How was your recovery after your robotic hysterectomy?

To those who had a robotic hysterectomy how was the recovery? I go next month and im freaking myself out

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I’m on day 9 post opt. And it’s not so bad. I was up eating and walking around a few hours after. I have good days and bad days. I think I feel good and over due it and then the next day I’m laying around sore. Definitely recommend a heating pad. It really helps .I had to get Benadryl because my stomach itched like crazy after .

I had my robotic done in 2019. Overnight stay in the hospital. 4 small incisions. I was sore for approximately a week after. I took pain meds as directed on the bottle for 3 days and then just ibuprofen and Tylenol after that. I slept slightly upright in bed because it pulled too much to lay flat. No lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk, no bending or stooping or pull/push motions for 6 weeks. Follow those to the letter. You’ll also be told no intimacy for 6 weeks.

It wasn’t too bad for me. Healed pretty quickly.

First 3 weeks were rough, today is 6 weeks out and all healed and back to normal

I was up and showered and blow dried my hair at 7am the next day in the hospital and went home that morning. Didn’t fill out the pain meds, only took extra strength tylenol. Honestly, it was sort of a breeze. I’m 5 weeks post op today.
Take your stool softener!! Drink
lots of fluids …

The only pain I had immediately after surgery was in my back from the way they had me positioned in surgery. I slept the 24 hours they made me stay after surgery because anesthesia and I aren’t friends. Only used the pain killers at night for the first week after surgery because of the back pain. All but one of my incisions healed so well I no longer have a scar. The one incision I have left showing healed really well but it was the largest incision. Had mine in the beginning of 2020. But I was euphoric after surgery. You don’t realize how much pain you’re in daily until you’re no longer in pain.