How was it for you to transition to 3 kids?

Can you post for me, please? I was wondering how the transition was for other moms with three kids? I have a 3.5-year-old and a seven-month-old; we didn’t expect to get pregnant again for years at least, but it happened. I am absolutely horrified to have three kids because having 2 is so hard! I am trying to be excited about having another but it’s really hard to be when all I can think about is how hard it’s going to be.


Should’ve kept your legs closed


Wow you’re a dick! Why tf are you on here anways??


I have 3 kids and although the transition was difficult it is doable.

I have a 7 4 2 and 1 year old all boys it will be hard at first but you will get used to it and it will become easier

The biggest issue for us for 3 was figuring out a room situation since we only have a 3 bedroom house, and also a car situation since not all cars can fit 3 carseats!


It’s okay to not want it 100%. I’m 5weeks away from having my 3rd and I’m struggling to be fully happy about it. I know I’m going to love my daughter but it’s a lot to be having another baby. Just trust when you have your baby you’ll love them. And also make the other children apart of things.


I have a 9,8,6,5,2 and i also have a 25,23,21 yr old to be honest the 3rd is easy because ur other two prepared u for it :joy:


I have 7 :rofl::rofl: 3 is a breeze


I have 8… lol wouldn’t change it for anything.

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If you can handle two, one more isn’t that much different. I have 3 kids

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After 2 kids its easier to just add another. We had 6 total and they just kinda fit right in.

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You just get used to it like everything else. At first it’s uncomfortable but once you get a system going, it becomes second nature. There’s definitely stress and discomfort at the begging.

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In no way intending to be offensive/hateful, but maybe you and your husband should discuss an abortion. It sounds like you’re already overwhelmed and that this isn’t good timing.


I have 3. Ages 7, 2 1/2, and 10 months.

I will say 2 is easier. Something about throwing in that third one makes it hard at times. But also the love grows by 1/3 :heart: It’s hard mama but you got this. Atleast your youngest kids will be close in age like mine and you’ll get the diaper stage done a lot quicker! My younger 2 get along way better than my older 2

It is hard girly but not impossible you got this momma be strong they are only small for a short amount of time!

My 3rd was born when my other 2 were 4.5yo & 22 months
Juggling the younger 2 successfully took some trial & error but I actually think going from 1 to 2 kids was harder than 2 to 3. I was used to multi tasking when my 3rd arrived & I was way more relaxed & just went with the flow more easily. And now, all in their teens, I love the relationship my 3 kids have. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Congrats on your soon-to-be addition.

Going from 2 to 3 was the hardest transition for us.

I have a 6, 4, and 3 year old.
It was rough at first but meh🤷‍♀️ it’s doable.

Going from 1 to 2 is hard after that it’s super easy. I have 4!

3 is hard as you are always outnumbered. But being so close together the younger 2 will play together nicely. My 2nd and 3rd are 17months apart. Then I added 2 step kids the same age lol I was nuts! The 1st year is tough, it’s ok to need more help than usual. After that it gets easier.

I have 3. Aged 9,4 & 3. Girl, boy, boy. To be honest the hardest was going to 3 for me lol. We had such a good routine the age gap from my first to second is 5 years. So we were well rested. My second was the easiest baby on earth and slept thru the night at 2.5 months. Then our third came along. Taking care of him was easy because I just did it the year before. I knew what to do and all the tricks. But the exhaustion. I’ve never been so tired in my life and it hasn’t gone away haha. We are in the crazy time the past little while. The boys are hectic and our third has been the hardest one yet. It’s slowly getting easier tho and they all love each other so much. It’s nice to see them play together now. And as hard and as tiring as it is, I wouldn’t trade it. Take any help you can. And sleep when you can lol. My husband worked evenings until 1/2am after our third. He would come home take the baby and let me sleep through the night and then I’d do the days so he can sleep. There was alot of passing each other through the hall to the bedroom and that’s it for the first few months. Good luck!

i didn’t plan on having twin… but it happend naturally… just plan your day… and definitley change how you look at stuff…you did the deed!:rofl:make sure that husband is very involved too! word your concerns.

phhhew…we struggle we fall we get up! i have now 4 kids

I have three- 7 years, 4 years, and 2 years. I thought two was easy, but then adding the third made things 10x more difficult. Having three is not easy at all, in my opinion. But also, I raised them on my own. If your significant other helps, then I wouldn’t be too worried

I have a 5 yr old, 16 month old, and 4 month old. The 3rd was unexpected and there are definitely hard days because my 2nd isn’t a great sleeper and is very ornery, but now that the baby sleeps pretty good and were kind of in a rhythm its easier.

Mine are 13, 10, 6, 3, and 16 months. It’s hard but it’s life and you get it figured out after the newest one is on a schedule.

I think it depends on the personality of the kids themselves. People have a harder time depending on which kids are high maintenance versus low maintenance lol

I have a 5.5 year old, 19 month old and a almost 3 month old. Also didn’t think I’d get pregnant so soon/ever after my second. It’s hard and very busy. Once the 2 littlest are a bit older it will definitely be easier.

I have five, with the first three being born in four years. It’s not bad at all. You just adjust your routine. Keeping my kids on a schedule made everything so much easier for everyone. You got this.

I found the first two got along better after the third. I will say though mine were 15 months apart and then 18 months later. Hugs. You now a bouncer momma

You will get there good days n long ass hard days no matter if you have 1 child or 3 they can be angels or arseholes but we love them regardless :wink:

I have just had my 5th and I’m 28 I didn’t find it any harder having an extra just a little more tired as expected 3 is easy compared to four or five haha

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My transition from two to three was was EASIEST transition by far. Much much much easier than from 1 to 2 and even 0 to 1.
Parenting is always hard. Three is just hard in different ways and easier in others. I’d never trade having three kiddos for anything. When it’s chaos it’s chaos and when it’s hard it’s really hard. But absolutely nothing beats having all three cuddled up with you on the couch watching a good movie under a fuzzy blanket

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I have a 20yo, a 6yo, 2-1yos, and a nb. My days are crazy busy but not terrifying. You’ll find a rythem

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Transitioning from 2 to 3 for me was super easy, my 2 boys are horrible, they’re 7 and 4 but my daughter is such an easy baby that she’s no bother at all.

ive got 5 now it was a pretty big gap of 7 years for my 3rd so idk it wasnt hard then 5 years later had a 4th then 1year had 5th. i think after 2 its not really different. once the others relize baby isnt going any where they help alot.

It was easier to go from 2-3 kids than from 1-2

I have a 6yo, almost 2yo, and 8mo. First 6 months SUCKEDDDDDDD!!! Like it was seriously so damn hard and exhausting. But my little dude started getting more independent with play time so it freed me up a little bit to give the others attention along with housework. My husband helps as much as he can but he works 60hrs a week, all daytime hours so unfortunately he’s just not home much. I also work parttime, opposite his schedule. We don’t get to spend very much time together for now. But we just try to look at the big picture. This is such a short period of our lives so we just try to enjoy what we can, when we can. :grin:

It’s a shit show for me. At the end of the day though we get it done.

I found nothing changed i had 3 under 4 loved it

I have a 14 yr old, 13 yr old, and now a 16 month old! Huge gap! Big age difference in myself! Its like having the 1st one again lol. Ive never been happier!

Another stress reliever , don’t think too much . I have 3 kids (with attitudes !) 2.5 age gaps , its easy . We are the perfect moms to our child .

I am going on my 4th the 2 last ones have the same dad and he abandoned us. Oldest is 13 , then girl is 6 then baby is 1 and a half . I am 3 months away from having another baby . I know the fear to an extent . I am more worried about Covid atm . But who knows what this will look like . Atm my 2 youngest fall asleep at 7-7:30 ish np . I’ll be stuck down stairs with a c-section. Idn how I am gonna do this. And they sleep in the same room . So we will see how new baby does in room with them after I recover . Fun stuff. These are momentary feelings trust me . Eventually baby will be sleeping better and you can just focus on the new baby coming . There is no right or wrong way . Covid does not help

I have 5.
2 & 3 are a walk in the park

Going from 1 to 2 was harder then going from 2 to 3. 2 to 3 wasn’t bad. I wouldn’t psych yourself out too much about it.

I am pregnant with my third child but I have a 12 year old and a 7 year old so mine will be a big help besides I guess my son is a big mama’s boy so I think it will be hard for him to have to share me with the baby. But I don’t think it will be hard it wasn’t hard going from 1 to 2 either.

When you have two… One more or 4 more is not any harder… My daughter has a 3yo daughter and twin boys that will be two in a few weeks…she made the transition look easy (I know it wasn’t she was barely used to having 1) But that’s what Mama’s do… We figure it out… It’ll all come natural to you…

I went from no kids to 2 kids (first pregnancy was twins). That was harder than going from 2 to 3 kids.

Going from 1 to 2 is a lot harder, 3 was ok , its manageable, then came the 4th, hectic yes, but doable, you’ll be fine, mine were born in 81, 84, 85 , 86,

Going from 2 to 3 wasn’t that hard. 3.5 yrs between 1 and 2 then 1i maths from 2 to 3.

Time management and schedules.

Its not bad but my twins were 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant. There is 14months and 6 days between my twins and my singleton. I think it just comes natural you get your routine. Every baby is a gift from God and you’re goimg just fine. The main thing is routine and schedule. You can do it. I currently have 5 oldest the twins are 15 then a 14 year old a 11 year old and finally our last a girl is 3.


I raised three kids on my own. Very hard but worthwhile. They are all great hardworking adults with strong work ethics and morals. I’m so proud of them!


When our third arrived, we already had a 5 year old and a 15 month old. It took adjustments, but we were still getting used to 2 kids. Just take one day at a time.


I didn’t have troubles just said to myself the baby was a gift from god and everything will be ok and then I had another one after my third just plan be excited enjoy the little moments and get the other kids involved will help to


Here something I have learned. Don’t worry about the things around but what’s in front of you. Take care to have fun with your children, because life is not promised for anyone. I had three wonderful children. When my youngest was six and half months old, he passed from SIDS. (Going on nine years now.) So enjoy every minute with your miracles time will pass before you know it.


I had 5 kids, at one point I had 3 in diapers at once. The only reason I had a problem was because my ex-husband wouldn’t help with them. And I worked 3rd shift 7 days a week. I didn’t have my 5th child until I was with my current husband. The truth is that if you plan well, 3 kids isn’t much more work than 2. Especially if you have a supportive spouse. Just don’t stress out over being a perfect parent because there’s no such thing.


Well we pretty much started over. My step daughter is 10 my first daughter is 8 and number 3 is about to turn 5 months old. Her sisters help with her. So that’s nice. But it was odd starting all over again. Some things I had forgot and alot actually changed lol. Like the teething tablets I used with my first got recalled. So my go tos first time around weren’t there this time. We just rolled with it it took some adjustment changing the schedule to adapt. Some days everything is a mess. But we make it work

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Whether from grandparents, siblings or friends.


Yes it will be work, start to organize now, don’t be afraid to ask for help, have a schedule ( start now) stick to it as best as you can, another piece of advice, sleep when the kids sleep, even nap time in the afternoon for a few months, a rested mom is what they need the most, learn how to cook meals in a crockpot, put dishes in hot soapy water while you do something else, they will be easier to clean when you get to them, take a deep breath and enjoy them while they are small, they grow so quickly, now would be the time to talk with your doctor about the best birth control for you to use, congratulations on your new baby :purple_heart::blue_heart:

Third was hard adjustment! You only have 2 hands! Hard years but great memories looking back! Miss those crazy days! :heart:

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I know this is easy to say and hard to do, but think of the third child as a special blessing. Make sure to pay special attention to your nutrition and try to make sure you are able to stay calm and rested (yes, I know you have two others!!). Babies seem to sense the turmoil the mother is feeling, so if you can ask family/friends for help on a regular basis DO IT! I know we all hate asking for help, but seriously - you may need some!!

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Third child was a dream. after 2 boys (18 months apart) daughter arrived (2 1/2 yeas after the second). Yep 3 under 5! It was a crazy life full of hugs, tears and laughter. Would not trade it for the world. 20 + years later all three are best friends that look out for each other. Put in the mix 2 cousins the same age of younger two. Look for groups of families or mothers with similar age children in your community / church. Mother’s Of Pre Schoolers or MOPS was a Godsend. Lots of support. relax you’ve got this!

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I went from two to three when my oldest was almost 6 and middle was almost 4. It really wasn’t too much harder. You figure it out along the way really. I’m sure you’ll see after the new baby is born it won’t be nearly as hard as you thought.

2 was natural…I can’t speak to 3 as we never had that here, but 2 to 4 hasn’t been bad…babies 3 and 4 are so much easier to take back as I’m much more laid back.

I can’t say it’s was harder going from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3. Some days are easy and some not so easy. My kids are now 17, 14, and almost 12. One thing I made sure to do as they got older was admit when I was wrong. Some days are just tough and we aren’t perfect and they don’t come with instructions. Try to rest when they do, remember house work isn’t going anywhere, and enjoy every moment (even the tough ones) because they fly by. You will find a routine. However, some days that routine will fly out the window. Don’t beat yourself. Roll with the punches. You will be fine I promise.

I had 4 kids in 6 years. Honestly the biggest transition is from 1 to 2. Anything after that was easy. 3 and 4 were 16 mths apart. We were able to potty train the 3rd and 4th did it too, she didn’t want to be left out! Somethings are bonus.


It wasn’t that hard as far as I can remember. I had a 5 yo and a 2 yo when the third came along. You make things work when the third comes along. I worried to when I had my fifth one. I had a 10 yo, 8yo, 5yo, 11 month old when my fifth came along

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I had a3 year old and a 1year old and a brand new baby. I was only 22 years old. It was hard some days but never gave a thought about it. They were my babies and I loved them dearly. I didnt live close to any of my family so I had little to no help. When my baby got 5 I had another baby. I felt blessed that God allowed me to have them. They are all grown now with Grandchildren of their own. I love my family and let me tell you…Its worth all the work I had to do. And would do it all over again.

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One day at a time. My biggest problem was that 3 don’t fit in the grocery cart. Which you can work around with a bit of creative thinking. You can do this.


Ok I’m 53 but when my boys were almost and 2 we had a little girl. You think you can’t do it, but you can. It’s just an extension of your family. My kids are 23, 21 and 19, we made it, I promise you’ll be ok!! Patience, faith and love!

I have 4. Honestly the hardest transition for me was from 1 to to 2. After that I always joked that it wouldn’t really matter if it was 3 or 6.

I always wonder how my parents did it, 5 kids in 9 years, then me 6 years later! My 2 kids are 15 years apart, wouldn’t change a thing

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It’s not that bad I was 36 when I had my third child mine were 7 5 newborn and my 7 yr old helped me alot my husband wasn’t home alot and I managed it

It was HARD… I dk why people say it’s easier to have them back to back. It’s not, but you will get through it. The first year is the hardest

I had 4 kids in 4 years and 2 months to the day. I loved every minute. I just took it one day at a time.

I have 3, for me the transition from 1 to 2 kids was harder then the transition from 2 to 3. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect, happy and healthy is all that is important and remember to be kind to yourself.

I have 3
A 7 year old, a 3 year old and a 7 month old.
We thought we were done after the second one but we got a beautiful surprise :slight_smile:
It was hard in the beginning, I was scared to have my husband go back to work. Everyday it gets a little easier.
You will be tired
But YOU can do it!
Moms are so strong, and pretty awesome :slight_smile:

It’s definitely challenging. My ex husband and I would rotate the kids so they got time with us both. Especially when the baby was sleeping. I would get at least one to help with cooking or the oldest stayed up a little later and we watched a movie. We did this hoping none of them would feel left out.

I had 3 babies in 4 years and I don’t regret it, I would do it again! I love my kids. We also have 7 grandchildren that were born in 4 years. Love all of them, they are a joy!

I found it easier with 3 than with 2. The older ones stopped fighting and got along. They knew mom was busy with the baby

For me it was harder to go from 1 to 2. Having a third was much easier than I thought

Enjoy the early years because your kids grow up in a blink of an eye!

I am older but when I had 5 kid total, I think going from 1 to 2 was the hardest.

I felt the hardest was going from 1 child to 2. When we had our third, it was easy. My children were 7, 2.5 and newborn. You will handle 3 just fine!:+1:t2:

I can remember trying to grocery shop. One barely walking, one in the cart seat. And one in a baby seat in the cart. Nowhere for groceries.
Glad those days are over.

Never really thought about it just did what we could and gave them all love and the rest just comes together

I was very close with my sister in laws when we were all having babies. I had the first, nephew was born, my 2nd born 6 weeks later, next nephew born 18 months later my last 9 months later. So we were all ready to add another. Just start counting heads once they are all mobil

It isn’t going to be easy, but it is fun! I had 3 girls and then 3 boys, plus my step son. They are all close in age, 13, 8 (about to be 9), 7, 4(about to be 5), 3 (step son who turned 3 this month), 2 (turns 3 in February), and the youngest will be 1 in May. The hardest part is making sure to include the older kids when the baby needs the most attention. Have the older kids “help” with taking care of the baby, handing you diapers or a blanket, holding the babies feet while you feed the baby. Anything to make them feel included and needed. And just prepare for the fights between the kids. Every time I turn around the kids are arguing over something. Anything! “She is chewing too loud” “he touched my jacket”. But the house is also full of laughter and smiles! And lots of love

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My oldest is 47 next is 45 and last is 43. 47 lacks 6 days of being 4 years older than 43. I’m 69 and still living every day

I had 4 within 6 years and I was very young . I always said my husband and I grew up with our children . We made it fun and a great life for them . Then they all left home and we got to spend time doing the things we wanted to do! Gods blessings to you .

The thing I noticed was I just didn’t have enough hands…like when crossing the street at a busy intersection. Our first child was born on March 17th, almost 2 years later our second child was born on February 22 and the 3rd was born on May 13 2 years later. It got so the the 2 youngest would both hold my hand and the oldest would hold the youngest’s hand. It all worked out ok.

You’ll be fine my daughter had her 3rd child, 15 months apart and crazy but all good !

My daughter has three boys ages 6, 4 and 3. She is single parenting without their fathers involvement. Another of my friends had FOUR kids 4,3,2,1…I thought she had lost her mind, these kids are truly the best kids grew up to be hard working respectful young adults, you can do this!! You’ll be glad down the road.

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My third was the easiest going baby and was pure joy. My others had just turned 4 and 3 when he was born.

I had 5 in four years then 4 years later had my last

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breathe. The two littles will be hard for a while but thats why you have 2 arms to hold them. You will adjust. Congratulations

It won’t be bad, just hurry and get the youngest potty trained it can be done, my first 2 were trained b.y 1 year, you will do good, good luck congratulation’s

It’s a piece of cake, don’t worry it comes naturally. Hopefully your husband will be helping out too. I was a single mom w/ 3 boys. Just love them.