How to wean from breastfeeding?

Any advice for stopping breastfeeding? How long does it take to get them off? My little boy is 11 months old. He is a bad biter. I wanted to go to a year and a half or two years but I’m thinking we may have to stop at a year from how bad he’s been biting. It’s heartbreaking to have to stop. He is so attached to it, he does it when he’s bored, to fall asleep, upset, not just when he’s tired. Any advice or encouragement is welcome. Thanks!


I pumped and bottle fed (sippy cup) them. Mine where bad too

Pump your milk and give it to him in a bottle so he’s not bitting u

Pump… I had to ween my daughte
The because I was due with my son and pumping and telling her no more “nin” was what I did… it took time and a bit of jealousy after her brother was born but she is all good now and doesnt even ask

Have you tried teaching him not to bite? My 16.5mo still nurses and he has a full mouth of teeth. When he would bite, I’d remove my breast from his mouth and tell him that biting hurts mommy and I wouldn’t let him latch again for at least 10 minutes. It only took a couple times and he stopped biting completely.


My first was pretty done all on his own around 11-12 months. My second made it to 14 months before I finally just made him quit. Only problem he had was going to sleep the first few nights but then he was fine.

Everytime he bites take him off immediately. Say no no or ouch firmly and walk away for a minute or so. He’ll learn to quit biting.


Have you gone to a local la Leche league meeting yet? They can help you in so many ways.

When mine bit I’d take it away and they stopped biting! Started at only a few months old so they learned early it wasn’t aloud!

My doctor told me to take Benedryl as prescribed on the box and within 3 days you’ll be dried up! Or you can only pump when you can’t handle the pain anymore. Only pump til the pressure is gone tho.

I would say its harder to stop when they are teething. :grimacing:
I decided to tough it out until all their teeth come out.
Both my boys stopped at 1 and a half (the 2nd son lasted a month longer)
:triangular_flag_on_post:I basically replaced Breastfeeding with the Sippy cup.
1st son would bring me a blanket and ask for Boob.:smiley:

  • so I made sure he didn’t have a blanket around and we didn’t say Boob anymore.
    My 2nd son was much harder😩
  • I just kept giving him Sippy cups with juice or milk.