How would you feel if a random girl messaged your boyfriend?

Hey guys- a question here- would you feel comfortable if a girl messaged on Facebook your boyfriend (they’re not friends on Facebook) without context, just messaged something that wasn’t technically bad but just the act of it? I feel weird about it…


Depends what she says and if he is engaging in any type of way


It’s not his fault. I know my husband on his own would block her and just move on with life. I would t make a problem out of nothing.

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I wouldn’t care. It’s not about ppl messaging him but his response. I get stupid DMs all the time on all social media from thirsty guys, and I’m not even a baddie :rofl:
I don’t respond to them or even do anything besides ignore them

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Depends on what she said.


Depends on if he engaged in conversation then I’d have a problem but how did u know dod he tell u did u fins out yourself?

You can’t control other people, so remove that aspect and don’t be mad at your boyfriend for something out of his control. Did he respond? Does he know her? Etc.

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I’d feel nothing bc it’d be nothing.


Well what did she say? That matters a lot. Key info.


Well it depends what she said.

Its probably just a bot. If she is just a random and he didn’t reply I wouldn’t be worried.


If they aren’t friends and she randomly messaged I would assume it’s a bot. They are out there… everywhere.


The only thing you should care about is what your boyfriend did about it


Well if she messaged but he didn’t respond then I’d say that’s fine. If he responded and said he had a girlfriend and blocked her then that’s OK too. But If he responded and continued to talk to her and then didn’t bother to say anything then that’s an issue. Random people message me constantly. But I will not respond or I will tell them to leave me alone and block. It’s about the context.


He’s a boyfriend to you. Nothing more. Maybe he’s still taking applications and interviewing for the job.

I’m low key crazy. I’d have a few choice words. :joy_cat:


It’s weird but it happens

I wouldn’t feel weird about it. Random people message people all the time.


Random Facebook messages happen to everyone it’s usually a scammer.


I feel like you skipped out on a LOT of information here on purpose lmao


That happens all the time. Phishing scams. That’s all they are.


You can’t stop random women messaging your partner on Facebook really and whatever your partner does with that is on him


If nothing inappropriate was said what’s the issue?
Is he not allowed to talk to other people with vaginas?
You sound insecure af


Its roughly an 80% chance its some type of fraud, hacker, scammer, or cyberwhore, so how he responds is important - very important

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Your boyfriend has known people, before you. Work, school, sports, whatever. The only issue would be if it was hidden or he entertained. Just because he’s having a normal casual conversation, doesn’t mean he’s entertaining either…


I’ve been married almost 21 year’s and as long as she’s pretty I don’t care lol

Depends on what was said and if he replied, I’m also kinda crazy so I get jealous easily lol

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She’s “testing the water”.


If it’s perfectly innocent then who cares? If I ever get to the point that I’m THAT jealous and insecure, I’m getting me a therapist.

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Nothing I can do about it lol he gets random messages all the time just like I get random guys in my messages. Doesn’t bother me at all…, NOW if he responds to her (except maybe for the do I know you text) I’d be upset

None of your business lol if you feel “weird” or don’t trust him he’s not the one :woman_shrugging: it really is that simple

That happens every now and then but it’s mostly a scammer catfish I messaged one who had hacked my husband friend messenger and knew nothing about our friend when I asked her and I told her I reported her for hacking his Facebook she like oh f word and blocked me real quick

If they aren’t friends on Facebook, it’s probably a scam artist.