How to relieve infant teething pain?

How do you know if your infant is teething? My son is almost 3 months. He’s been having some drooling and chewing somewhat on his hand. And, any things to help with his teething? Thank you.

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Warm or cool damp wash cloth. Noticed one that was damp put in the freezer a bit helped soothe mine a good bit

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I froze melon til it was solid and let my baby go to town on it while it was in a fruit net …as well as boiling fennel seed and rubbing it on her gums…it has a numbing sensation and doesnt taste like oragel

My son started doing that at 2 months and didn’t get his first tooth til 8 months.

Wet wash cloth. I let my daughter chew on frozen fruit but everyone freaked out about it. If he can hold things a toothbrush worked miracles. And now she loves to brush her teeth.

That sounds like teething. Try a frozen wash cloth. They have the net binkies that you can out frozen fruit in that he can knaw on. Tylenol n Motrin for the pain