How do you teach your kids to care about hygiene? It’s like pulling teeth.
Get The Care and Keeping of Me book for girls (2 versions for younger and older girls), and the same …For Boys, and Guy Stuff: the Body Book for Boys.
I started her really small. We had a check list with pictures and we went through it together. AM had a shirt and pants to get dressed, toothbrush, hair brush, jacket and shoes. PM had soap and bubbles for bath time,toothbrush etc. It was just us two for awhile so she was with me and watching a lot. Biggest struggle as of 6yrs old is the correct direction for wiping. She’s comes in and watches and we practice but the not wanting to stop playing or FOMO makes her either not wipe at all or whatever gets her out of the bathroom the fastest.
Pairing hygiene habits with positive reinforcement, encouragement and compliments helps as well when they are little