how do yall mommas go about beginning potty training w a girl? my daughter willl be two in july… no i didnt ask the perfect mothers whos kids were potty trained before they were born i asked for tips on beginning
what we did with our girls was get 2 different types of candy (let her pick) 1 for pee 1 for poop. sit her on the potty every hr or so for roughly 5 minutes. and get big girls panties and let her wear them and let her pee in them. my girls didn’t like the feeling of peeing in them so they went in the potty after 2-3 times doing it.
I tried just taking mine with me everytime i had to go so she would sit still on the potty… Then i moved up to the potty watch they can wear and u set the timer so when it goes off they know to go try and then i realized she didnt give a shit about going in the potty yet lol so i waited for her to let me know she was ready which meant finding the right toy to bribe her with and boom potty trained:joy:
If they aren’t already in there take them with you everytime you go to bathroom.
Get them BIG girl panties of their favorite character and tell them not to potty on them.
Make a song up and celebrate them using the potty.
It is a big deal!
My daughters were so easy, my son not so much.
I potty trained many grandkids. Usually in a week.
Remember some kids have undeveloped bladders and accidents will happen.
Just get a potty and have her get used to the idea, make it fun and exciting!
When you use the bathroom she can sit on her potty and chat w you!
Start out by just helping her get comfortable with the seat itself. Just don’t push the idea, we had the one that looks like a little toilet in the bathroom and whenever they are “done” they can push the flusher that makes sounds.
If she actually uses the potty then throw a fit about it make it such a big deal how much of a big girl she is
Take her shopping for panties. Then when she’s ready let her put them on a little at a time. After awhile when she’s going potty well, if she messed them throw em away. My mom did this and I got so mad that she threw em away that i stopped having accidents. My girls both did this too and it worked great for my family. Good luck!
I downloaded the potty time app, it has a timer to remind you to take them to the potty every few minutes and games for your lo to play on the potty or as a reward for sitting there.
I got a potty and put it in bathroom. I let her go about it as she wanted took her to bathroom with me. She’s almost 3 and about 2 weeks ago she just up and went on her own one day. I see no point in forcing things. She’s doing great no accidents we give her a candy when she goes and make a big deal. It’s working awesome
We put a potty in the living room and let her go bottomless all week. Be prepared to clean a lot of pee off the floor.
I got nothing. Mine weren’t potty trained until like 3 1/2 and I just waited until it was something they wanted to do and it was done and over with within a weekend.
Well I had to potty train my daughter and son at the same time . They are a year a part and my son is older but is stubborn. But I bought them their own little pottys but they didn’t like using the plastic ones so I ended up getting one of those potty seats for the toilet since they both wanted to use the big girl/boy toilet like mom and dad . At the time I allowed them to come in with me just to see that mommy uses the potty. And every time they went on the potty i cheered and gave them a high five . I also got some pull ups and underwear for them . I had them wear underwear around the house but at night and when we went out in the before they got the hang of the potty i had them wear their pull ups just incase . But just keep at it always ask if she has to go potty and I would say about every 45 mins or so espeaaiclly if she drank something try . Now every kids is different some kids pick it up quick my like my Emma she was fully trained by 2 in half and I started at 2 . My Noah it took me a year in a half to train him i started him at 2 to and it took him until 3 in half but he has a speech delay and was stubborn i finally figured out be didn’t like to see sitting so one day I lifted up my toilet sit and had him go and liked going like that go figure . But my point is you just have to find out what works with your child and keep at it they will get it in time. Good luck
My girl is 2 years 4 months and just recently we potty trained her. We tried briefly before she turned 2 but she wasn’t completely ready yet. She then was having a surgery just after her second birthday and I didn’t wanna add another stress. So we waited until after. I am pregnant and due soon. I hyped her up about the big sister role. Read her lots of books about big girls and big sisters and also using the potty. We got her excited about the idea that her baby sister wears diapers but she is a big girl so we are going to use panties. I put her right into panties once we ran out of diapers and told her all the diapers at the store were going to baby brothers and sisters now. Let her pick out her panties so she was excited about them. I used pull ups during nap and bed time just in case even though she’s typically always completely dry. But I called them her special panties. We told her not to get (whatever character panties she was wearing) wet and she came to her own conclusion based off that that they would be sad and cry and that they want to be dry and happy. Reminded her constantly the first few days. Day 1 no accidents … day 2 she had 2 accidents…and by day 3 and onward no accidents. It took her to day 5 to poop on the potty and she goes herself now when she has to pee or poop. It’s been 2 weeks (almost) and she doesn’t typically need reminding. she even tells me in stores and in the car… and I only put her in panties when we are out no pull ups…because I don’t wanna confuse her… If I’m going to the bathroom when we are out I’ll take her with me and have her try even if she says she doesn’t have to. Just be consistent and don’t give in. Because once you give in to a diaper once they’re going to know your weakness to do it again lol
When I potty trained my twin girls I had the potties in the living room for a while before I started just to familiarise them with them, waited until they actually told me they were having a wee put them on it wen they did … Lots of praise when the wee was in the potty. They were 2yrs 2 months. I have a third little girl who turns two in August so far she’s not showing any signs so I’m not considering it yet with her xx
I took my daughter shopping and let her pick out her own underwear she also loves stickers so I put together a potty chart for her and everytime she went potty she got a sticker. One for pee and two for poop.
She always comes to the bathroom with me. She knows what the toilet is. We slowly started sitting her on hers at first. Now whenever I go to the bathroom she wants to sit on her toilet(she’s 17 months). She’s only actually used it once but she loves to sit on it
I explained everything to my girls when I potty trained them. For us, it worked bc my girls wanted to go to school so I told them that if they wanted to go to school that they had to be big girls and use the potty like the big kids do & to tell me when they needed to go so I could help them on the potty.
Make a treasure box. Put little things in it that she loves. Every time she goes and does something let her get a treasure.
Start taking her to the bathroom with you and sit her on the potty and have her sit for 15 or 20 mins or so till she goes and. Even if you don’t have to go take her every 10-15 minutes use panties not pull ups cause the pull ups makes them think they are wearing diapers
Girl. Im still figuring this crap out with my son. He was fully potty trained (at 2, which i felt was too old) then we visited family for a week… came home… and he has been diaper-bound ever since. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, they just do their own thing. Haha its annoying
Once my daughter started showing interest (around 2 she started wanting to go into the bathroom and wanted her diaper off ) I would have her go into the bathroom with me. Honestly the best way for us was letting her go without a diaper…I bought her underwear and every few mins took her into the bathroom. Any time she would drink something or eat, into the bathroom she went. I did buy her a potty chair but she hated it and was scared lol I also would make a big deal about it. The first time she went oh Lord I was jumping around and clapping and she thought it was the funniest and greatest thing LOL. In all honesty it’s a good six months for her to be completely free of Pull-Ups. She is three and a half now and she’s been completely potty-trained and hasn’t needed a pull up since she was about two and a half. I will say though a couple times she has had accidents but that’s just because she’s waited too long. So that’s something to we had to work on. But every child is different. Mine a 13 year old was extremely stubborn and had no problem wearing a pull up until she was about four. More than anything I never pushed either one of my girls. I’ve heard that does more bad than good. My youngest has just always been very determined and wanted to be like me and her sister. I will say she is in daycare full time so that Health immensely because they worked with her as well
Omg I LOVE your wording!
Potty training hasn’t gone perfectly for us, but we are working on it — we started by taking a three day stay-cation and having our little girl in underwear (we made a BIG deal about how fabulous “Big Girl Underwear” is… we do not say anything negative about pull-ups/diapers - there is no talk about what babies wear versus what big girls wear). We told her what we were doing - “This is your potty. When you have to pee or poop, you’ll sit here to go potty.” We kept her in underwear during the day and pull-ups at night. We set a timer for 45 minutes and had her sit on the potty every 45 minutes. One of us sat with her and we read or talked to help keep her there for a while. If anything happened - pee or poop - we cheered and gave her chocolate. If nothing happened, we told her we were proud of her for sitting on the potty. We gave her as much to drink as she would drink, all day long.
This was after daycare had been letting her sit on the potty, just to have the experience for about 1 year. They started letting the kids sit on the potty REALLY early and it certainly helped.
That said - I feel pretty confident that this process would help even without the year of sitting on the potty “just for fun” before we started potty training. It’s been about 8 months - we are working on it. It won’t happen overnight … lots of patience … lots of keeping yourself committed to the process (that is hard sometimes).
You’ve got this!
Observe her to see if she is ready. Can she stay dry thru naps, does she show signs of knowing when she has to use the bathroom? If she is doing that, then start letting sit on the toilet and flush it. Let her sit in the room when you pee. And try to take her to pee when you know she normally pees, like after waking up. Let her sit for like a minute or two, and if she pees, praise praise praise!! If she doesn’t, just try again later.
Honestly I didn’t use a potty seat. I went to Wal-Mart bought a tiny toliet seat and put it on the big toliet and got a step stool for my son. Took him every day to it like a puppy after feeding and drinking lol. I had to train my son myself. So he learned to pee like a girl first. Them we bought hiim a urinal and taught him how to stand and per. Lol
My 1st girl… She was almost 2 and she took her diaper off and just started using it… I was in shock… My next girl I was like damn girls are easy… Ya right… I started when she was 19 months… She loves the potty and the bathroom … she went when I did or daddy … Everytime she went it was a huge thing and she would get a m&m… Things where going well I let her pick out her undies and all and then after 2 weeks… She just refused to do it… No idea why… Well I fought it for a month and a half refuse to put her back in diapers… I finally said screw it and got the diapers back out… I felt like I was beating my head against the wall well anyway… anytime bubba and sissy would go I made a huge deal about it… Nothing negative to my little… And about two weeks later she went and got the undies put them on and continue… It took almost a year before no accidents… But she hated to stop playing to go potty…
We put the potty in the living room & let her go diaper-less. (She is 5 1/2 now, I have a second daughter who will be 2 in August & we are doing the same with her).
My daughter was potty trained by 14months. I just put her on the potty evwry 15-30minutes, didnt put her in diapers anymore, and stayed constant so she understood she had to make a habit of it. I personally didnt give treats because she isnt a dog and this is something she NEEDS to learn anyways. Instead of giving her a present and making her expect a reward i cheered her on and let her know i was so proud of her being a big girl like mommy. Shes 3 now and goes to the bathroom and even wipes , flushes, washs her hands correctly all by herself.
I got her chonies a lot like 30 pair and put them on her and sat her on the potty (I put it in the living room) with tv or her tablet and had her sit for 10-15 min each time and took her every 15 min to sit down her 1st pee we all clapped and yay baby your a big girl…gave her a lollipop only used a pull up for nap and sleeping…and now shes fully potty trained it took me 1 month…here and there she has a accident but its ok she don’t use the baby toilet no more she like the big one we use…
Wait till she shows an interest in using the potty every child is different.
I let mine run around with no bottoms & would try to get her on the potty. Eventually upgraded to underwear… She had a few accidents but shes been potty trained 3-4 months now, she’ll be 3 in 6 weeks.
We did the 3 day method 3 days at home running around in just underwere with potty trips every 30-45 minutes
I was very lucky. My girl hated a wet/ dirty diaper. She actually wanted to use the big girl potty. Thank goodness. Potty trained herself at 14 months. Oh and by far from perfect mom, kinda insulting!
I waited for signs that she was ready. She didn’t start showing any until 2 1/2. Then I tired every trick I was told, and nothing worked. So I asked her if she wanted to be potty trained, she told me no lol. And then a few months later she just got up on her own and used the potty, and never went back. She was potty trained within 2 days, and had just turned 3.
I just took my daughter every time I went. Just sat her on her potty, after a day or so, she went in her own potty and we made a big deal about “the big girl”.
It’s awful… load up on wine is my only tip… mine didn’t stop having day tome accidents til 4 and still wears pull up at night
My daughter will squat, or grab her diaper and when she is done going pee she says “done”
Wait til she’s ready would be the first thing. With my daughter, I had her wear undies at home. She hated the feeling of them being wet, so it only took one or two times of that happening for her to be trained. She was fully trained both day and night by 3. My sons on the other hand, totally different story. My 4 year old decided on Easter he was done with pull ups and we haven’t had issues since and my 3 year old is wanting to use potty more and more, he’s getting there.
I have a 2 year old little girl and I have a potty next to our standard toilet in our downstairs bathroom. She normally follows me in there and sits down. For the last month she has been getting naked, taking off her diaper or letting me know that she has a “ew” or a “ucky” in there. All signs that SHE is ready. I let her go bottomless with a dress on and put her on the potty periodically and when I have to go she follows me in. She wears underwear or the padded training pants and doesn’t normally have accidents but will release everything at bedtime as soon a diaper goes on. I am letting her lead the way because she has interest and I don’t want to rush it. With my oldest I felt like I was trying for a year to even get her to train… we did the “three day potty training” but she was 3.5 years old (she was stubborn).
No diapers put her on in the morning and last thing at night
We let our first choose her own adventure…AKA potty…and her own big girl pants. She really liked getting to choose music on YouTube so any successes were rewarded with 5 minutes of YouTube. Of course we struggled and conquered fears and unknowns together, but eventually, she caught on just fine.
Had to take my daughter every 15 to 20 minutes. Shes 4 and finally got the hang of it.
I switches her to pullups first and told her these were for big girls. I take her to the potty every 30 minutes. If she poops or pees in her pullups i just tell her “this goes in the potty” and i have her throw it in the trash. We just moved to training panties and she’s doing great. Poop is a little harder but pee will be easy if you’re consistent. I take my step daughter to potty and she pees and whipes herself. I have a basket of prizes to pick from anytime she pottys she loves it and is doing great. I still have her in pullups at night cuz night time is harder to control but youll get the hang of it. I honstly would wait until shes ready. Like watching you pee asking questions wanting to see how the potty works. If you do it when they aren’t ready the process will take longer
Maybe try letting her go when you do. If she sees mom going she may want to do like mom. Good luck.
I had my kid watch this potty training video (I watched with her then had her naked and on the potty every 30 mins
Wait till they are ready and were showing signs. Lots of positive feedback and if accidents happen still stay positive
Sit her on the potty every 15 minutes until she goes. This worked for my girl and granddaughters. And when she does go, make a big deal about by giving lots of cheers and applause
Hi sweetie I start by taking the diapers away I never used pullups I went straight to panties because they think they still have a pamper on when you use pullups I buy the panties an when I put them on her an she messes them up then that’s when you sit her on the pot an explain to her that she pee in her pot lil girls are easy to train you just have to be true to what you are saying an teaching her
Every time you go in to go take her and sit her on her potty
I took my stepdaughter into bathroom with me…I pee now do you want to…she wanted to be big girl so up she went…soon she was asking to go…of course after she went she wanted me to go…lol…but it worked for me
Take her every hour to the potty