How to treat Jaundice?

Fan Question

  • V :dizzy:

Hello mammas, I found out my babies gender today and on top of it I found out I have Jandus. I’m going back in this Friday to talk to my OB to see what kind of tests he would like to do. Anything u mammas can give me as to what to expect? Or is it kinda play by ear?

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You need vitamin d and k, get some multi vitamins and some vitamin c or take with orange juice

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My lil one was born with mild case… Just extra night in hospital… Sunlight or special lamp used!

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For all of the “what is jaundice people”

You have jaundice or the baby?

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My son had jaundice when he was born. My doctor noticed early and i ended up just going in for extra appointments during my pregnancy and she enduced me he spent a week in the hospital under lights and once he came home he just had to go to the doctors for tests every few weeks to check his levels

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Um if u have jaundice he should’ve done did test today not u go back in and see what kind of test he needs to do they should have u already on some meds or something to help u

B vitamin needs to be upped. Try sitting out in the sun

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Jaundice is related to your liver. Can be a symptom of Hepatitis.

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Could be cholestasis . I have it now and i also had it with my other two babies . Ask them to check you for that Friday when you go . I am being induced in 5 weeks (I will be 36 weeks)

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