My daughter turned 1 last month and I’m trying to get her to stop breastfeeding especially at nights it’s like she so attached like she gotta use it to sleep my boyfriend even bought me a bottle that has a nipple shaped for the bottle it doesn’t work as much any advice and tips it’s been so hard to sleep and even get her to sleep
I found the only thing that ended up working for me was making each feed less and less. It took weeks but eventually managed to drop a feed and then down to one etc.
Slow long process but it ended up working without either of us getting upset
Get your boyfriend to feed her at night with the bottle. That’s what I did. Nights were the worse bc that’s when my daughter would nurse herself to sleep. Sonny husband took over night for a bit and it was easier
Cry it out worked for us it was the only way… good luck mama
I feel like my son needs it still since he is teething. I only nurse though no pumping. He still drinks at night every 3 hours at 14 months. I’m following
Consistency is key Momma
A half hour before bed time, leave the house! (I just used to park my butt on the front porch with a book, but the kids didnt know where I was) Let Daddy create a new routine for bedtime that has nothing to do with you. Out of sight out of mind. After a week of having no boob in the house at bedtime she will forget about it and you can come back into the new routine. If there is crying and you want to cave in then go for a walk/drive where you cant hear it.
Did it this way with all 3 kids around the 18 month point when they had already weaned themselves down to just the bedtime boob.