How to wean from formula?

What was/is everyone’s procedure for dropping formula?? I feel like since we’ve dropped a couple bottles during the day and replaced with food… he’s waking up more at night. I can’t remember what we did with my first but this is getting awful and idk what to do.

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It depends, if he is under a year old, you should not be dropping formula. It should still be the main source of nutrition. I’ve had 4 kids and never dropped formula/breastmilk feedings just because they were eating solids. We did baby lead weaning too, and still their bottle was their main source of calories. If they are over a year old, they should now be on milk, and you can give 2 cups a day of milk, the rest water, and a little bit of juice. Bottle/sippy at night can remain milk/formula as long as proper dental hygiene is done. Then slowly water down the drink at bedtime til it’s just water.

Well after 12 months old doctors recommend starting whole milk. We just did it cold turkey per our pediatricians recommendations and our twin boys did just fine

Waited until the last tub after 12 mos ran out, then went cold turkey. Did it with both my kids :woman_shrugging:t2:

If before 12 months of age, it should not be replaced by food. Food is complimentary to formula/breastmilk.

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I started half milk/half formula at 9 months. Off bottle at 10 months. Had been using a sippy since 6 months.

We literally just stopped giving it to them