How to stop a toddler from hitting?

Best way to get a toddler to stop hitting when they’re mad?


Hold their hands gently and tell them that hands aren’t for hurting. “Nice hands” “gentle hands” etc. Teach other ways to express anger… “do you feel mad?” “My goodness, you seem angry!” Ask them what they’re feeling and guide them through expressing it…


Over exaggerate when they hit you and tell them it hurt really bad. My son was this way and him seeing me hurt/sad made him feel bad about it and he eventually stopped. Also explain why it isn’t acceptable, and how if he does it to other kids they’re liable to hit back.


HUG THEM and tell them you understand where they are coming from but that it is not ok and show them how they can own their emotions


Duct tape them to a wall.


I tell my son its OK to be mad! But hitting is not OK. You never hit unless its for protecting yourself. Being mad is OK. But be gental.
Then I give him a hug & reassure him its going to be OK. He tends to get mad when being told no.

I spank my daughter only if she bites pinches kicks or hits someone. Time out for other stuff like not listening

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I use to fake cry when my daughter would do it so she would understand it hurts people. After a couple times it seemed to work. Then they just resort to screaming :joy:

I tell my kids I won’t let you hurt me (or whoever they hit) and I remove them from the situation either by putting them in time out spot or simply walking away from them. When they realize it doesn’t get them attention they stop.
Also important to teach how to use “soft” hands.

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Hit back and when you hit back you say you don’t hit me they will get your drift


I tried everything with my 14 month old and the only thing that worked was counting to 10. She loves to count for some reason

Smack their hand when they do something bad. Worked for 2 out of 3 of my nephews

I instantly hug my daughter and tell her it’s okay to be angry/frustrated. Once her body relaxes a bit, I step back and try to help her resolve the problem and remind her that hitting doesnt help us. It seems to be working. Every kid is different though


Spank their ass. My daughter hit me ONCE, I hit her back & she looked at me like wth. I told her she doesn’t need to hit, that it’s ugly & rude. She won’t hit when she’s with me but she’ll hit when she’s with her father, but we don’t discipline the same way

I just walk away let my 16 month old throw a fit. Tell him I understand I to want to scream sometimes

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Start crying like they hurt you and tell them you don’t want to play with someone that hits… When my daughter is upset I tell her to take a deep breath and count to 5… She does it on her own now. If she gets mad at her little brother I’ll just hear her start counting. :slight_smile: it’s pretty cute and it’s been working for us…

Get a bean bag chair or oversized pillow. Tell him if he gets mad to go hit that and he won’t get in trouble, but if he hits a person or breaks something, he will get in trouble.

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Get them a punching bag…

First, I would physically stop them. Grab their hands, look them firmly in the eye and say “no hitting!”

I do home child care and I say “it’s okay to be angry, it is NOT okay to hurt someone else.” If they continue, they go to time out. Looking for why they’re hitting could be helpful as well but regardless of the reason, the behavior cannot be tolerated.


Time out, take toys away, no TV/tablet, or (I’m old school)…good ol fashioned ass whoopin😐

Show them healthier ways to express their anger. Lead by example.


Duct tape to the wall


Literally, the only thing that helped my son was behavioral therapy. Took us a while to learn he was getting so frustrated by not being able to properly express his feelings or when he needed something. He could speak just fine, but didnt know how to express hunger, sleepy, etc.

Quit sparing the rod and spoiling the child. If you don’t get control of them when they are little you will never have control when they are teenagers.

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Time out time and keep it consistent every time it happens

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I have this problem with my 2 year old too, I have tried everything , nothing seems to work, the force is strong with this one :rofl:

Hell get tired and get it together and then you can see what he needs

@at everyone saying hit them back- YEAH teach them to stop hitting by hitting them. Reeeeaaal smart. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


He’s 2, you need to teach him to emotionally regulate. Anger is a secondary emotion so he is not hitting because he he is mad.

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Ive flicked one of my kids teeth and she screamed and never did it again. I also have bit one of my kids just hard enough that they could feel it. Didn’t break skin or anything it just hurt she never did that again. I also have put salsa (homemade out of the hot dry peppers) and rubbed it on one of their teeth.


Punchie pillow. It’s ok to express anger just in the right way.