How to start cloth diapering?

Mommas who cloth diaper! Educate me on anything and everything about cloth diapering please :blush: I used disposables for my first but would like to give cloth a try for my second but don’t know much about it.
Best way to wash? Best place/online to buy? What accessories are a must? Do you use cloth wipes too? Ect…
PS. I posted in a crunchy group but didn’t get much info.


I managed to secure most of my stash second hand. I spent a grand total of $200 for newborn through one size. The newborn stuff fit awesome until he hit 15lbs. The OS we started using once he was 10lbs.

There are a lot of cloth diaper groups. I would caution against Fluff Love University’s detergent recommended amounts, but the rest of their wash routine info is solid. Here’s what I had, and we washed every 2 days.

12 BumGenius newborn
16 Kawaii Baby newborn
12 prefolds and two covers

I never ran out. I now have 48 OS and 15 prefolds and three covers. I wash every 3-4 days. Be warned that the prints become addicting.

the best info you will get is reading, reading, reading, then figuring it out on your own. It takes a ton of work and dedication. It is not a lazy womans game. I know because I tried, but I’m lazy. google, pinterest, and read a TON of momma blogs, then follow those rules and guidelines linerally. good luck.

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I clothed my first for the first 9 months except at night with a few different types of cloth. Tried with my second but the diapers I got just weren’t working. Now we’re giving it a go again with my second with my favorite cloth, the grovia hybrid one size and snap in liners.

Can’t give you much advise on where to buy but can give some basic tips and what to do.

They are not as absorbent and you will still need plastic protector pants over the top.
Wash and hang on line is best (not dryer).
You will need to soak and wash them them in nappy San.
You should ideally have 2 soaking buckets (with lids!) - children can still drown in a bucket of water if they get into it.
It is a lot more work so be prepared for it. (Especially if you already have children)
Is it more environmentally friendly? That’s debatable as your water for washing increases.
My mum made me use cloth nappies with my first … I lasted 3 days and went to disposal as it was just easier. But wish you all the best.

look up Casey Mosley she knows how to and wick were I live will give you cloth diapers and you just ask question

I use Charlie bandanna brand from target. They’re really not that bad. Pocket diapers are easiest, and definitely get one size fits all. This brand is both of those. Get enough to last a solid 2 days which is like 16-20. And wash them in whatever you wash babies clothes in. Best to hang dry outside! We use dollar store baby wash clothes for wipes. Soak them in water and keep them in a wipe warmer.

I used cloth for my first. Built up a stash of bum genius shells and inserts. It’s really not as scary as it sounds. I got a bunch for my shower then found some second hand. We still used disposable wipes and had disposable diapers for when we were out. Also used disposables at night time because my son is a heavy wetter at night. This is what worked for us- still saved us quite a bit of money. We also bought a sprayer for the toilet to clean poopy diapers which was awesome. We did a diaper load about 1-2x a week (depends on how many inserts/shells you have). We used cloth for my first until around 11 months because he was such a heavy wetter that even with us changing him every 2 hours, he was still peeing through. We tried cloth for my daughter but she has such sensitive skin and pooped so frequently that we had to stick with disposables for her. Good luck!!

My daughter went so much when she was a newborn, it made sense to cloth diaper for us. Just make sure you wash every night and use a cloth diaper plastic cover. Some wipes can contain detergent that as a newborn my daughter could not tolerate, had to rinse out wipes as well. I don’t consider myself a crunchy mom,just do the easiest at the time mom.

There is a “Diaper duck” that cinches a soiled diaper onto the rim of the toilet. Flush down any solids; then have a diaper pail with a bleach, detergent & water to hold the soiled diapers until wash time

I used Itti Bitti cloth nappies, but they have since been bought out and I don’t know the quality. I just used flannels then had 3 10L buckets to soak the nappies in, when the 2nd bucket was full and I started soaking and the 3rd on was being filled I washed the first bucket load. I had 2 in clothe nappies, the eldest was in disposables of a night time cause he was a heavy sleeper and would wake cold cause he was soaked through.

I always used cloth but a plastic pants over. I washed as usual and dried everything. I filled my washer half full and soaked diapers in purex. I used fabric softener. Drying outside makes diapers stiff. Very uncomfortable for a babe’s butt! Cloth is more time consuming, but disposable diapers can be spendy. Disposable are easier.

RagaBabe are a fabulous brand with loads of cute prints. I use the Rockin Green detergant to launder my diapers its available online

You tube has some good cloth diapering videos. I used to buy the biodegradable liners made clean up much easier. The best diapers to get, imo are the pocket diapers, you can double stuff if you need to.I could never get my daughter to stay dry when I put her in the ones you fold and put rubber pants over the bamboo inserts were the most absorbent. You have to wash the new liners a few times before you use them the first time. Also buy pants that are a couple sizes too big or you won’t be able to fit that big diaper booty. With cloth diapers it is best to be on a changing schedule because they are not as absorbent as disposable diapers.

I’m glad for the people who are actually able to do that but I can’t see rinsing poop out of those things and like you’d have to do laundry every day just to be able to keep diapers on the baby I do not have time for that but I’m proud of anyone who does