How to stop hair shedding?

Please help! Major hair shedding since having baby in April. What are some of you using to help combat this?!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to stop hair shedding?

Unfortunately mine lasted till my little boy was exactly a year old. Apparently with hormone changes this is normal. As well as partial balding in certain spots.

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Following, because same.

Have you had your thyroid checked?

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Use satin pillow cases. Less friction to the hair when you are sleeping.


It’s normal. We grow more hair while pregnant and then lose it after. It should slow down eventually though.

My kids are older and I’m having this issue. My hairdresser says it’s stress. But I’ve got 2 girls that fight constantly there’s no way to get rid of stress without getting rid of them lol


Generally it’s normal but it’s always a good idea to have a full blood panel done. Low vitamin d and anemia cause hair loss.

No tight buns , only use clippies or scrunchies and biotin shampoo. mine is still falling out 8 years later and I had covid so I don’t know if that has something to do with it to. It’s a mixture of stress to.

DO NOT FALL FOR MLM AND BS crap. Nothing can help. Ride it out and even if it’s severe and you literally have bald spots, there’s STILL nothing that can TRULY fix it (otherwise jada smith who has alopecia would have a head of long luxurious locks)

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Don’t wash your hair everyday. I wash .y hair every 3-4 days and it has helped tremendously. My kids are 10 and 16 tho. But I have diabetes and thyroid issues.

This is what I use , I have hair loss due to medication and my doctor uses it too ! I can see a difference since I have started using it . Good luck to you in what ever you decide.

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Tell your hormones to relax. Mine stopped after about a year post partum.

your can’t. You’ll go back to normal once your hormones have balanced again. Post partum shedding is normal.

Take vitamins, drink loads of water, eat healthy, and do LOW tension/maintenance styles.

Have your iron levels checked

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Rosemary oil!! That and hair skin nails gummies have been my life saver. I had a baby in March. 2 weeks growth and I couldn’t be happier

It’s totally natural. You don’t shed hair whilst pregnant so it’s actually just natural hair loss. It just feels extreme because it’s over a short period of time. Putting your hair up to look after the baby will also make it more obvious. As long as you’re not on a crazy limited diet, I wouldn’t worry.

i am making these days easily more than $500 per day for doing work online. i got my 3rd payment last month of $19999. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $17771 per month but now i see how it works.

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Protein and sometimes it just runs it’s course unfortunately

Postpartum shedding usually doesn’t get better till around 6 months. I had my son April 1st and it’s getting better as the months go by but I was literally pulling hair out in clumps and it’s getting better now. I continue to take my prenatals to help keep it under control.

It usually reaches peak at 4-6 months. Hang in there.

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l Get paid over $118 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18229 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Look into telogen effluvium. It’s not that uncommon. It’s actually very common right now, as many are experiencing it, including myself, after having covid. I started taking iron and my shedding pretty much stopped dead in its tracks.