I think my 3 month old is teething. He’s chewing on everything, drooling a crap ton. Am I right is he teething? If so what can i get that’s safe?
Yeah when they drool an put fingers to there mouth it’s a sign of teething usually.well at least in the 3 kids I have.i use to give my kids frozen waffles when they were able to eat solids.i used a teething ring can usually purchase at dollar tree,dollargeneral Walmart etc.they also make baby oragel for those really cranky nights.i let my kids chew on the plastic popsicles (dont open just give) an then when it thawed I would put in a bag an refreeze.Hope this helps in you have any questions feel free to pm me.
Not at three months, but around 6-8 months all three of my little ones enjoyed frozen waffles for teething. Best. Idea. Ever.
Sounds like teething. Talk to your pediatrician about any medicines but rubbing their gums with a wet baby wash cloth makes their gums feel better and also you can get a mesh baby feeder and put frozen formula or breast milk in and let them chew on it .
I have a 4 month old who’s teething…I put wet facecloths in the freezer…and teethers in fridge. He seems to be ok w those things. I’ve done this w all 3 of my kids.
Yes he’s more than likely teething, get a teething ring and keep it in the freezer…the coldness feels good on there gums…
My 3.5 month old and her buttom tooth is just under the skin and she’s been teething for like a month now. Usually I give Tylenol if she needs it but so far she doesn’t need it that much. Luckily it seems not to phase her too much
Nothing OTC until baby is 6 months. You can ask your dr about Tylenol and what dose to give him for his age, height and weight. Teether toys and freeze toys are a lifesaver. I bought a teething tube from teethingtubes.com and I have 15 products from teethingegg.com (out of everything, my son loves the molar magician by teething egg , and his orange teething tube the most!)
I seriously swear by the molar magician. Even if he won’t take to it now, hold onto it because he will , my son is almost one, he loved them when he was a baby , but now he has an obsession with them .
Teething tubes are the best for smaller hands though
Remember just because they are teething doesn’t mean that a tooth is coming through yet. My son was teething as soon as he was born, it shocked everyone, he was always chewing everything. And he just got his first tooth at 11 months. However my daughter had a tooth pop through at 2 months and had all her teeth at a year old. All baby’s are different
Teething toys, my son loved to chew on his toes got him one of these, they also have mittens and teething bibs.
I gave my son a banana teething tooth brush. It helped so much and he likes brushing his teeth as a 2 year old now