How to relieve teething pain?

The excessive salivating make them congested and sometimes causes ear infection. It sounds like an ear infection to me.

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Camilia Teething Relief! :tada:

Check this out on Amazon
Boiron Camilia, Doses, Homeopathic Medicine for Teething Relief Natural - 30 Count

Freeze a mango seed and let him chew on it

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Teething tablets were a life saver!

Look for the teething tablets they worked well with mine

Get a mr. freeze frozen and let him chew on it it freeze his gum and the tooth comes through and he doesn’t feel it best thing ever

Beef jerky(not sticks) never once had a crying teething baby and I had twin baby boys.

I give my little guy frozen fruit put it in the silicone baby food holder and it really helps him and he gets a treat. It’s the only thing that stops him from crying

Freeze a spoon, hold your child and let them hold the spoon as they put it in their mouth apply a little pressure and rub it on the gums. They will like the coldness and it will help the teeth cut thru.

Some people might not like this comment but my grandma would rub whiskey on the gums.


Dip your pinky in whiskey and rub it on the gums, vanilla works the same, frozen wash cloths, frozen fruit, cold teethers, Orajel or teething tabs and alternate Tylenol/Motrin.


Tylenol, teething rings.

And the most 80s advice ever. Dip your finger in Whiskey. Rub it on their gums. It’s frowned upon these days but it works! And they don’t get drunk I promise lol

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put a little bit of the purple orajel on his gums

Get some 100% pure vanilla! NOT IMITATION. The alcohol in it will numb the gums and it tastes better than Oragel ( Oragel hardens the gums= teething hurts worse.)

Welcome to parenthood and you thought labor was the hard part…the party is just getting started but i promise you its worth it because before you know they are grown and gone and you will only have your memories…

Amber teething necklace from Hazelaid!!! Seriously!! Get the “super butter” if they have it, it’s the strongest. Both of my kids had them and they are wonderful. My two year old still wears his. Get the pop clasp style so you don’t have to worry about it getting caught on anything. Camilia teething drops and arnica tablets are also great. Frozen blueberries or little homemade frozen popsicles would also be nice for him!

Melba toast basically it’s burnt toast

We give our little one teething tablets (hylands) two tablets every fifteen minutes for an hour! It works wonders!!!

I used a cold wash cloth over my finger and rubbed/scratched back and forth over their gums gently to get the teeth to cut thru. doctors do something similar but they’re more rough in my opinion. Ice pops or nugget ice worked amazing during the day too! My daughter used to sit in her high chair eating ice all day when she was teething.

Teething tablets an Tylenol.
I have an in home daycare an that’s what the parents brings for their little ones an they help out a lot.