How to travel with kids?

Hi! Looking for tips, tricks, advice of whatever you can give me on road tripping with a toddler! Driving about 14 hours with an almost 3 year old. Leaving tomorrow! TIA.

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If you’re able to travel during their bedtime that works REALLY well for my son.
We’ve driven from WA to CA in one straight shot multiple times and always leave at 8pm!
DVD player attached to the headrest helps too, better than a tablet in my opinion

Drive at night if you can

Another vote for “drive at night” :grin::+1:

When we drive to Florida (13 hours away) we leave around 4 am and I drive it straight through. My 1 1/2 year old sleeps till about 9/10 and we stop about every 2 hours or so and run around and eat (she has snacks in the car too)

When I make the trip from GA to NY we leave super early in the morning around 3 and get to our destination around 6pm, I let the kids stay in their PJs and transport them straight to the car after a quick diaper change. Normally we stop around breakfast and we eat lunch at McDonalds or some type of fast food with a play area to let them get out the their energy. I keep easy mess free snacks on hand, crayons and a clipboard with paper, iPads. My oldest likes to play ISpy or spell out the letters on tractor trailers and signs so she is easy… my youngest sleeps majority of the trip. I’ve tried the staying halfway thing and it’s more taxing on them. It’s easier to drive straight through during normal hours and deal a semi cranky kid the next day. I normally try to get where we need to go a couple of hours before their normal
Bedtime just give them a chance to get their energy and excitement out.

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My mom always had “road trip tubs” filled with coloring books, crayons, hand games, yo-yos and other toys

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Plan frequent stops, bring lots of activities, snacks and a type if pillow and blanket for naps.