How to stop postpartum hair loss?

Going though PP Hair loss badly! What can I do to help it? :weary:

Change your shampoo & conditioner. Get your vitamin levels checked.

Continue pre-natal meds. Talk to your ob. They put me on birth control to help also.

I know people that swear by TrueScience hair care

Anti aging hair care, with no chemicals in our products.
We naturally grow your hair back & thicken it

Cocunut oil. Leave in for an hour then shampoo as normal

Nothing I did worked to prevent or grow anything back faster. I basically had to ride it out until everything settled down. My edges got snatched back to heaven and I had what looked like a receding hair line for months. It was a bad time for me :flushed:

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Only time will help it.
Don’t waste money on products to use for this kind of hair loss!

Just don’t brush it when it’s wet and don’t have it in a hair tie for too long or too tight.


I have Alopecia Areata and there isnt much you can do for hair loss except talk to your doctor.

i lost hair after my pregnancys my dr. ,just told me to keep taking my vitamins and something else i was pulling gobs out and its bad enough i have thin hair… now the alopecia my 24 yr old got the summer before her first yr of high school.they gave her stuff for that. and she kept her hair hide how fell out she was out of town when she got it.

Comb over, low bun to hide bald spot

biotin and b12 help with hair loss

I always heard if you have left over iron pills . To crush and add to your shampoo. Anyone heard of this?