Posting anonymous because I know people in this group. How’s the switch from 3 to 4
I found 3 to 4 no issue. Just have routine in place. I’m currently pregnant with 6th other 5 was close this one is 10 Yr on but keeping the 3 at home a routine so easier to adjust after baby then she’ll just slot in. Just remember leave more time to get places incase feeds changes lol
a little hectic at times, but it wan’t hard ,i loved having four kids
Honestly once you have 3, 4 is easy. Just a little chaotic. But it was the easiest transition between them all.
Going from 1 to 2 was hard. But in all honesty, if you can handle 2 or 3, you might as well have an entire football team.
Just have another baby
Honestly found going from 1 to 2 the hardest. 3 the transition was ok…the transition to 4 was seamless- the babes just fell into our already set routine. The last 3 were super close in age so I found it easier as I hadn’t been out of the “baby” stage long
If you can handle 3, you can handle 12 lol
1 to 2 is hardest. I had 5 kids in 6 years. All c- sections. Recovery time didn’t exist. 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 is the same. It’s easier every time imo
Honestly 3 to 4 was the easiest bc at that point I stopped giving a F about every little thing.
You will legit have zero fs and a house full of love, laughter and happiness!!
2-3 is the hardest I have 4… The 3rd was the hardest and the 4th came right behind him and it was difficult with them being close together but as far as how to deal with kids by the 4th it was just life as normal I guess
It’s harder for me because my 4th baby has medical needs my other three didn’t had medical needs he’s 3 now and still have problems I had post partum depression the first year since I went to therapy it became PTSD still going to therapy