Fan Question
I am a 45yr old mom of two. A boy 6yrs old and girl 15yrs old. I’m hoping someone has some educational advice for my little boy. I’m having trouble getting him to read. He is completely uninterested in even trying. I’m looking for any tools anyone might have used that can help me. I never went through this with my girl.
Have you tried interactive books or reading games online? He might have more fun learning that way
My daughter is 6 years old. And she told me shes having a hard time reading. Come to find out tonight at her open house her teacher said shes a avid reader and she read to me a whole book. I was so happy. She always gives me a hard time reading at home.
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Try getting books about something he’s interested in. My 6 year old fought learning to read. She finally made her mind up part way into first grade.
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Does he like superheroes? Maybe try comic books to get him into reading then as he gets older try goosebumps
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Make a game out of it…on his off days(school breaks) you can make flashcards of words and tape them around the house…with a certain number of points. Come up with a point system with different rewards
I was the same way till Harry Potter books came out and my mom read me half of the first book and told me if I wanted to know what happened I had to read it myself. Granted I was older but it worked by the time I hit middle school I was reading at a high school level. You just have to find something that is interesting. Good luck
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Books on tape was the best thing I could find for my children.
weve been doing abc mouse it seems to be helping although my kids r younger than urs its helped quite a bit with my son’s speech and learning
My boy is 2 and he will not let me teach him to
Count or abc’s he plugs his ears or covers his eyes and laughs! Lol I know he’s still young but I’d like some tips or tricks as well.
Take him to the school book fair and let him pick out what book he wants to read. That’s what I did with my kids and now my youngest loves to read.
Let him choose what he reads… Take him to the public library and let him wander! Something will catch his eye!
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Speak with his teacher, s/he may be able to point you in the direction of ways to help at home or with getting a tutor
My son likes Dog Man and other graphic novels. He might too.
my youngest was like this, he was tested and certainly had the intelligence to learn to read, but refused,he was put back to a lower grade for an hour each day, did not work, , We bribed him, told him we would go to Disneyworld when he learned, three days later he read a book to us…said he knew how to read for ages,just did not want to!!!