How to stop a child biting during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding Mommas out there!
So my LO will be 8 months this month. We have been doing great breastfeeding and she takes the bottle great when I work on weekends. She’s recently started biting and it’s only getting worse. I’ve been thinking about maybe just pumping and feeding her bottles but it makes me sad because I love the bond we have and I feel like it will start to go away once I stop. Also I feel like just pumping will be a lot more work than just nursing her when she’s hungry. Maybe this is her way of calling it quits on the booby. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Pic of my baby girl so we don’t get lost.


Time to wean her off.


When mine did that I flicked their mouth. Between that and me screaming they stopped.


When she does it unlatch her with your finger tell her no and put her on the floor and walk away it should only take a few times and she will stop because she won’t like that


Honestly my son bites me also and he is 8.5 I just pull him off and wait a few minutes and then put him back on. I wont just stop because he is biting me. The bond is more important to me


I was in your spot nearly 30 years ago. My second one was a biter. She loved clamping down hard while nursing. At 6 months of age she had one little tooth on the bottom and she bit me hard before I knew it was coming. Ended up with an infected breast and had to stop nursing on that side. I could only hand express on that side since I was without my hand pump while in vacation. But then there was my toothless 3 month old nephew! And my sitter let me feed him until I adjusted. Long story short ( or maybe not) she kept biting down on my nips even though I pulled away and sternly told her no! It became a tense experience for both of us. Finally at 8 months I left the house for the day and stopped nursing. Cried all day long because she was my last and it was over. I have to be thankful for the time we did have and those precious bonding memories will never leave me. My affection for her never dropped off when I stopped nursing but I was really glad I did because she really like clamping down on the bottle nipple and listening to it snap. Glad it wasn’t me!

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My daughter got her first 2 teeth at 2 months l. She was biting me since 2 months. By the time she hit 8 months she had 7 teeth.
Now at 11 months she has 10. But she stopped biting me at 9 months when she understood that it hurt mommy.
You will get use to it trust me . Please do not ween her. Breast feed for as long as possible . She will Learn that it hurts. My baby knows not to bite me anymore . When she does just say ouch and pull her off , she will learn.

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The bond won’t disappear. I breastfed my son only up to 2 months when I switched to formula and we still have an incredible bond.

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Feed your babe however you see fit. The bond will remain no matter what.
Ween her if you want to. It’ll all work out, trust me. You’re a great mama either way

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Get a teething necklace you wear, she can play with/chew on. I’m currently nursing my 4th baby, 7 months old. They do bite when they start teething. Just offer something other than your nipple she can bite down on to cut the teeth through. The silicone bead teething necklaces are the best.

No need to wean Momma!


I only breast fed for 2 weeks and it the “bond” was the same either way. When I bottle fed my daughter I still had just as amazing as a feeling! That is your baby, that’s the bond! But to each their own. But don’t let anybody else tell you what to do because she’s not their baby, she’s yours.

Most babies don’t self wean this early. I know it’s hard to be bitten, but you just have to unlatch them, say a firm “No biting!” and set them down for a minute. It took twice with my daughter around 8 or 9 months.

It also helps to figure out why they’re doing it so that you can prevent it. Mine was at the end of her feed and just bored, basically, so I started unlatching as soon as she stopped sucking. She stopped trying to bite at some point.

I’ve decided to go past a year since the World Health Organization recommends it. My baby is 16 months old with a mouth full of teeth. We’ll go until one of us decides we’re done.

Just unlatch as quickly as you can and saw ouch no no. Baby will learn really quick.