I was scared to but it feels the same as having 2. You will do great.
I have a 6 year old, 2 year old and a 5 month old. Hardest thing for me right now is that my two youngest breastfeed. It’s hard because i wanted to wean my 2yr old but she won’t have it especially because she sees her younger sister still get milk. I know it will get easier with time and i will miss these days in time
we have 7
ours are super close in age too
you have to do the best you can and enjoy every moment
Well i started out with 2 and the 3rd was not very far behind. It could have gone a lil smoother but it was not too terrible
I had 6. So 3 isn’t any harder than 2.
You just do it… that simple. Dont expect it to be easy, expect to look back and smile.
You won’t have to worry about your weight with three to care for.
I had twins, went from e to
just take it one day at a time and enjoy that day…never worry about something you have no control over like the next day
You will do just just fine - my daughter had triplets boys and managed! Imagine that. She made it work!!!
You do what you have to do. It all works out.
I had 3 in 4 1/2 years. Don’t let anybody kid you. It’s very hard. Two in diapers, one with colic who cried 18 hrs a day, a husband who worked 12 to 15 hrs a week, it’s exhausting, overwhelming, and at times, impossible. However, with the help of wonderful parents, in laws, and a husband who helped when he could, it was the best of times! Wouldn’t trade it for anything. In a few years it gets easier and easier. It was nice they were close in age since their interests were sjmiliar. They were great friends growing up and still are Now as adults. Now all grown up and lives and homes of their own, I miss them. I’m blessed they live nearby and love us so they visit often.
It won’t be that much different than having 2. You can do it. You’re stronger than you think.
i had 7 kids and proud to be a mom u will do just fin e just love those babies with all your heart just be thankful u have them and they are ok u got a husband he can help u GOD is always with u so try to relax as much as u can it will be ok i will be praying for u i am 75 now and so happy i had all my babbies i loss my oldest son 9 years ago now that is harder than any thing u can go through if u lose one so be very thank ful GOD BLESs
Have realistic expectations and be flexible! Experience the joyful moments! They will only feel the love!
Baby 3 was hardly a blip. 1 going to 2 was hard. Our 3rd was easy.
Mama of 4 plus two bonus sons and the biggest adjustment was from 1-2 after that it was just more laundry and food
The change from 1 to 2 kids is huge but from 2 to 3 is nothing
You can’t beat birth control,try it as soon as you’ve given birth stay safe.
There is a special reason you will see and a bit of schedules stricter that include set aside hours here and there. Preschool for eldest and ask for help. You will do fine
I had twins, went from 2 to 4, was busy all day.
I found 3 were easier and the 4th was a piece of cake. You got this. Don’t worry about it.
They’re Children not Baby Goats
My experience was having a third was like having a first. But, I still stay do it if you want to!
Just roll with it. It will all be just fine ,
Perhaps you should try parenting classes, It worked for us.
I found our third child to be like a special gift to our whole family❤️
I managed to raise them by myself you can do it you’ll do just fine
Three times the fun!!! Third one is a bonus!!! Enjoy and love those kids… they grow up too fast!!!
My mother in law had 5 kids within 33 months, (she had two sets of twins)
One day at a time it will be hard work. There will be a lot of love. You will be ok
All you can do is take it one day at a time
I went from having a 4 yr old to a 4yr old and twins. Yeah that was hard, but I did it. You will too. After awhile, it will seem like easy breezy. We all adapt and sometimes we never even know we’re doing it. Congrats on the new arrival.
Everything after 2 is hard.
After 2 it’s a piece of cake
They don’t stay little very long.
Don’t blink
They will be in high school before you know it
You just do it
For me the car seat & diaper bag again was such a pain
You will be fine!!!
To me it was not hard
You’re going to do just fine. Try and relax and it will be ok. Going from 1 to 2 was easy!
Going from 1 to 2 is the hardest change if you have 2 you can handle 3 with a breeze trust me I had a 3 y/o not quite 2 y/o when my unplanned #3 arrived I was scared as well …but as soon as I held her I knew it was fine you have alot of experience under your belt and it will be automatic hang in there you will do great
There are ways to prevent pregnancy! You will have your work cut out for you for a few years.
My daughter 35 has six ,13 ,12,10,6,3,7mths it’ll work .
It is only for a season
You will do fine!! Don’t sweat the small stuff. One day you will wish your living room was full of toys. My oldest and middle were 21 months apart and the middle and youngest were 25 months apart. They are 23, 25 and 27 now. Prayers for you!!
We said, what’s one more.
I think this period you have now was a tough one because now you are getting used to having multiple children. When your 3rd arrives you will feel briefly overwhelmed as everyone adjust to new schedules, demands, etc., but if your oldest is included as a “helper,” you will do fine. It may even be an easier adjustment than going from one to two children since you are already used to multiple children.
You can do it just have faith. I had three one born in 1975 and then one in 1977 and the third one was 1978
We had 5 kids only 9 years apart in a blended family. We had so much fun doing things when they we young. The oldest died yesterday at 58 from a heart attack. I’m the one with heart disease and we miss her very much. Ray Hackman
I have 4 all planned and it’s hard but you need like NEED self care. Make sure you take an entire day to yourself. That will save your mental health
My first three were 2 yrs 4 mo and then 18 months apart. So I can relate. I involved my first two in helping me. They can go get a clean diaper or the wipes. They can learn how to fold washcloths and towels and their underwear. They can pick up toys.They can keep the youngest occupied with silly faces and games when you need to finish a chore real quick. It won’t be a piece of cake but you will get through it. I didn’t feel like the work was more but sometime the emotional out put for me was exhausting. When you have a toddler hanging off your leg and one in your arms and you are trying to get dinner ready it can be a bit trying. My husband was very good at watching them when he came home and helping out. That helped too. If I hadn’t of gotten remarried I would of been done raising kids at an early age, which is a bonus. And you will be dealing with teens all at the same time which can have its advantages as well. But i wouldnt of done it any different.
Just enjoy your babies. Insist your husband lend a hand, hire help occassionally, breathe deeply. Time will fly by and you will not regret your time with your babies. Love every moment they give you! BTW, hug, kiss and tell them every day you love them. They will return that love ten fold!
Well with three boys and currently pregnant with a girl…its not easy my oldest is 8 my middle baby is 6 and my youngest is 4…itll be hard but youll manage…
It’s only as hard as you make it
It’s a total shit show, but you get used to the chaos, get in a groove, and accept it as your new normal. You do what works for you and you’ll be fine. Survival mode kicks in and you just do what you have to do to get shiz done. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 14 years with 3 boys. It’s been crazy but wouldn’t trade it for the world. Good luck mama, you’ll find your groove!
It was harder transitioning to 2 kids than it was 3.
Take each day as it comes, try to find a routine, and most of all… be patient with yourself. I have a 8yr, 13mo old, and a 3mo old. Some days are tough, cry it out momma!
I have 3. 7,5 and 3. And I guess I’m the oddball because I found 2-3 to be a pretty big change, just like 1-2. 1-2 was harder mentally for me. 2-3 was harder physically. I was officially outnumbered and scared to go anywhere alone for awhile after 3 was born. Once you find your routine everything gets exponentially better, it just took me a bit longer than I expected. Now it’s great, I love their age gaps and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just wouldn’t say it was as easy for me as it was for some of these other mamas. I also decided 3 was it for me immediately after she was born😂
I had a much harder time going from 1-2 then 2-3. With one it was super hard to adjust to being pulled in two directions. But 3 has been relatively easy transition. I have a large age gap so that may help 14yo 7 yo and 14mo. It is different when older as they never like the same things but knowing that I know I can’t please everyone every second.
Schedules are your friend. Have a regular wake, eat, sleep, play, bath time, and put all the kids down for a nap at the same time every day. Sleep when they do. Relax your housekeeping standards except keep floors clean. Expect potty training regression in the older one.
Enlarge your “village” as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Maybe moms on here who live near you can come help and give you adult conversation.
Enlist the help of the older one in everything. Littles can bring diapers and wipes, load unbreakables in the dishwasher, set the table, hold bottles, toss clothes in a hamper or washer, fold washcloths and try to match socks, put things away on shelves or in drawers. They can use hand vacs, dust and spray and wipe any glass or smooth surfaces they can reach (oven doors, sliding glass door bottoms, lower cabinets).
My former day care provider used to rotate tiny ones from high chairs to play pens to floor (you can also incorporate bouncy seats, carriers, walker seats, jolly jumpers, etc.), with something to keep their attention in each space. That way she could concentrate more on the one not confined while the others were relatively safe.
Do your grocery shopping or other errands after the kids are asleep and when hubs or someone else can watch them. Order everything online for delivery to avoid the hassle of getting everyone dressed, out the door and into/out of car seats.
Maybe pay someone to help watch the kids for a couple hours a week, or enlist family and friends. Maybe look for extra “grandparents” from retirement communities or lonely seniors in your neighborhood (after thoroughly researching their backgrounds if you don’t already know them).
Even people with mobility issues can feed and rock babies and change diapers while sitting down, be available while kids are sleeping if they wake up, help with housework, can sit and do workbooks/crafts/table activities with toddlers (and later, homework), or drive kids (one at a time) to and from activities when they are older. Have extra car seats available. You may be able to rent infant seats from the hospital (they outgrow them so fast), and insurance companies usually offer car seat subsidies or discounts.
Things should get easier once they start school. Once the kids are all old enough, get them outside to run around as much as possible while they are toddlers to wear them out. Recreation centers with kids pools and classes can help tire them out and keep them in one place.
Spend the money on healthy frozen/canned/prepared food or meal kits now to make life easier for you. Have pre-cut fruit & vegetables available for snacking. I used to do mass cooking on weekends so I could just pull stuff from the freezer all week. Canned beans & 90-second brown rice, canned soup & salad from a bag, or whole wheat pasta with any kind of sauce (try peanut!) mixed with a bag of frozen vegetables all make easy and healthy meals.
Don’t rely on traditional fast food too much or you’ll all wind up obese. When you do hit fast food, skip soda in favor of unsweetened iced tea or take your own reusable water bottle and skip the drink (or just keep one in the car, plus a no-spill water in the older one’s seat). Panera, Cava, Chipotle, Sweetgreen or other fast casual are better, and Whole Foods, Mom’s Organic or other healthy grocery stores often have lunch counters for ready-made and healthy choices.
And consider long-term or permanent birth control for you and/or your man.
Good luck!
I had 3 in 4 years. One more is not that much harder. Lol. They are in their 40s now
I appreciate all of the advice!!! I can’t believe some of the hateful comments on here but I’m not going to let them get to me !! I am excited to have another baby just nervous!!
I’m not sure if this helps…but after I gave birth to my son, when he was around 7 months old, my fiance got custody of his 3 children, they all moved in (we were incredibly happy. They really needed a lot of help and to get out of the bad situation they were in), so I went from 1 to 4 overnight. It was hard. Very hard. Stay consistent. Have a solid plan. Stick to the plan. Have breaks. I didnt take a break in over 2 and 1/2 years because I had a lot to do all the time. Whether it be drs appts, counseling appts for the children, laundry…lol. my biggest advice is to remember to have breaks. Have a support circle where even 1 kid can go to let you catch up on cleaning, rest, or you’re own thing. I love all 4 of my children and yes, they are a handful considering one has odd and adhd combo, two of them have sensory processor disorder, and the youngest (the one I gave birth to) is a very independent wise and challenging all on his own in that way.
Take breaks. Stay consistent. Have activities one can do (coloring, blocks, picture books…) while you need to change your baby, feed your baby…if possible include your other children in your routine with their sibling. While I breastfed, I read books to them all. We all sat down and watched a movie while my son was sleeping. When he got older and was eating at the table, we all sat at the table to eat. When I needed to change my son, I asked his siblings to bring me a diaper or wipes and they were happy to help.
Mainly I tried to include all of the siblings with each other so nobody felt that they were being replaced or any need to fight over anyone’s attention. Their dads or my own.
I think the transition from 1-2 is significantly more draining and difficult than the transition from 2-3. Keep your head up! Mamas are amazing humans!
When I had my third my 1st was 2.5. Its hard but its not that hard
I felt the same way, it took me the whole pregnancy to wrap my head around it. Don’t feel bad about your thoughts, it’s natural. I couldn’t imagine my life without my 3rd shes a true blessing
You’ll be fine. Look at the positives. There’s gotta be a plan in all this.
I had four kids within 4 years and 2 months. My first two were 11 months and two weeks apart. My second two were one year and two weeks apart. It really didn’t start getting “difficult” until the teenage years because that’s when they started doing their own thing and lordy the arguments. They are 17, 16, 14, and 13 now. Did it get difficult financially? Oh hell to the yes. But otherwise, they were great as kids. The older ones helped out with the younger ones. Mind you one of the four is a boy. But he is a great big brother to his younger sisters and they are very protective of him. Like I said, when they turned into teenagers, that’s when they got interested in different things and they didn’t really spend time with each other like they used to. For the most part, it’s pretty quiet and we found some common ground for them. They are fiercely protective of each other when it applies to someone outside of the house.
To transition for 3 kids it will be hard but pray and keeping them all on schedules will also help you. Like their naps eating schedules since you have a 7 month old and a 3.5 year old have them two on a schedule till the baby is about 6 months when they go on solid foods. I have 2 of my own and 2 step kids they all know the routines it was hard at first but they got into the routines. Your 3.5 year old I am assuming he is almost 4 maybe he or she maybe ready for Pre-K if they are potty trained and doing the outmost for school ready. So I hope this helps you out
I thought going from 2 to 3 was easier than going from 1 to 2. I had 3 boys 3, 1.5 and newborn…it was tough but I would do it all again in a heartbeat
I had 7 in 7 years. No twins.
5 have college degrees
6 happily married with Grandchildren.
I once had someone ask me if I run a daycare. No we are Catholic and I wanted everyone.
We had planned on 9 but stopped at 7
I was lucky to be home with the kids.
Husband was USMC so he wasn’t home a lot.
What was my trick each older child helped with a younger child.
When we are all together those same kids still pair up.
6 girls and baby was the son. His sisters all spoiled him!
Be strong and organized and always be the boss!
We went from one to 3 over night that was 9 years ago almost … it was the best thing ever… hard but best thing ever
Sit down and look at them God gave them to you to love and nutrition them look Sometimes they make you laugh and cry but they will always Mom be good to them that they will always remember the good times Life will past by so fast enjoy them Dont dread on how when this and that LOVE is all you need
I have six. It really didn’t matter once the third one came. By the sixth, they took care of each other and always had someone to play with.
There will be days that everything goes wrong and you want to cry. There will be days where your heart will be filled with joy. I have 4 children all 22 months apart (no it wasnt planned that way). My cup runneth over.
I’m a mother of 3 kids under the age of 2. I have 15 months twins and a month old. For me it’s hard with 2 toddlers and a newborn. It will get easier.
Having kids is a wonderful experience but most of you need to shut down the factory if your still having unsafe
Sex and do t have a secure mean to support these babies good luck and think about it
We have three sons! Born 1962, 1965, 1969!!! We managed fine. I was a stay at home mom!
I am a mom of 3 my first 2 we’re about 16 months apart and now a 16 month old, so 3 under 5. My oldest had a genetic condition that has required multiple trips to an orthopedist, with one surgery down and some to go, so I know the fear you are feeling. Transportation, trips to the grocery store, just getting out in general, trying to get everyone ready, figuring out what to do with the older ones when you out and baby needs to eat. You will settle into a rythm that works for you and your children. Every child is a blessing and every day with them is so as well. Enjoy the time you have with them and don’t sweat the small stuff.
You’ll be a lot more laid back with a third child. Yes, it may seem like you’re moving when you go anywhere with them, but it’ll get easier.
Had my my boys 14 months apart. It was hard but I did it with very little help. My memories now are great.
We honestly found the transition to 2 to be harder than to 3. You have already learned how to divide your attention, you have an older one to help out a bit, and you aren’t as uptight as you were with just 1. Congratulations!
I think you’ll be just fine. The eldest will be a sweet protector and the younger 2 will fight fiercely and then be best friends when they grow up. I have 2 teenagers who are 11 1/2 months apart. My mom had 3 in 3 years and then had her tubes tied on the 3rd she was tired lol. She told me when mine were babies “once you get your hands out of the toilet, everything’s gonna be just fine.” And it was. And it will be. And it is lol. (Get 'em tied tho
It was easy for me even with my middle one being insanely jealous but my son has always been an easy baby slept thru the night at 2 weeks
It s not much different then raising two .just take it one day at a time
I just do not understand, teenage maybe, but if you are a married woman, and you already have 2 and you say we did not expect to get pregnant??IT is a God gift cherrish it with all your might, many mothers would love to be able to have children.
My mom had 4 kids by the time she was 21.yes it was hard.she did it.took care of us til we were grown.suck it up and just do it .its to late to turn back now.
I was suppose to get my tubes tied on my birthday a year after having my second daughter. Her birthday is june 26th. My birthday is july 3rd. On her first birthday…a week before the date to get them done…i found out i was pregnant with my third. I freaked out to say the least. I was so worried about how i could handle a third kid when the younger two would be so close in age. Honestly it was way easier than i ever expected! My oldest who was 4 was a big big help! She was always wanting to help. At first i wouldnt let her due to me feeling like it wasnt her “job” to help me but the more and more she asked to the more i became ok with it. The easier part was potty training the younger two. My middle daughter is actually autistic so when it became time to potty train them, they helped each other more than i helped. And they are as close as close can be! Being so close in age they were both in.to the same stuff so they played well together. I would change a thing about my life now! I couldnt imagine life without my three girls even though now that they are all teenagers and 90% of the day is spent listening to them fight…i still am very happy things worked out the way they did!
Don t think hard think adventure, Enjoy being PG. Play, laugh, Have fun , Don t sweat the sm. Stuff. Enjoy those little ones they grow up fast. If you can have someone come in an help once or twice a week great . The Lord will bless you !
Get over it. Enjoy being pregnant and the new baby. Its too late to be stressed. Just enjoy
I felt it easier when they were close together. Keep them on the same schedule if possible.
Surely by now you know how you got pregnant. If you didn’t want anymore you should have used protection. I raised 5. It was hectic a lot of work but e got thru it. Put on your big girl pants and get on with living.
My nephew had 9 kids in 7 years . You just adjust and go on
I got 12 it’s easy . My last 6 are back to back . Everytime hubby came home from deployment I’d end up pregnant lol Than there’s 5/6 they are 364 apart it’s not hard at all
I won’t lie. Three almost broke me and mine were four and two when the third surprised us. I hope you have a good support system in place and a husband who pitches in.
Since this was a surprise you should think about all your options to prevent a fourth until if and when you are ready. In the mean time you’ve got this girl. You are WOMAN and I can hear you roar.
Three was easy… it was the transition from four to five, that did it.
It was no problem. Although I had more space between kids.
I found the third one to fit in easily. Second one much more of an adjustment…I had 3 in 4 years.
I had five three were a year apart, try that one.
I agree with the comments about it being harder going from one to two. Two to three peice of cake! It’s all going to be ok just breathe! You can do it!
I raised 3 kids; the oldest, a boy, was born…2 1/2 years later my daughter was born and then 13-months later my youngest son was born. As a mother…I just had to accept it, do my best and move on. I LOVED being a stay-at-home-mom and I LOVED every moment I had with them. It was actually easier with the 3rd one…he had an older brother and sister to keep him entertained and occupied.
It will be the joy of your life!!!.Mark my words!!