How to teach a kid to use a sippy?

How on earth do I teach my daughter to use a sippy cup

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I started with an open cup and/or a straw cup when my son was 6 months. He never used a sippy cup. Based on my experience, I’d suggest skipping the sippy cup all together.


My daughter is almost 18 months and has been using a straw sippy cup since 10 months, I would wait until she wanted a bottle and then put her formula in it! At first she was confused but she got the hang of it quickly!

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Go with the straws! They already have the sucking down it’s just slightly different positioning of the mouth/lips vs a full on sippy or regular cup. Plus the straw gets the liquids pass the gums and teeth making them that much healthier as not as much touches them!

I didn’t bother. We went straight to a regular cup at six months. At first they needed help but could manage it no problem by about 9-12 months. You just put a little bit of water in the bottom. They soon learn not to get wet!

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They have sippy cups with straw inside


If at least 10 months throw out the bottles. She’ll get it

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Weighted straw cup. Otherwise justbshow them like how you drink from a cup