My babys hair keeps falling out, he’s 9 months old and his scalp is flakey. Is there a shampoo that I could use to help with it. I am currently just using the Johnsons shampoo. It kinda looks like his hair follicles are clogged.
Any type of oil (I like coconut oil) and a hard bristle brush. Gently work it over the scalp to release dead skin. If you do it well you shouldn’t have to do it that often. Especially since summer is here usually scalps aren’t as dry.
The hospital told us to not use baby oil as it isn’t good for baby’s pores. I took raw, unrefined organic coconut oil, rubbed it all over my sons head, took the baby brush that comes in the gift gifts? Scrubbed it gently, let it sit and then would scrub it away. Noticed a huge difference after doing it 3 times one week. And now he has a head full of hair too!
MUSTELA CLEANSING GEL. It is a LIFE SAVER. cleared my sons head in a few washes
How much times a week should I do this with my breastmilk?
Do not use baby oil or shampoo on your baby’s scalp. Dries it out bad.