My son is supposed to start kindergarten next month, but his father doesn’t feel comfortable starting him with all of this COVID stuff going on. Plus, we’re living with relatives at the moment, which isn’t the district we’d prefer he’d go to, and his father wants to avoid switching his schools if possible. I don’t feel comfortable making him wait to start until next year because I don’t want him to feel “dumb” because he’s older than other kids. He has two cousins that are 5-6 months younger than him that start kindergarten this year too, and I don’t want him comparing himself to them and feel less than. So, I’m wanting to at least try to homeschool, but I’m not sure where to start. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks
Phonics! There’s lots of good curriculum for homeschooling out there!
You need to know your state’s requirements. Every state varies. Some states take very little to homeschool, others have more hoops you have to jump through. Also check with school districts about what is involved if you plan to have your child to go into a public at some point.
While two of my children attended regular school, my daughter chose homeschool, internet based called K12, it’s free public school.
Maybe this would be worth looking into.
Abcmouse, hooked on phonics, decodable books, practicing letter sounds, rhyming, reading simple books, practice counting to 100 by 1s 2s and 10s, practice simple shapes and introduce 3d shapes get a list from the local school of the word wall words they are practicing and make flash cards. I homeschooled my now 1st grader and learned so many tips and tricks
My son is 14 but doing k-12
Look up homeschooling pages in your area on Facebook. Plus you can get a lot of supplies from dollar stores. I ordered brain quest kindergarten book to do my curriculum last year. Now my daughter is on day 3 in public school in kindergarten. She would have been in first grade but she couldn’t grasp reading so she got put in a higher level class instead
Is there any way you can drive him back and forth to his school so you don’t have to switch? I have done that before
Please be sure to check your state’s homeschool laws. Each state has their own requirements for homeschoolers. Finding homeschool FB groups in your area can be great for finding information as well. The website I have shared below is a great place to start when it comes to your state’s laws.
We did K12 online last year due to covid. I had a kinder and 1st grader. They send you everything you need. Have Virtual classes. And teachers are really helpful. Going back to in person this year.
I Second K-12 online
My kids public school offers distant learning
I mean I was iffy at first BUT I sent my kids to school. Both my girls where in kindergarten and my son was in 2nd. We had no issues besides my one daughter needed more one on one time.
Look up your states homeschooling laws first and foremost. I’m in SC and we have 3 options, 2 through the District and then 1 based solely on what I want to do with no ties to the district or state (you’re only required to register with an umbrella group). With ours, option 1 the district gives you curriculum, option 2 the district has to approve your curriculum, and option 3 you do whatever you want, curriculum or not, just have to keep records in case you get audited.
There are many avenues online to pursue. Also you can get him to help out around the house. Cooking helps with math and developing gross and fine miter skills Folding laundry, sweeping and using dustpan. There are many easy Montessori practical life lessons that are simple to incorporate. It will also help build his self esteem.
Let him go to school for God sakes
There are free option just have to find which one beat suits your son .
There are many online options. Look into it’s all online, super inexpensive and easy to use. You don’t have to purchase anything extra ita all available online. Kids accounts are free… no matter how many kids you have, you only pay for the parent account. All records are online and can be printed if needed.
Check with District many have online options available.
I opted to do just this with my Kindergartener last school year. It appears that we may need to reconsider this again. In my case, I had to call the school board to get the homeschooling office info. Once in contact with them, they can guide you signing papers indicating your intent to homeschool, and can assist with information on homeschooling options as far as curriculum. It was the best decision for my 5 year old. I also enrolled him in small group, safe, activities for socialization. Like, flag football (outdoors) for his P.E. and a music class. Really thought he was going back to school, but this variant and its wild spread may have him home again
He should go to school. They’re following Covid guid lines in the schools.
Sometimes the district you are in will have their own homeschooling program (in Virginia some do), you can check with the school board. Also, each state has different requirements so look at those before selecting a program. Make sure the program is compatible to your state’s requirements otherwise when the child goes to public school then if the state requirements were not met then the child may have to repeat the grade level.
Send him to school, less stress for him.
My son goes to public school. His choice. My daughter is homeschooled but does it through Connections Academy of Washington. It is free and she can learn at her own pace. She does live lessons with an actual teacher. I can set her schedule and classes. Maybe you have something like this in your state. She will start first grade next month.
Look up your states homeschooling laws and get paperwork turned in. Find local homeschooling groups that will most likely offer up recommendations on co-ops and umbrella schools, in your area, if you are interested in that. Homeschooling groups also usually have experienced moms that can offer help with choosing your method, curriculum, and extracurricular activity in your area. I’m a homeschooling mom and love it! Best decision we ever made
It is totally possible to do kindergarten at home. Pintrest has some great ideas and resources. Local Facebook groups are also a huge help. We are using the Good and Beautiful curriculum but there are so many options! Michael’s is a great store for books and teaching aids. You can do this Momma! I was homeschooled till graduation and plan on homeschooling my kids. Trust your gut and understand that homeschooling is a family inspired education. Schedules and what you learn is adaptive to your child and family environment. Good luck!
Try asking the school they can provide or should be able 2 provide homeschool info.
Look into the district you want. Many districts now are opening up and although you’d have to transport, you might be able to get him into the school you want. It’s not just about learning what’s in the books, it’s the socialization as well. Also, since it’s one year left ask Dad to be honest and will you actually be moving within the year? If not, he’ll be starting in the area school anyway
I recommend easy peasy all in one homeschool. Very simple program. Also, look at the laws for where you live to make sure you do everything by the book. Where I’m at, you have to send in an LOI if they’ll be 6 during the school year because you aren’t required to start kindergarten until 6 here.
What will your husband do/think next year when there is yet another virus/covid to deal with? There will always be a threat of illness of some kind. Once children start daycare and schools they almost always get colds, viruses etc.
We went with FLVS (we live in Fl) for our 11 yr old not because of covid but because we dont like the middle school they want him to go to.