Hi I’m new here I have a question I have a 20 month old daughter that’s still using a pacifier I wanna get her off it. any tips on how to get her off the pacifier?
You can start to ween her off it. Only let her have it at nap time of bed time. I know some people also cut hole in them, then when they suck on them they aren’t as pleasing.
Take it away and throw them in garbage 💁
Take it and dont give in. It’s really the only way… unfortunately.
Take it away and throw it in the trash.
Cut the tip or go cold turkey and let her be mad a bit
For both of my kids I just took them. Yea it’ll be hard but it’s the easiest thing to do. If you “wean” then you can always give in and give it back. Collect them all get rid of them and I promise it gets easier after the 2nd-3rd day.
With one kid I took it when they napped and threw it away and helped"look" for it with her and said maybe someone took it because you’re a big girl now. The other I tool it closer to christmas and told her Santa will bring her big girl toys if she gets rid of her binky
The Paci Fairy came to our house. They left them out one night and the Paci Fairy left them a gift in exchange for the pacis. They never asked for them again.
We threw all of our sons away. When he didnt see any around and we told them there weren’t any he just stopped asking. Surprisingly went WAY better than we anticipated.
Cut the tip off or poke a hole in it … it’s going to be a little ruff the first couple days and make sure there is no other changes happening at same time I made that mistake and good luck the sooner the better
My son is 20 months too and I literally took his away cold turkey a week ago. Naps and bedtime are a little more difficult on getting him down for a few minutes (that’s the only time he was give his paci before) but he seems to have adjusted to without it.
When my oldest was little (my other two didn’t use them) I told her when she lost her paci, because she was always losing them, that we weren’t gonna get another one. Hung onto that last one for almost a month. When she lost it I told her it was gone and that was it. She wasn’t quite two. She didn’t pt up much of a fuss either. I reminded her often that when she lost it, that was it. No more paci
Cut the tip off of it. She cant suck on it and womt want it
We take our son to daycare and they wouldn’t let him have it there. So we basically stopped reminding him he needed it. Took about 2 weeks
As a nanny when people asked me to help ween their children from the pacifier we limited it to nap and bed time, and cut the very tip of it off so it wouldn’t be as satisfying. It was difficult for a little while but after a couple days they didnt want it anymore. With my own children, my first born gave it up on her own at 6 months, and my second born is 3 months and wont take one except for in the car.
I took my daughter’s & threw it away. Its been 3 days now & she’s just fine.
You could do the cut the tip method or just Cold turkey. It’s going to suck (no pun intended) for a few days but she doesnt need it and she will be okay!
Throw em in the trash, cold Turkey is best… my son was a lil cranky at first… my daughter did fine… she didn’t care much
Take the pacifier away! LOL… I have 5 girlies… typically take it away before a year, usually around 9-10 mos. But after I had my newest baby, toddler sister wanted a binky again and I have in lol… Now taking away cold turkey sucks, but is fast and effective! Takes a week… Crying is expected! You’ll both survive! Find something new she likes, toy, movie, etc.
Ours just disappeared one by one. Less they were available the less he wanted it and he didn’t even realize they were gone.
Cut a hole in the nipple.
Tie.it to balloon and let her let it go and wave goodbye
Take it away completely and throw it away, and don’t look back. If they don’t see it, they won’t ask for it.
Out of sight, out of mind
Sprinkle pepper on it it wrk bac in da day
Food for thought
My mother tell my girls to throw theirs out the window of the car and they did and I never let them have one after that they done great .my oldest was 2 1/2 . They cryed the first night
Did something similar to Bree Renae
But not quite…it was already forming a rip so I told my daughter (who is now 14) that if she kept sucking on it, it could fully come off and she’ll choke! She was 2 at the time. She tossed that sucker so fast across the room and never took it again
Fast forward over 14yrs later, I have a 7mth old boy that I only give it to for napping n bedtime. He already starting to hate it so I dont think I’m g2have a prob w him like I did w my girl:rofl:
My son and daughter in law had this problem with their little girl. She was 2 in November and they told her at Christmas when the cookies and milk went out that she needed to give it yo Santa. Never heard another word. Good luck!
Wean her with the Old Farmers’ Almanac. Look for wean date and do it then.
Just toss them all. Melt downs will happen. You will be tired…she will scream and cry. We went cold turkey. After 3 days it was fine. Do NOT give in at all though!
Never gave my kids bottles or pacifiers, because i feared this day. I did hear a clever solution from a friend that is a nurse. She explained to her toddlers (when it was time) that the babies in the hospital needed the pacifiers/bottles (teaching empathy). They packed them up together, and pretended to donate. Pretty sure there was a reward (ice-cream) for their generosity.
I threw my son’s away one week I had off for vacation so I would be the one to deal with the crying. After 2 days of pure hell, he was fine!! Cold Turkey is the way to go
My daughter had one until Pre-K so I have no advice. We took them she would buy them with her own money.lol
I never have worried about it. They just get rid of it by themselves. Was no big deal. Figured they wouldn’t want to leave for college with it. Lol
I raised 2 daughters, 3 grandkids…have 9 total and have 6 g.grandkiddos with 2 more on the way…
I think the bigger the focus harder it is.
Found their own playmates peer pressure was most effective.
My son had a pacifier for 3 months the first night wasn’t bad at all but my daughter wanted it after 6 months and I just threw it out never had one again I never showed her either so she didn’t miss it
Just take it and throw it out
Throw them out. It will take a few days but she will forget about itm
Gradually take her off
No different then weening ur baby off bottle
My daughter had hers till she was 4! But was only allowed it if she was sitting on the sofa resting or sleeping from about 2 1/2 yrs and was never allowed to talk with it in! To be honest I didn’t make a big deal out of it, more children/adults suck their thumbs than have dummies!!!
Cut the tips off all them. They won’t suck right and they won’t want them anymore
We got rid of my daughters cold turkey. After she went to bed we put all of them up. She asked for it once the next day and I told her no and she never used it again. She was about 1 year and 4 months at this time
Throw them away and distract her with other things, melt downs may happen but they won’t last
I told mine the dogs ate it and never went to baby isle with her so she’d see more
I just kept throwing them away
Cold turkey. Its hard at first but it gets better.
Give it just at nap time and bedtime.
Then start eliminating naptime and eventually stop nighttime. Easiest way to get rid of it
Heres a crazy tip. JUST THROW IT AWAY.
I only give it to my 20 m.o boy at bedtime.
It’s so easy to just stop giving it to him and let him cry it out but his dad keeps giving in because he feels bad
Maybe start by only giving it to her for bed time then completely take it away and let her cry it out.
Cut the ends and tell kiddo they are broken
Let her cry one night without it use some ear plugs for your self
Take it and explain she’s becoming a big girl now and big girls don’t use pacifiers even try look mommy is a big girl she doesn’t use a pacifier I’m doing this currently with my 34month old but with bottles
Hm? My sister used her two middle fingers with no pacifier. They would callous and her teeth bit thru, so she changed to her other hand until they healed. I would rather have pacifier rather than thumb or the fingers But cutting the tip might help.
I told my son at 16 months to say “byebye” to his binkie and that we are becoming a big boy and dont need them anymore. I feel pretty lucky because it worked. He fused just slightly for 2 days and that was it.
Offer her sippy cup,and she might not like it put at first but eventually she will forget about it