hey mamas! my husband and i will be traveling for a wedding in june and our son will be about 2 months at that point. we are staying in an airbnb and they do not offer a crib option. he is currently sleeping in a bassinet in the room with us, unfortunately the bassinet we have does not travel well. what have you used for your baby to sleep in while traveling?
Pack n play or rock n play sleeper
Invest in a pack n play or borrow one from a friend.
You’ll probably need it and use it later on.
We used a pack n play when we traveled.
Pack n play you can buy them with the built in bassinet
is you’re flying it might be hard to check a pac n play. they make travel bassinets that fold up small. they are pretty cheap as well
I would see about a traveling bassinet or if it’s a large city they may have baby rental
Pack n Plays are amazing for travel… Used them for all 3 of our kids…
Pack & play…some of them have a bassinet option on top.
Pack and play or, no kidding, fold up a cardboard box and take the bassinet mattress to put inside it. Make sure it’s a snuggle fit with no spaces in between the box and mattress. Got the idea from the baby box company but maybe your state doesn’t do that.
If push comes to shove, I had a friend use a dresser drawer one night because she was completely out of options. Take it out of the dresser and place on the floor.
Pack n play of course!
A drawer out of a dresser
I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion/advice, but If you can get your hands on one, a rock n play.
Dresser drawer would work.
My baby used a hammock.
I’m assuming a pack and play is what we all a travel cot in the UK so yeah I’d go for one of those easy to fold down. And good for if your in the garden and things and your baby has somewhere to go x
Pack and play. I also brought one of these once because this fit in my suitcase and a pack and play didn’t.
Summer Infant Travel Bed Amazon.com
Play n pack with the bassinet on top
Pack and play my brother did it with both of his daughters when he come see us and it works wonders
Pack n play… Life savers for traveling with babies and young toddlers.
Pack N Play. It’s a safe sleep space
depending on the size of your child you can always use a larger size laundry basket
I highly suggest a pack n play with the bassinet and changing options on top. That’s what we used when we traveled and stayed with family. We had many uses with ours and was well worth the buy.
Rock &’ play travels great. Laundry baskets work great too.
I bed share, but if I didn’t and my bassinet didn’t travel, I’d use the pack and play.
Get one of these pea pods
Pack and play with the bassinet insert
A pack and play with a bassinet insert
I highly reccomend the snuggle nest! We used ours till it had holes in it!
Comes with a removable bouncer and diaper changer
A lot of times there are companies nearby that rent out cribs/strollers/highchairs.
We used one of these even when we didn’t travel! I would carry it to my moms and around town! Folds up and you can carry it just like a little book bag!
Don’t want to buy anything? Pull out a drawer from a dresser… make a bed in there with blankets worked perfect for me once.
Dresser drawer only kidding never had baby raised. 1 and helped with stepdaughter raised niece after my twin passed
Check to see if the town you are staying in has a rental company where you can rent a crib, sheets, towels, etc.
Pack n play, u can also get one that comes with a bassinet on top
Definitely a pack n play! Just went on vacay with my 15 month old and that’s what she slept and napped in. And they fold up nicely!
Portable pack n play (playpen)
I did snuggle nest but you need a king size bed. Or a king with baby in the middle no snuggle nest. What ever you feel better about.
Or the portable playpens they are great. Get the ones with changing table, basannet combos.
I havr this one! Took it with us on vacations to hotels for spring break and Iowa when we visited family. Worked great and was right up on bed with us
Pack and play. I got mine form a thrift store for $15 like brand new.
I always brought the pack and play.
Every Mom needs a Pak n play. Also known as playpen.
Laundry basket, empty drawer, flat surface with pillow around
Pack & play with a bassinet feature. Really cheap to find on FB Marketplace.
Carrycot on your pram
Pack n play with the bassinet option. You can also buy small travel sleepers if space is an issue but I’ve never used one.
We used a pack and play. Our babygirl slept in a bassinet next to our bed also. Or you cpuld buy a portable bassinet online
If your air bnb has a couch with removable cushions I would take one and put it next to my bed on the floor with a blanket over it tight… my daughter is 10 now and she turned out fine
Looks like baby bed time!!
Pack and play is great and travels well. Less popular designs are cheaper. I’ve also seen travel bassinets that are small and probably cheaper than a pack and play, but your baby will outgrow it soon. Whatever you do, please ignore comments that suggest surrounding the baby with a pillow or pillows.
Pack & play that has the netting attached
A dresser drawer works fine with the right padding, old school bassinet.
Pack n play is great if you can afford one. Last a long time, great for trips.
Mine just sleep in the bed with me when they’re that little.
Pack and play or carry along bassinet
See if they have a porta crib or pull a drawer out of dresser and let your baby sleep in that.
Pack n play or maybe a co sleeper! A co sleeper will cost less to travel with and take less space
These are great! Super great for travelling, fold up completely. Got ours for about $80 at babies r us