How to teach a child to ride a bike?

How do you teach your child to ride a bike? IO swear he does not grasp the concept…

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how old is he? my kid started with a strider style to grasp movement around with his feet, he’s due to change to training wheels here soon. but strikers are suppose to be a more efficient way to allow your kid to figure out how to move around first, feel safer to learn by themselves then by doing so build up better confidence to ride.

Don’t push him
Let him grasp it in his own time
Just leave the training wheels on

Hold their seat and tell them to pedal fast!

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First thing they need to understand is that they have to adjust one pedal higher than the other, and use their weight on that one to get movement started. Leave the training wheels on until they are ready and comfortable with riding their bike. Pushing them and balancing the bike for them doesn’t teach them anything, it just sets them up for feeling like a failure unless you’re there doing it for them. Letting them figure out how to make it happen on their own will leave them feeling empowered once they get it. Explain, and have them practice trial and error to see what will work. Be patient and know they will get it once they’re ready and dedicated to conquering it.

My boy started on a balance bike before graduating to a pedal bike

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Don’t push him! Don’t get angry and annoyed with him!

Something that helped me with my kids was a balance bike when they were younger, because a lot of kids cannot grasp the concept of steering and peddling at the same time with the balance bike they were able to deal with the steering first and peddling came next

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