How to remove a splinter?

Hey mamas, my little darling is 1.5 old, she got a splinter in her foot and she’s giving us a hard time getting it out, we trying to get it while she is sleeping. Not working good. It hasn’t bothered her. We don’t know when she got it sometime this past week. I just saw it today. I’ve been told do the baking soda paste on bandaid and it should peek out. Tried it. Nothing. Doesn’t work. What are your home remedies that work for you to get theses darn suckers out?


Magnoplasm or drawing cream is the easiest by far

If it is not infected and not bothering her leave it alone, most of the time they will work themselves out in the bath. (I grew up in a log house with unfinished wood floors). If it doesnt work itself out because it’s too deep you may need to ask her doctor, digging at her little feet with a needle is going to be traumatic for her.


Get one of those medicine syringe looking dropper from cvs or walmart cut the top off and put it on afflicted area and slowly pull the tab till splinter is out


Maybe a bath will help

Sometimes you have to just back it out with a sterile needle. When it’s out she’ll forget about in 24 hours. Leaving it in, bacon fat, all that leads to infection. Clean wound with hydrogen peroxide before and after. She’ll be fine!

Hot water and dawn dish soap. If that doesn’t work she needs it taken out at the doctors. I had one so deep in my hand they had to cut my hand open

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Hold her down and get it out…


My mother and grandma and now me truly believe if you go outside make some mud in the dirt make a paste kinda put it on her foot for 10 mins. It’s okay if mud falls just not where the splinter is. Mother nature cures itself. I hope this helps. Also if you get stung by a bee mud works like a charm. Idk fun fact!!!:wink:

Drawing salve and cover it with a band aid

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Clear packing tape! It’s super sticky. Pulls them right out.


Soak the foot in warm water then get a medicine dropper the syringe kind, cut the top off …apply the hole on the syringe around the splinter and suck it out .


I saw on Facebook where they took a plastic syringe like u give meds in and suck it out

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I just leave it, if it isn’t bothering them it’s fine. They soon work their way out on their own.

I seen a post about using a syringe

Also using a paste made with 1tsp baking soda 1 teaspoon water and leaving in on there overnight and it will come out on its own

Kids white glue you know the kind we all put on our hands let dry and peeled off lol. Put it on the spot let it dry pull it off with some luck the splinter with it

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Pull the inside of a pen out and just push the barrell over the splinter it will come right out

Vaseline put banddaid over helps make it come out

If you have any OraGel put some on the splinter so it numbs it a bit.

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Just take a needle kinda just rug it out it wont hurt.

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If plucking it out with a needle or tweezers isn’t possible (because nothing is easy with a toddler) and it’s not showing signs of infection (redness, heat, swelling) then it’s ok to allow it to work itself out. If it is a wood splinter, avoid wetting the skin as this causes the wood to swell and that will make it even harder to get out.

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My momma always used fat back and it was out within a few hours!

May try Epsom salt and bandaid.

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I’ve seen people take plastic syringes/ medicine droppers and place it over the splinter and pull it out that way.


My 1.5 year old had to have hers removed surgically

CVS Health Drawing Salve Icthammol Ointment. You may not find it on a shelf, but go to the pharmacy and they keep it behind the counter. I can attest that this can suck just about anything out. I once stepped on a sewing needle and a piece broke off. I applied this for 2 days and it sucked it out. It stinks like tar, but a big enough bandaid should cover up the scent. My pappaw is the one who told me about this stuff, and i swear its like a miracle salve.

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Have you tried putting some school glue on it and letting it dry and then peeling it off so the splinter comes with it?


Put school glue over it wait 5 mins and then peel off the splinter will come with it!


Bacon Fat w/bandage leave over nite should come rite out - mine did -beats diggin it out

Bath time it will prunie and help put it out