How to treat sore nipples while breastfeeding?

Needing advice on sore nipples and breastfeeding.

Does anyone have any tips on what to do about sore nipples from breastfeeding? He’s cutting teeth, and it’s hurting me, but I’ve been putting up with it since none of the creams are working.

Nipple sheilds. Roughly $3 at any grocery or drug store.

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I always preferred medela lanolin over other brands. Also, after you nurse try a little neosporin. I ended up with little blebs when my daughter cut teeth at first. Neosporin really helped. Also, I returned to putting nursing pads in my bra. Soft and less irritating

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Coconut oil is the best relief. Put some on a breast pad it really helps!


Nipple shields and earth mama’s nipple butter they have it at target and I think Walmart sells it

I used decaf tea bags…get them damp and keep them in your bra between feedings…I had twins and this helped me.

I used nipple shields and the MEDELA ointment. Worked so well. I loved it.

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coconut oil, cold press, breast pads doubled up in bra

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You can find these or other types of nipple/boob ice packs at walmart, walgreens, local drugstores

I just used my breast milk… once I stopped using cream I never had an issue with soreness or dryness :person_shrugging:

Nipple shields. Also get the tiny teething ice packs for both of you. Target had a nice selection. Most of them have a hole in the middle and will fit perfectly around the nipple to help soothe.
I kept ours after the kids grew up because they were perfect for little owies.

Ice packs to numb before feeding and lanolin cream for after!! If you want something more natural and cheaper than lanolin, use coconut oil. Also helps if you rub some on stretch marks :ok_hand:

Check his latch. It’s easy to get lazy with the latch as time goes on. I nursed my last one for 18 months and any time my nipples got sore, it was because we got lazy with the latch.

If that’s not it, the new teeth could be rubbing and irritating you. Try different nursing positions to find one that lessens the impact.