Hi To All The Mommas Out There
My question is ; My son is now 16 months old i am still breastfeeding but have been trying methods to stop breastfeeding. I use to give him formula so i tried the half formula have breastmilk method and that was a NO , tried half regular milk / half breast and NO ! Tried adding a bit of chocolate powder into milk and NO ! Besides breastmilk he will drink apple juice /fruit punch (Mots For Tots Brand )or water . I have even tried soy milk …Any advice ?? T.I.A .
He doesn’t need formula after age 1. Not even whole milk if he has a balanced diet!
Honestly let him breastfeed if it’s not hurting you or him keeping going, I breastfed my son till 14 months but had to stop cause of lack of supply and he used me as a soother but I wish I could have gone longer (it’s really good for his immune system Especially heading into fall
Add water to the milk. Try half and half
Milk isn’t a necessity after age 1.
They make toddler formula now. Have you tried that? And when introducing new drink then you need to start of very small. Try 1/4 formula and 3/4 breast milk and after a few days try 1/2 formula with 1/4 breast milk.
Soy milk isnt recommended anymore bcuz it messes with natural hormone balances. Try almond milk. My breastfeeding babies always preferred it bcuz its a little sweeter than cows milk and tastes closer to breastmilk
But honestly if hes getting enough dairy in his diet from other sources milk isnt even necessary.
My last kiddo was only a little bit older than that when we weaned and i just stopped letting him have the boob. Wore tight sports bras and took sudafed and special tea to help my milk dry up.
Only stop breastfeeding if you want to or you have to, a lot of mothers seems to be bullied into stopping.
Juice and water is fine, he can get protein and vitamins from other dietary sources if he refuses milk.
On weaning: he’s going to cry and be heartbroken, no way around it. Trust in him to express his emotions and cope with this change. Don’t let your own fear of emotions make you pacify him, hush him, punish or shame him. Release yourself from the obligation to silence his expression. Validate his feelings and connect with him while holding your boundary: “I see you’re upset. I see this is hard for you. I’m here for you. I can hold you/sing to you/rock you/whatever but I cannot nurse you, I’m sorry”. It WILL pass.
Not really needed after 1. If you want to keep breastfeeding em keep at it.
Band-Aids on the nipples
Don’t do half and half start off with whole breast milk
Then next day 1oz water or what ever milk you want in it
Then week after 2oz water etc in it
Then week after 3oz water etc
And keep going my friend had to do this but with formula
Doctors told this way and within a few weeks little girl was on normal milk and water
She tried everything like you xxxxxxx
Have you tried almond milk?