How to relieve teething pain?

I have a question…
My daughter is almost 3 months old. She got her first two teeth coming in already. What did any of you guys use on a baby that small for teething. She can’t graps the big ring teethers yet and drops them on the floor. If I hold it for her on her mouth she cries and screams like she’s being murdered. We do have an appointment coming up in the next 2 weeks. Any advice would help. Thank you in advance.


I just use Panadol and lots of cuddles

Do you breastfeed? I made breastmilk popsicles for my boys! You can try baby oragel.

Teething tablets or baby orajel I use both for my little one and they work wonders

Are you sure they are coming in?

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Advil and cold teething rings, my little guy got two teeth before he was 3 months too, so I had to hold it for him. I use to let him bite on carrots to, he loved it.

Cold, wet wash cloths. My son loves them when he was that young


I am so following this! My boy is almost 4 months and is teething. He refuses a pacifier, any teething toys, anything cool/cold… basically anything that could help, so I feel your pain :frowning:

There is a baby orajel (i found it at walgreens) that’s for 3+ months and walmart has a baby soothing gel for teething u can get

Use a cold wash cloth…at 2 months my daughter started teething (as I did). Wet/Cold wash cloths worked amazing.

I used Baby Orajel and my son has perfect healthy strong teeth

We would get a wash rag wet and put it in the freezer. Once it’s cold, you can let baby hold it up to her mouth. Kind of mouthing/sucking on it seemed to help my LO.

A wet rag that i freeze rap around my finger and let them go crazy on my knuckle

Do not use orajel it’s not safe for babies and can cause abnormal breathing. A wash rag dipped in water and frozen rubbed on baby’s gums works well. Also frozen breastmilk or formula popsicles


We just put a glove on our hand and let my son gum on our fingers… 🤷

A frozen wet wash cloth


Popsicles. I have a popsicle tray and usually just make “ice on a stick” for my almost 10 month old. Lol. Sometimes I’ll do koolaid popsicles for him. But those are more of a treat.

Cold wet rags… can even put em in the freezer for a few minutes

Rub your finger over the teething spot. Or use a paci

Do not use orajel. Use a cold wash cloth. You can even put it in the freezer for a few mins so it’s nice and cold but not frozen.


Put drops of Tylenol on you’re cleaned finger and rub it directly where the tooth is coming in. It’s Instant relief and you’re not over doing it on meds


These or a bottle nipple with breast milk or formula.

Orajel is perfectly fine both my kids have made it through teething thanks to it!


I used a cold gel teether, or let him chew on my fingers. Fill up a binkie with water and freeze it, maybe. DON’T USE ORAJEL!!!

Do breastmilk popsicles and maket like a bottle

I did a lot of the stuff mentioned here but I also used orajel and everyone I know does too and it’s never hurt our kids. They even make all natural ones too but I don’t think it works too well but it does soothe them a little. But I used teething tablets with my first and it was like a miracle! They did not work on my baby though.

Vanilla extract, wet cloth(I did cold water not frozen), multiple teething toys, the dollar store sells a little 3 pack of squishy rubber frogs and my son LOVES them, Sometimes i just let him nurse so its massaging his gums. We did use the orajel baby night/day( a tube for night and a tube for day) It helps when its really bad.

Baby teething gels.A cool wet wash cloth.

My grandma told me the get a wash cloth wet it and put it in the freezer for a few minutes. Let her chew on it. It will help relieve the pain and help the teeth come threw.


Frozen baby wash cloth.

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Baby oragel night time

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to relieve teething pain? - Mamas Uncut

Following! Good luck mama, this boat is HARD! Hugs to you. You’re doing great and you’ll get through it! :purple_heart:

Those 2. The second one you but the breast milk in and freeze it. Now you have something cold for them and you have some extra milk

Amber teething necklace.
Lavender oil splashed on his blanky.
Frozen breastmilk.
Teething numbing drops for adult toothache pain

Alternate Motrin and Tylenol and try freezing a washcloth for him to suck on.
We used to freeze fruit too.
When it got real bad, frozen Q tips soaked in Jack. Rubbed on the gums. It helped too.

Get an amber teething necklace/anklet. Give motrin instead as it alleviates swelling (you can also alternate tylenol and motrin). For the congestion, make sure baby is sleeping on a slight incline (i put a thin pillow under crib).

One word not sure if you guys get it over there but teething tamer by nude alchemist.

Amber teething necklace.

I used to put a drop of throat spray on my finger and apply to gum. But my baby is 23. Good luck. Hope you guys find relief

I used to rub onion on my kiddos gums. That is old medicine

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Amber teething necklaces have led to a lot of unnecessary injuries and even death.

I’m dealing with a teething baby too. For the congestion, I just tried to keep her nose clear of mucus as much as possible, keep a humidifier by the crib, I keep her crib mattress elevated as she can’t sleep flat.
I also give her one of her spoons to chew on while she’s in her high chair, it helps with the teething. Just dip it in one of her foods for flavor and let her chew.
Good luck Momma and try to sleep when you can.

Just ride it out mama. He’s going to be hoha at every lil thing but still want the cuddles. Hang it there. It will pass. We used teething powder , an pamol to sooth the pain,back and tummy rubs with baby vix after a playful bath. Great team work mama and papa. :blush:

Ibuprofen and Hyland’s teething tabs. Cold teethers were my daughter’s favorites.

Amber teething bracelet or necklace

Rotate Tylenol and ibuprofen every 4 hours. Let him chew on a wet wash cloth. There is a soothing orajel that doesn’t have the numbing in it.

Run Ice directly on the gum - iced teething ring- Old school - rub a little scotch on those gums.

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I did the Hyland teething tablets for my youngest. For the older ones, they gummed cold celery, they loved the ridges and couldn’t bite it apart.

My friend had amber necklaces for hers. I don’t know how they work but they did! Worth noting too…I got told it was just teething when actually mine had a food allergy. I took them to my Dr and explained and he checked them out. Turned out they had a blocked gut. This is when you introduce new foods and with congestion I wouldn’t rule out allergies. If teething gel etc aren’t working, I’d ask them to check for other issues just to rule them out. Mine stopped crying once we had the correct diagnosis x

Rotate Tylenol and Advil. You can give both at the same time, or you can space it out a bit…

alternative tylenol and ib profin

Pretzel rod just watch child as they get soggy

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We used the mesh strainer teether and put frozen applesauce in it. She chomped on that thing all day. Makes a bit of a mess but she was happy while she had it.

My grandmother always would put whiskey just stick your finger in it and rub it on his on the gums that’s it it works real good it’s an old old remedy I had to do that with my son when he was a baby because he would do the same thing that I tried everything else but that and finally I broke down and rubbed a little bit of whiskey on his gums and he settled down I know a lot of people don’t like that but it works


Baby Orajel, ice pops, Tylenol, I even froze a cold rag and let him chew it

That constant cry sounds more like colic to me then a teething problem. I would be finding a new pediatrician. That’s not normal.

Camilla drop work really good

Clove oil (from a health food store or pharmacy has to be the eatable kind). Smells and tastes disgusting but numbs the gums.

A friend suggest frozen French fries as they are already cooked.
My 2nd loved them!!!.


Rubbing the tylenol straight on the gums helps

Rub vanilla extract on the gums, it helped my girls, along with frozen waffles (eggos).

I always froze, a hot dog (my son loved them for some reason) and with my daughter I froze her pacifier and she had a little finger tooth brush, I put it on my finger and just let her gnaw on my fingers. I suggest you go even to the dollar store and get a finger toothbrush or teething toys that has some kind of bristles on it freeze it and see if that helps… Also an old wives tale, you crack an egg in a sock and pin it over their door, I’m guessing it worked with my son cause at first he was in awful pain and just like your baby, and then when I did the eggs and frozen hotdogs (I was legit poor and had to try something) I really hope you can help your baby and find some peace in this rough time

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Tylenol never worked for my kids and I don’t take it either . Motrion always works better

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Stop using the baby orajel. After it’s applied a couple times it becomes an irritant.

Put a wet face clothe in the freezer. Give it to bubs after it’s frozen. Let them chew on it.

Vanilla extract & freeze a wet wash cloth, my boy loved to chew on it and it helped his teeth cut through fast.

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Mines the same using nasal spray for nose and bathing to steam him to loosen mucus from the nose being blocked Vicks vapor rub to they can’t breath when congested in the nose and it wakes them up with Fright also using pain relief for teething and cool foods

Mortin, and teething tabs

Fill an ice cube tray with formula and insert popsicle sticks. My daughter also loved frozen strawberries and other fruit this way.

I rubbed liquid Prin on my baby’s gums.

Try freezing a wet wash cloth and letting him chew on it. A lot of people will probably have something negative to say about what I’m about to say, but … my grandpa rubbed whiskey on my gums and when my kids came around he did the same. It’s not enough to intoxicate them but does relieve the pain. Just dip a q tip (or your finger) in the whiskey and rub all over their gums.


Warm bath and rub some clove oil on bis gums. Prayers for you momma, teething is so rough and exhausting :heart::pray:

Teething gel hardens the gums, vanilla extract right on the gums, frozen waffle to chew on

Catnip tea. Catnip is a homeopathic nervine. It worked wonders for my LO.

Do not use Pure Vanilla, it is the alcohol in it that numbs it but is bad for baby. I did it with my first son but the Dr advised against it so I didn’t use it for my others.

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Put a wash rag in the freezer wet, let chill baby can chew and suck on it safely or if you have a fruit holder (mesh or so) put some frozen watermelon pieces in or other frozen fruit.

Frozen fruit frozen wet rag frozen waffle everything else I did is no longer acceptable by today’s standards

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I always used a clean wash cloth, got wet and put in fridge! Let kids carry wash cloth and rub their gums

Another thing is cold breast milk or formula of baby is still on bottle waffles toasted til slightly crunchy are nice too or dry toast

Rub some whiskey on his gums. Stick your finger in whiskey and then rub his gums. I tried everything in the book with my son. That’s the only thing that worked. And I even told my doctor about it everything was fine. And we both slept for what seemed like hours.


Rub whiskey on your pinky it will numb it

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We did frozen blue berries in a food pacifier. It worked amazing for my first son. I would find a frozen berry or something like it and try that. It may be messy but it may be helpful.

I always gave her a wet washcloth that sat in the freezer for a bit, or a frozen strawberry in one of those mesh teethers

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Constantly rub down on the baby’s gums… the faster the teeth cut the skin, the faster baby will get relief. I gave my daughter Popsicles and would let her chew on hard things all the time (the remote, my Keychain, stuff she usually didn’t get) and it helped break the skin and once her tooth cut through she was much better.
Good luck :tulip:

These froozen pops have a round edge on one side. Let him chew on this, when it melts, wash & refreeze.

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Add advil. You can use acetaminophen
and ibuprofen simultaneously

Alternate acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Every 4-6 hours. My oldest son had an ear infection at the same time and it didnt get noticed at first.

I gave my kids bones to chew on especially chicken bones just make sure the ends where the hard part falls off

I used frozen fruit for my son.

He needs a teething necklace. I bought one for one of my grandchildren and it worked so well I bought one for my new grandbaby.

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Going through this as well; We have recently found brushing with a tooth brush where he is hurting relieves some. All else fails I just let him cry it out or to sleep… Sometimes there is literally nothing you can do and you just buckle up and ride it out. It will pass, hang in there I know its tough!

Cold celery or carrots. Great for nawing

Unsure how accurate this is, but my doctor told me that teething gel actually makes teething pain worse in the long run, it hardens the gums and when it wears off it ends up hurting more and needs to continually applied

Those Amber beads are the best for teething

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Never needed anything more than a raw baltic amber teething necklace worn on my babies. Never a peep out of them with multiple teeth cutting simultaneously. Works like magic.

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Take wash clothes wet them grab in the middle (after wringing out) and run your hand down it put in sandwiche bag and freeze. Put child in high chair or type of seat. Give one to chew on terry cloth helps teeth come in and the coldness feels good to them.

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Green onions work great. Just watch the skins, it numbs the gums some

Plain Frozen waffles

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