How to wean from the pacifier?

How do you wean a toddler form the pacifier? she keeps stealing it from her baby brother and i dont wanan upset her as she is already jealous of baby


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Just throw them away and don’t buy anymore :woman_shrugging:


I put bbq sauce on my daughters she gagged and never touched it again :joy:


Introduce something else to help her soothe.
A new baby doll. Play a game.


She’s a toddler. Just because she’s a big sister doesn’t mean she has to give up her dummy


If she’s not potty trained it sounds like a good time to start because she’s a big sissy now! She can throw away all her pacifiers or “donate them to a baby in need” and then pick out her big girl panties at the store!

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Just take it away. It only takes a couple days then they don’t ask anymore


My son was so hard to get off the nook. I actually tried everything n what worked was I took them all n cut the actual sucky part off. He was looking for his nook n I brought it to him n he tried to suck it lol, he brought it to me n said no more sucky mom. Yuck n he threw it in the trash. Thank God​:heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

My girl was soothed with hers & gave it up on her own after she was 3. It isn’t hurting her & normal to regress with a change like a new baby. Let her have her own & baby has their own for now.

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I had both kids have a binky for awhile. It didn’t hurt, I also did a binky fairy she took binky and left the fairy, it was a bear with wings. You got to see what works for them.

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Cut it she will lose interest

I saw a friend post on fb cut lemon in half run dummy onto it

l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

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I started telling my kids when they were 2 that when they turned 3 that it was time to give them up. At 3, they threw them away. I wouldn’t push the issue since you have a baby, your child will be fine


l get paid over $ 190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 20935 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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Never used them, hate them


I just took it away. Throw them all in the trash and never bought new ones. It was rough at first, but after a few days all my kids were fine.

Good luck honey… that was one hard habit to break for both of my babies. It was like their drug lol. Right when I thought we finally did it they come up with one they had stashed away :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Replace it with Chewlry.
My 3yo son is an oral sensory seeker, and he I would give him his chewlry necklace.


Frozen fruit. Sweet treat vs. plastic. Peach slices, whole berries, banana pops…

Frida Baby has a weening system you can try
FridaBaby Paci Weaning System

Did anyone even read the question? It’s her baby brother’s pacifier and she keeps stealing it.

How old is she? My daughter, with help from my husband and I, self weaned at 17 months. We started taking it away during the day, she would get it for bedtime. One night I put her to bed and forgot to grab the binkie. She slept all night without it, and we never gave it to her again. As for taking it from her bother I have no advice

My daughter had been weaned from hers for over a year when her brother was born. When she stole his pacy, I would take it back and say “that’s for babies! You’re a big girl now. And big girls get to (insert thing she loves to do)” and then I would redirect her to play with something. After a while she would leave it alone

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Don’t give them one! My kids nor grandkids never had them

Aside from not using a binky at all
Just take them away. From both of the of kids… I don’t believe in the binky.
Bad for the teeth and and promotes an overbite. And doest help the child learn to self sooth.

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Mine were clear of them before a year old. Infants lose pacifiers all the time, parents are always having to replace them. At 9 months, I stopped replacing them. Had about 2-3 rough nights, then they were completely forgotten and never a problem again.

She is stealing it from the baby! Does anyone read anymore?

Idk how old your baby is, but I took them away at 9-10 months old. My 3yo, whose potty trained, started stealing them and I told him if he wants to act like a baby, I’ll put diapers on him again and he can be treated like a baby. He didn’t like that.

You need to wait and wean both. Only way is out of sight out of mind. Reward her for being big sister. Try to only let each use while sleeping/napping. We had to with nephews older one was stealing them and hiding all for himself but also chewing them witch is also dangerous for both.

I took all four of mine away before they turned a year.
Talk to your older child and tell them that the baby need his bink bc he’s little. She’s a big girl now and doesn’t need one.

Maybe tell her she’s a “Big Girl” and big girls don’t use pacifiers. Idk how old she is or if she would understand but maybe try to reward her if she doesn’t take it for so many hours/days/weeks…whatever time frame would work for you. I know my daughter always wanted to be a big girl and not referred to as a baby…good luck Mama!!!

l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18657 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

If she is under three I wouldn’t rush to take it just yet. Usually they will wean themselves from it. And like you said she’s having jealousy issues right now.

I had my daughter walk out to the trash can with me on trash day, had her put them in the trash can and say goodbye, then when the trash collectors showed up, we watched and said goodbye again.
When I was a child, my aunt took all of mine and cut them up in front of me.
So there is a couple of options for you

My daughter threw hers on the floor at around 6 months old so I threw them in the trash. She just didn’t want it anymore😂Pinterest has some great ideas.

I broke my 18 month old by just taking it, it was rough the first few days but then she stopped asking for it all together! I kept telling her that she was a big girl and didn’t need it anymore but honestly I am so glad it got rid of it because now I do not have to worry about always carrying just in case she gets sleepy!

My son threw his away around 22 months and we never looked back

My daughter stopped using hers on her own at 3. You don’t have to worry too much until 4 but definitely keep an eye on her teeth. We just only gave my daughter hers at night unless she was asking for it and eventually she lost interest. We took her to build a bear for her birthday and out her pacifiers in a bear for her so she’ll always have them.


i just took it and didn’t give them the option of having it. after a couple days they forgot about it. then again, i took them first birthdays


I’d say it’s easier when they are younger I took my babies at 4 months which he only liked certain ones he started on the transitional sippy cups at 4 months and then wanted nothing to do with binkys or bottles… my oldest child threw his down at about 6 months and I just didn’t give it back he did not care at all… my brother on the other hand said he did something a lil diff that he had seen on tik tok where u cut more and more of the nipple off until they don’t want it anymore lol I’m guessing it works cus his son was about 2 or so and all of a sudden one day the binky was just gone

my dau got chicken pox so bad, including in her mouth she couldn’t take a bottle or pacifier. once it was healed, we never gave either back to her. she was about 6-9 mo old.

Some toddlers you just have to take it and let them cry it out for a couple days and they will forget about it.


By the time my kids could sit up and hold things I “lost” the pacifiers. They never missed them

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My first 2 kids wouldn’t take them. My youngest did so when he started throwing them in the trash, I stopped replacing them. He wanted himself off by the time he was 1.5 years old.

I just took it from each of my kids and tossed them…They were upset a couple days but we all survived and they got over it being gone fast…

Poke a hole in it. 2 days later he was done

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Cut the nipple off hand it back, how I got my youngest off his, he was two, cut the nipple off hamded it back, he said broken and threw it out,

He went to my grandma’s when I had his sister. We forgot it. But he never missed it. Was in 1967.

My grandson “gifted” his binkies to a new baby cousin who “needed” some.


We had our little girl throw them all in garbage
Gave her a gift
After that…no problem :heart:

Toss it out…I cut the end off with scissors and showed my kids and told them it was broke and had them throw it in the garbage…no problem at all.

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ADA says it’s fine until 4. I never took my daughter’s, just kept telling her they were really meant for babies, kept them out of sight until she asked, and eventually she stopped asking around 3.5. No crying, no lost sleep, no worries. :person_shrugging:


Do not cut it. Cutting them makes it a huge choking hazard

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What’s to wean? Throw it in the trash. And should have been done a long time ago

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for my second baby who loved her bop, we had to find a new comfort item. she ended up with 2, a favorite blanket and favorite stuffy we called her bed buddy. we talked the stuff up, let her go to the store to pick it out and explained to her it’s time to stop with the boo she’s a big girl now and in return she gets her new blanket and bed buddy. there was about 4 days of struggle but staying consistent with the new comfort stuff and routine proved to be what she needed to quit it


Just take it. Throw in trash. It will be hard for a few days. But it will pass.

We gave our pacifiers to Santa in trade for a special gift :gift:

My kid was sick and I told him it was his paci that was making his troat hurt so we threw it away and he never ask for another one.

The dentist talked my daughter into giving hers up. I have no idea how lol. She had it for a long time, I tried a bunch of different things but she was never ready and I couldn’t bear to see her cry herself to sleep at night. So I just let her keep it, she only had it for bed though. Then one day the dentist convinced her to give it up and it went smooth.

My 3yo still has hers but only for bed, it’s stays under her pillow until bed time. My nearly 1yo has one but only when he’s tired so if I take hers, She’ll take his so I’m leaving her to it until he’s around 18m then il take both their dummy’s if they haven’t given them up by then.

My son got to that point and when he spit it out at night we took it and then keep in freezer for teething times only. Once out of the teething phase, they were thrown out.

Just throw it in the trash

Two of my kids liked the dummy what I did was only allow for sleep time as they got older for 2 weeks , instead of being able to use it when they wanted and then after that within the two weeks explain to them that they are a big kid now and don’t need their dummy to sleep . Then just stop allowing them to use it . It only took a couple of days before they didn’t even care that they didn’t have one . One of my babies thumb sucked which was allot harder to stop because you can’t just take it away haha .

Should have been off of it way before now. Replace with a sippy cup.


My daughter started biting hers at 2. Told her no more. My 22 month is starting to bite I’ve told him I’m not buying anymore either. Took my daughter about a week and she was fine.

I started with Binky is for Bedtime so we would keep it in under her pillow. We then told her she had to leave it for Santa because he needed Binkys for the new babies. This worked for us.

My oldest was hard to get off it and was going on 4, an ex ended up pretending to throw it out the car window because I had tried all the other ways (dip in hot sauce/vinegar, cut the tip, let them throw it away, etc), the first night was rough but he didn’t ask for it after that. I still have that pacifier put away in his baby box. Lol and I can promise you, he isn’t traumatized, doesn’t even remember.

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I tried everything to get my daughter off the paci. I was trying when she was 2 and 3 but nothing worked. I had it down to where she only took it at bedtime. So I let it be. When she was 4, the dentist convinced her to get rid of it.

Luckily my granddaughter pretty much refused one from birth and we don’t have to go thru weaning her from one. She soothes herself by sucking on her fist sometimes that’s it.