Induction: i may have to do one tomorrow. I had a sweep yesterday i have cramping and spotting nothing else. I keep hearing failed inductions lead to csections. I do not want this. What was your experience with induction? And dialation?
Just got induced 3 months ago at 37w. Was already dilated to 3. Had baby in 5 hours. It went better than I expected!
Easiest of my three labors & I was induced at 34 weeks.
Was induced for both of mine. They say it’s worse than normal labor and I believe it. On the plus side, it happens a lot faster so it’s over sooner. There’s just no easing into it. You go from barely feeling anything to being in full blown labor. But if I can do it, YOU can do it! Good luck mama! here’s to hoping for a smooth delivery!
I was induced. Never progressed and ended up with emergency c-section. Honestly it was not bad at all. Recovery was a little sore but managed
It depends on how your body reacts to everything. I was induced and was only at like 1 cm dilated and it took forever. Got my epidural and had some complications after that and my body decided to stop dilating at 6 cm so they decided to do a c-section because I was uncomfortable and my son didn’t like it when I turned to the side that was most comfortable for me. He came out perfectly healthy though!
I was induced twice with no issues. First one took awhile, 2nd time was like 9 hours.
I’ve been induced with all 3 of my kids. No c-sections. My first labor took a long time but no issues. Second induction my daughter got stuck in my hip but got an epidural and she was able to move. No other complications. My third induction was less than 10 hrs to total. My son was born maybe 2 hours after my water broke haha.
I was induced twice. Once at 39 weeks once at 37. Both only took 11.5 hrs from arrival to birth. Both kids came out super easy.
You can read all these but ultimately every one is different. Do you can’t expect the outcomes that these women have had. Just take each moment as they come! Good luck!
My personal experience was okay, was in labour for only a short period of time! Although my epidural failed it was still better than my first child’s birth. Warning though if you get induced with the ballon/ball type things it was pretty weird when it fell out in the toilet was actually pretty weirded out ngl LOL
I was induced with my first, and it seemed to take forever but it went fast 5 hours but I also displayed really quick, from 3cm to 7 cm to 10 cm in less than an hour
2 of my 4 were inductions. Everything went perfectly.
I was induced with my second. Labour was definitely faster. Everything went very well
The only reason my induction led to a C-section was my son’s head was too big and he got stuck while pushing
Was induced with my older two. Both experiences were fast and great. Had zero complications
Good luck!
Induced 3 times. First 2 my labor was 3 hours and 3rd was 12 hours. I’ve never had any problems or c sections with induction.
I was induced at 37 weeks. I was in labor for 7 and a half hours, also had an epidural. No c-section
I was induced with both my girls, the first at 41 weeks, was then in labor 10-11 hrs, pushed for 3? hours, and then they had to use the vacuum to pull her out. She was 9lbs almost 22" long! My 2nd I was induced at 39w1d, was in active labor for somewhere around 7 hrs, pushed for 10 min and she was here! She was 8lbs 20 3/4" long. I’m hoping to induce at 39 weeks with my 3rd as well, I’m due early March
I was induced with my last pregnancy, I had pitocin or however it’s spelled. The longest part was contractions, once labor started it sped up fast, water broke in my doctors face, 4-5 pushes and he was out.
It was intense but so fast. It only took 13 hours for me.
I had a membrane sweep on a Friday. Went in the following Sunday night to be induced at 39 weeks and 3 days. Was already 3 centimeters along. That was around 8ish PM. Checked me again at 8ish AM and I was already 6 centimeters. They started Pitocin and broke my water. By 9:37AM, my daughter was born. Things went super fast. Only pushed 30ish minutes.
In labor for LONG hours
I was induced but never fully dialated. Barely made it to 5cm. Baby didn’t like the contractions- had heart decels. Had a c-section. Delivered a healthy baby!
Induced full term. Had two epidurals because the first one failed. Dilated to around 5 then went backwards. After over 20 hours of labor had a c-section due for the health of the baby. Delivered a healthy baby.
When I was induced at 40w5d, it went well. My epidural failed or wore off, as i got it at 9pm and delivered the following afternoon. That was about the only problem I had experienced.
I got induced with my son he was almost 39 weeks it was super easy went in at 7 they gave the first dose and it didn’t do anything so they gave another and iv meds I think pitocin ? And he was born at 5:36 that evening. I was super scared cause everyone kept saying it hurt really bad and was worse but it wasn’t as bad as my daughter I wasn’t induced with her.
I was induced with my 2nd. Had her within 2 hrs. She was my easiest of all 4
My 4th baby I had an induction with waters were broken at 7:30 she was here by 11:45 had a few complications as they called it a “traumatic birth” she come out the birth canal pretty quick and she didn’t agree with that very much… but the pain oh my lord!! Def worse than natural labour the back pain and how intense the contractions were If it wasn’t necessary as I had pre eclampsia I wouldn’t chose to do that again!!
Induced on on Dec 31st at 8pm. Had my baby
January 2nd at 5am. It wasn’t bad. Just a long stay in the hospital. No c section.
I was induced with my second child as it was needed. No issues.
I’ve had 2 inductions 1 “regular”. I would never again choose an induction unless absolutely medically necessary such as my case with pre eclampsia. Pitocin makes your contractions SO bad. Intense and back to back with no breaks unlike natural labor. Inductions can lead to other complications aside from c section. Both my inductions ended in complications and my natural labor was a breeze compared to both. Could be coincidence but I don’t feel it was. Me personally would choose not to be induced if I ever had more kids which I can’t medically now anyway but still.
I’ve had five inductions and no problems. All vaginal births
My waters broke on their own. My labor was slow. Stuck me on the drip. Agony for 27 hours. Told I was going to have to get a c-section, sat up, threw up. Bam 10cm. 30 min. Baby. Lol. 7 days in hospital - little man had jaundice.
I threatened my 2nd baby with getting induced after 40 hours of labor. 20 min from the hospital she decided she’d finally come out… NOW.
I was induced just 3 days before my projected due date. I hadn’t been able to really sleep for 2 weeks. Got an epidural and took a nap for a few hours, since my body was finally getting some rest it could do what it needed to. Dilated from like a 3 to a 9.5 in that time. My only issue was kid wasn’t coming straight. Kinda at an angle so was hitting my pelvic bone. Had to do some weird yoga like poses to get her to straighten out. Then it was easy.
Is this actually medically necessary
I was induced. It didn’t work. Had a c-section. Wasn’t a terrible experience at all. It was kinda cool being awake and not in pain for the process, even tho I couldn’t see anything.
My youngest was he wasn’t growing in my stomach and the fact he made it as long as he did was a miracle but I was induced at 38 weeks luckily I didn’t even know I was already contracting every 7 mins I didn’t feel them so it was easier to fully kick start labour but still was my longest labour I have 5 my other 4 were natural and only took like 2 hours each but my youngest I was in full blown labour for 12 hours but I did fine and I was able to get the epidural this go around each person reacts differently to being induced and I have had no c section he almost was but for a different reason I was prepped just in case had a low lying placenta and bled while in labour because dilation was causing micro tears in my placenta
3 inductions, no c sections. The pain is a little wild. But you’ve got this.
I was induced 3 times… First time my child was 2 weeks late… From the time the induction started to birth was a total of 22 hours. With my 7th child i was induced because of gestational diabetes at 39 weeks. It took a total of 18 hours… With my last child who is now 5 weeks old i was induced at 37 weeks due to gestational diabetes and it took 32 hours! Its a different experience for everyone.
I was induced for 4 days, never dialted. Got a bed sore because they would only let me lay in one position and had to be on the birthing bed the whole time. On the 4th night they said they could either insert a balloon to force open my cervix or do a c section, I chose c section. I would never have agreed to be induced had I known there are so many complications. Just remember that you don’t HAVE to do anything you don’t want to do. They can’t make you be induced. Good luck!
I was induced at 3cm had baby 2 hrs after
I was induced for both of my kids. We didn’t need a c section either time. It took forever to dilate the first time I was 41w3d, like almost 2 and a half days before I delivered. My second (around 37w) only took about 36 hours.
Only had inductions so I can’t compare to going into natural labor but 1st I was 40wks 2cm went 12 hours and 2nd I was 39wks 3cm and funny enough I had actually gone in originally for a c-section for breech baby but he flipped. Labor lasted 6 hours. Contractions are quick and become strong and intense especially based on how much medicine they are giving you. If you choose epidural remember you have to finish 1 fresh bag of fluids before you can receive it so don’t wait for your contractions to get too strong before deciding to if that is your choice.
My last baby I wish I never did it. It took forever it was so long and painful
Terrible. But mainly since my epidural wouldn’t work.
Ive been induced 4x and I perfer it. Never had it led to csection. I have 6 living 2 angels. I had an emergency csection bc i was bleeding to death due to a full placenta abruption causing my baby to be stillborn at 35w6d. I had a repeat csection with my rainbow at 37w4d. Then had another placenta abruption at 21w4d with my last pregnancy. I was induced with my 1st at 41w cervix not dilated so i got cervidil not dilated at all even after 3 sweeps. 12 hours of the cervix softener then pitocin was started. Took 9 hours. 3rd baby induced at 37w i was 3cm dilated so no need for cervidil just pitocin. Had baby in 4 hours. 4th induced at 39w. Cervix was not dilated. Cervidile did not work after 12 hours. Used a balloon when pitocin wasnt working either. About 38 hours that one was rough but not my worst experience as my emergency csection is my worst. 5th induced at 39w. I was dilated a little so no need for any softener. Just pitocin. 12 hours with that one. I perfered those because they know youre there to have baby. When i went in with my 2nd they constantly tried to send me home even though my cervix was actively dilating. I was in so much pain my whole body just hurt but they denied me anything as they kept saying it could awhile. 8 hours. I had baby 8 hours from walking into l&d and they tried to sejd me home the first 5 hours. The last 2 hour they decided to let me have an epidural but when i bent over for it my water broke. So they sent the guy that does that away so they could test to make sure it was my water. So i didnt get the epidural and had to wait again for it to be ordered.
I got lucky and went into my induction in active labor. They went ahead and put some pitocin in and broke my water. My labor was 13 hours.
Yes failed inductions when the body isn’t ready can lead to more interventions including a C-section. Think about why they say you need the induction and what happens if you wait. Pro/Con list. Remember that a healthy baby and mom is the goal.
Pitocin sucks.
You do have the right to decline or call and cancel. If there’s no medical reason while baby needs to be born immediately, I’d cancel. I skipped my VBAC baby’s membrane sweep appointment twice and labor started naturally when it was supposed to, at 40 weeks.
I was induced at 37 and a half weeks, the pitocin was not bad for me, honestly my contractions didn’t get bad until after they gave me pain medication (staidol followed by my epidural) 10 and 1/2 hours into it. I was not already dilated whenever they did induced me, but I had preeclampsia and toxemia which was the cause of the induction. They started it at 6:00 a.m., and I gave birth at 8:36 p.m. I didn’t really have any complications with my induction either.
2 inductions due to medical reasons and did not need c-section with either
Induced for 15 hours, failed, led to ceserean. My kid was too dang big for me though, so lol.
5 inductions here. No C-sections.
I was induced on Christmas Eve last year due to health complications
I went in at 12 PM and was 2 cm dilated and they gave me the Foley bulb and Pitocin at 2 which got me to 5 cm in like 3 hours
They removed the bulb and I showed no signs progression so they upped my Pitocin and gave me an IV pain killer I don’t remember what it was.
Around 8 PM I got the epidural, and shortly after I was told that I may have to prep for a emergency C-section because they couldn’t find my son’s heartbeat, and they tried to do internal monitoring and still couldn’t find him. I also had to get a amnioinfusion.
Finally, they took away my peanut ball and just gave me a pillow and they found his heart beat.
At like 11 PM they checked me again and I was still 5 cm so they just let me be and I went to sleep and I woke up about 2 hours later and was fully dilated and took about 10 minutes to push and had my son on Christmas
So my entire labor was like 11 hours compared to my labor with my first, which was about 46 hours
I had an induction which lead to a c section. C sections only take about 45 mins you just lay there the baby comes out immediately and the rest of the time you’re being stitched up, it may not be in your plan but it’s not scary nothing to worry about.
I did end up having a c section from an induction but it was bc my son compressed the umbilical chord everytime I had a contraction… So if it were natural labor there is achnace it would have ended that way anyways… And as for not wanting a c section I get not wanting surgery but having you baby be born healthy should be above not wanting a c section
Got induced with my first baby and had her within 5 hours. No complications at all.
I had 3 successful inductions, and I don’t regret going that route a bit!!
My first I was dilated 2cm 39 weeks along went in 7am and had her 10 that same night fast delivery. My second I was 4cm going in 38 weeks along and the whole process only took 8 hours until she was in my arms and didn’t need an epidural until about an hour before I as pushing! Both were smooth and pretty fast.
Mine ended in an emergency c section I’d recommend not getting a epidural with them inducing labor