How to stop breastfeeding?

How do I stop breastfeeding?


I’m also asking the same question :raising_hand_woman:t3:

I put cabbage leaves in my bra and took Claritin allergy medicine.

Replaced the cabbage leaves quit often.

The less milk you pump/feed your supply will get use to it and eventually dry up.

Wait, how to stop breastfeeding or lactating? If you’re talking about nursing- Most babies self wean. But if you want to stop sooner, if you have help, Every time you’d normally nurse your child, your partner should take the baby and feed them with a bottle or rock them to sleep. Out of sight of you. Worked for me 3 times. On my 6th child and we’re letting her self wean cause shes my last. And she only nurses to fall asleep now at 2yo. Or if she gets hurt and needs extra comfort during the day🫶

When I weaned my daughter. I would put a bandaid on them the big square rectangular ones that would cover the whole nipple. Wouldn’t give in to her .took about a week

my daughter stopped at about 16 months when I sent her to her dads for two weeks during spring break this year. It was her first time with her siblings for that long. Well after two months of being done, she started again & im going crazy. I’m following more for advice cause I get hit, her screaming/crying in my face over it as well.

Offer a cup. Wean slowly. Use cabbage to dry up milk.

Don’t offer, don’t refuse. Offer cups, other liquids. But don’t refuse when she tries to nurse. Eventually she’ll only nurse when needing comfort or right before sleep. Weaning is nice and slow.

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Use the Farmers Almanac. You can just Google “Farmers Almanac upcoming weaning days”. It sounds crazy, but it truly worked for us with not only this with my youngest, but with pacifier and bottle weaning with my oldest.

Let her wean on her own terms, she’s still a baby. Maybe do just at sleep time as comfort.