How was your membrane sweep?

Any positive membrane sweep experiences?


All 4 of them were very painful and didn’t work.

Never made it far enough in any of my pregnancies to get one.

I had it done with my last pregnancy 3-4 times. Didn’t help one bit. I was 37 at the time. He was only a week or so overdue.

I went into labor that night after mine :grin:

Mine was super painful and I had my “bloody show” immediately;
I had already lost my mucus plug but I lost a ton more after it.
it didn’t work for me, so I was in a lot of pain for no reason.

My third baby I got one took 3 times for it to work but after the third one i started contractions right after. My fourth baby I had it done once and started contractions right after had both my babies the same day

I had 2 of them and they didnt work at all. It was so painful also.

Mine were painful, didn’t work. Personally I don’t think they’re worth it because it’s a 50/50 chance for them to even work.

Got one for my second. It definitely hurt. Contractions came that night and baby was born the next late morning. For my third (wasn’t as painful) got a sweep on a Friday and again on that Monday. Baby came that Wednesday. Everyone has different experiences. Do whatever you feel comfortable with.

I had 3 successful ones I had time to labor at home and make it to the hospital you bleed right after if they do it right but I had easy labors also maybe depends on the person definitely a better route then pitocin if your trying for a natural labor I had pitocin with no epidural and it was like torture so if you have to get induced with pitocin get the epidural because it’s not for tht weak wishing you a successful safe delivery

Never worked for me, ended up with emergency C-sections for both kids (attempted vback)

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I had one at 38 weeks. Not successful at all. I had my baby at almost 42 weeks.

With my son it worked i was having contractions when i left the dr i was back by that night he was born the next morning. With my daughter the dr did it at my request but told me “ i think you got another week” that was a Thursday she was born the next Thursday morning i really think it depends on how ready you are