How to wean from breastfeeding?

I need help going on 14 months of breastfeeding 95% of the time, and I want my body back. My daughter refuses to touch any other bottle rather than her Tommie Tippie only during the day for car rides at night time. She straight chucks a bottle if I try and give her one. Like, nice try, lady, haha. I can deal with that, but I’m living in a smaller place right now while our house is under construction. The point is if she sees, hears, smells, or even thinks I’m around, she loses it if I try and give her a bottle and not a boob. My supply has gotten lower and lower because I’ve been trying to ween her off, but I’m a first-time mom and feel I kinda messed up by starting cosleeping. I know! Bad idea, more in the sense of I can’t get her out of my bed and away from my boob. I just feel like I’m constantly suffocating by the end of the day when she is asleep finally, and I finally have some time and my body back. (TEMPORARILY) lol, my man comes in and wants to have sex, and all I want is to be left alone for a minute, real shit. Not have my breasts or some part of me being groped at constantly. I feel so bad for my man cause he thinks it’s him, but it’s not. It’s me and I need some time and space. I try explaining to him, but he just gets bummed out that I don’t do it with more enthusiasm which has been sucked out of me literally throughout the day. Can I make both of them happy, lol? Moms tired and just wants her bed and body back. And to be happy also.


Basically you just have to stop and tell your daughter it’s all gone. She will be fine since she’s old enough to eat and drink other things.


We started weaning around the same time. Just cut everything but naps and bedtime. Give milk not formula or breast milk in a bottle. Do not give in… its going to be hard. After a few days cut nap time boob then a few days later stop completely. Like above comment tell her its all gone. Good luck mama

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I cut a feeding per week. Started with morning feed, then the one before first nap, then second nap and then bedtime. You can space it out longer too. Whatever works for you and your child

Wear like 2 sports bras then a regular bra a tank top a t-shirt and a sweater lol

I put vinegar on my nips/old bra and told my daughter my milk was bad needless to say she was grossed out :joy:


I’ve been thro that before. My kids doctor said just keep giving them the bottle tell them no to your boobs it’s all gone. Your child will not starve themselves. They will eventually take the sippy cup or bottle or straw cup. My kids doctor also said as long as they are getting atleast 5ml worth an hour they won’t get dehydrated. So a syringe worth. So your good mama. Stand your ground. Your kids will be fine and so will you.

Touch fatigue is very real, having a name for what you’re feeling can be helpful.


My second (now 15 months) born never took a bottle! She refused. I just stopped breastfeeding a few months ago! I started by making sure she is eating enough solid foods first. Then slowly started removing the feedings during the day. Then the hard part, the night ones. Do one by one. She would wake up looking to nurse, instead I just held her, then placed her back down. Be ready for crying, but when you decide you are done nursing you HAVE to stick to it. The process for my little one took about 2 weeks to completely stop breastfeeding. Be patient, and consistent.


At 14 months, I’d be thinking about only two feeds a day and giving a cup. Why introduce a bottle when they’re at an age they should be giving them up?


Give her the cup instead give milk in a cup when she wants it still breastfeed at nap and bedtime and then wean from that

You’ll have to put up with crying but they’ll stop. Hold your grounds or do the vinegar thing.

Bandaids over your nips.

I slowly weaned in a couple weeks time and it wasn’t nearly as rough as I thought. I put Band-Aids on my nipples at the end of the two weeks and told my little guy I had boo boos lol worked great


Don’t give her bottles she is old enough for cups. Tell your husband how you feel show him this post let him read the comments. I think every breastfeeding mother goes through this, every husband gets to feel the way your husband is. But the co sleeping and the breastfeeding need to end it won’t be easy the first week or two of change will be hard but it will be worth it.


To old for bottles . Sooo cups are a good choice . Not much You can do but just stop . I stopped around the same time cause I was pregnant and needed some space before having another one . But by 18 months They want you transitioning to real cups . So just keep trying and when your done your done . Tape them boobs down if that’s what you really want. It’s really hard to stop I know first hand .


I would cut down nursing to naps and bedtime and instead of a bottle, try giving her a sippy cup during the day. If she doesn’t like that give her a regular cup with a straw. I breastfed all 3 of my girls, #1 2 years, #2 18 months and #3 about 2 1/2 years.

Let her throw a fit. It’s not going to hurt her. When she gets hungry enough she WILL take that bottle. As far as the man, they always sulk when they can’t get it every time they want it.

You can eat Healthy and breastfeed both


I did ketos while breastfeeding my 5th and last baby and lost 70 pounds.

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:grimacing: I’m not touching this one… :woman_shrugging:t2:


I breast fed my baby until she was 3.5 years old. Just exercise and eat healthy and you’ll lose weight. I lost around 45 pounds and I still had plenty of milk!!! You can do it!!!


Look everyone has an opinion about breastfeeding but bottom line fed is best. I get wanting your body back. Not just as in looking good but having your actual body back to yourself. I’m currently starting to wean my little one myself, so trust me I feel you.
With my oldest the key was getting her to take a bottle. I pretty much had to go straight back to work so I was pumping around the clock. But she also took formula when I wasn’t supplying enough. By the time I was done I only had to worry about nighttime, and honestly that took help from both my partner and my mom.
And of course that is if you want to go ahead and wean her. If not just focus on being healthy.


Fed is best*
You’re allowed to stop breastfeeding if you no longer want to do it or not able too. I breastfed both my girls only for a few months because it was extremely hard for me with work and other things etc. I froze breast milk and used that and started implementing formula. Both my girls are over 4 years old, strong and healthy. Are literally never sick. Don’t let these other moms guilt trip you into thinking breastfeeding is the only way your child will grow to be healthy. Sometimes it just isnt that easy for some women and that’s ok!


Do whatever makes you happiest!! Fed is best. If you want to switch to formula, maybe consult your pediatrician and see which one they recommend you try first. Wish you luck❤️

Ask pediatrician for recommendations and samples. May take a few formulas to find one that works for baby! Every baby is different so you really won’t know until you try.

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As long as baby is fed that’s all that matters

You don’t have to wean if you don’t want to, completely up to you. If you wanted to you could work out and lose weight while still breastfeeding. I did this with my first child as I play competitive sport internationally, and had a tour to train for. It didn’t affect my supply l, but guess you’d have to see if it does for you. Just be sure to drink enough water if that’s the case to stay hydrated and obviously eat right. If you do want to wean or switch her to formula, or if your supply gets low to just top her up with it I really liked Hipp formula, it’s European and The standard is a bit better compared to other countries just in my opinion.


I used cabbage leaves in my bra to help engorgement.


When weaning at that age it’s best to do it gradually. So replace one feed at a time for a week or so and then replace another for the same amount of time. And so on. Also a good idea to speak with your gp about weaning too


I’m pretty sure you burn more calories with breastfeeding? Start on a diet and exercise program that is breastfeeding friendly and use that last little one as a fat sucker lol . Breast is best for both you and your little one! I did weight watchers while breastfeeding and lost 50 pounds.


You don’t have to wean, you can change your eating habits exercise and it won’t mess with your supply. Breastfeeding is great for helping to lose weight and medically it’s great for you and the baby.


I’m doing weight watchers and exclusively breastfeeding. It has not affected my supply. I just make sure I drink enough water throughout the day and I usually add in an electrolyte drink that has coconut water in it which can help with supply.

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You do what you want mama!
If you want to stop breastfeeding to help yourself feel better, you do it! Happy and healthy kids start with a happy and healthy mama!
Join a mom group who helps with this kind of stuff. .but never feel pressured to continue if you don’t want to :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You should consult your OBGYN and pediatrician to get recommendations on what is best for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding actually helps with losing weight!!! You just need to switch up what your eating (healthy calories vs unhealthy calories) and add in exercise. A baby at 6 months old can be very difficult to switch to formula. Some will reject it and will go several days without eating, some develope digestive problems (such as my daughter did) bc formula is harder for the body to break down. If you truly believe weaning and quitting breast feeding is the best thing for you, know that it will take time. Every couple days decrease nursing by 1 feeding, and try to use a bottle with formula. You will become engorged due to missing that feeding, and you can pump just enough to get the pain gone. Next time, (2 or 3 days later) do it by 2 feedings, and so on till you are no longer nursing. It’s much more comfortable for you as your body will slowly dry up vs trying to do it quickly which can lead to mastitis, clogged milk ducts, ect. And it slowly allows baby to adjust to formula.

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You don’t have to wean. In fact breastfeeding is probably one of the better ways to lose weight because of how many calories you burn making milk. My sister is in the middle of a nutrition program while contributing to nurse. I’ll be happy to share info if you want to PM me.

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If you are going to use formula I would recommend enfamil inspire or you could pump and just give a bottle

I don’t think you need to wean her unless you’re wanting to. As long as you’re getting the proper nutrition/sustenance while trying to lose weight, your supply should stay pretty steady. :blush: Good luck mommas!

As long as your eating healthy and not taking any diet pills, you can diet and exercise without losing supply. Just keep hydrated.

Following, I have the same issue

Fed is best. Don’t let anyone discourage you, if you want to use formula, then use formula. Enfamil seems to be the most popular, but that made my daughter spit up an entire bottle if she touched it. What worked best for her was Kirkland brand formula (Costco) she barely spit up when we switched.

breast feeding uses tons of calories–it is actually easier to lose weight now. Whether you are bf or not the key is to eat healthy and eat less and exercise–“diets” do not work. Just make sure to stay hydrated with water and herbal teas and you can keep up your supply–often people think they are hungry but they are actually dehydrated.

Try bottle feeding to make sure baby can do that. Start introducing formula and alternate feeding with breast milk until you’re sure baby will eat that way.

My opinion is from what you wrote here- if your wanting to stop anyway to have your body back I’d just try your diet and if it affects your supply like you said you were worried about then maybe quit but maybe google what kind of diets won’t affect it if you wanna try to keep going?
I think calories have a lot to do with supply so maybe just eat healthier and keep your calories up and add some exercise see if it helps.
Also idk your story but alor of insurances have free nutrition services or like pay for you to see a nutritionist maybe look into that!

I’m with you on this one mama. I just can’t lose weight while breastfeeding and want to wean but my baby said hell no…lol…I hope you have better luck

I did both formula and breast feeding from the first week with my third baby…now we’re at eight months and since she’s started cutting teeth and eating real foods all she wants is food and boobie. She won’t touch a bottle, even with breast milk in it, and won’t use pacifiers either. Point being…you might want to make sure she will even accept a bottle. Don’t just go with the theory that “she won’t let herself starve” just because you want your body back.

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When I breastfed my son he wouldn’t take a bottle or even a pacifier. Make sure your baby will take a bottle first before you decide to stop. Best of luck momma

Breastfeeding helps you burn calories! I would keep it up. Eat smaller meals often and stay hydrated to help your supply, cut back on carbs and exercise. All safe for breastfeeding!

So long as you’re not doing anything radical your supply should be fine if you start working out and healthy eating! Don’t focus on your calories but your colors! Get a rainbow on your plate!

If that’s the only reason you’d like to wean, I’d consider options that allow you to do both. I started really losing weight with a program when my youngest was 9 months…I’ve lost 80lbs in a little over 4 months WHILE tandem feeding my now 1 and 3 year old. It can be done!

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If you really want to stop breastfeeding, (for whatever reason), I agree with a previous poster–do it gradually, start replacing feedings with bottles of formula over a few weeks. You will.need to do formula until the baby is a year.
If you are thinking of weaning simply because you want to lose weight, there are many ways you can cut back on extra calories/increase movement to achieve that while still providing nutrition for your baby.
Do what’s best for you, as long as baby gets fed. The best mama is a happy mama.


Breast feeding actually keeps the weight off after I stopped I gained 20 pounds


I breastfeed and bottle feed. And ive lost 20 plus pounds. And my little one is 2 months old. They say breast is best.

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I think short and sweet weaning is best. It worked for both of my girls.

Mothers milk herbal tea can help with supply of it does run low. The milk will literally run out of you.

So, I’ve been breastfeeding for 16 months now. I was able to cut my calories back (not extreme) and start working out without losing my supply. I made sure to include foods that are known to bolster supply like oatmeal, flaxseed, and brewers yeast in my diet and to stay super hydrated. I was able to lose all my pregnancy weight by the time babe was 9 months. It wasn’t easy and I still have weight I want to lose but it is possible.

When my daughter was just over a year, I started going to the gym and losing weight. I lost over 40lbs and it never messed with my supply, I continued to BF for another 2 years with no issues! BF that baby if all possible! I wanted my body back too, but my daughter is so healthy and is never sick, so i don’t regret sacrificing more time to ensure a healthy start for her! Obviously your choice, but losing weight shouldn’t effect your supply.

Similac Pro-Sensitive is the most like breastmilk. Do whatever you feel is best! You have nursed your baby for 6 months and that in itself is an accomplishment. If that’s all you can handle then switch to formula. I guarantee your baby will live and would rather have a happy mom while being formula fed then a depressed/resentful mom while being breastfed! Sometimes it IS putting your child first when you decide to also care about your mental health. Pray on it and decide what’s best for YOUR family

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Don’t wean until a year old. Put your child first. An nursing helps loose weight. Children usually self wean around a year.

I lost weight and maintained my milk supply by exercising and doing an elimination diet.