughter to enfamil prosobee (soy) formula and it relieved her within 2-3 days because she had to readjust to the difference, but that was the only issue

Small amount of brown sugar and water!! Worked well with my 4

Kid liquid Suppository

Definitely a belly massage

Gripe water And glycerin suppository

I do the bicycle , you take the baby’s legs and gently rotate them as if he’s riding a bicycle. Gently push his knees to his tummy and he will pass wind which will help him with his other problem. Works every time!

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Boiled water cooled down with a touch of lemon juice just a tiny drop.

Usually taking a rectal temp will cause them to have a bm.

Are you sure? If baby is 4 months old and not eating solids it’s unlikely that he is constipated.

It’s not uncommon for infants not eating solid food get to go days without a BM. 6 days for formula fed, up to 10 days for breastfed. After that you can start to worry