How would you feel if you overheard your husband and MIL bashing you?

I’d tell him to go live with her then


was he lying? i would have confronted him right then and there if he was lying…


Just WOW! I’d tell both of them to go fuck themselves! He’s supposed to protect you on every level!

Dam straight girl you tell him where the bear shits in the woods. That is so disrespectful. He’s off he can help you out.

Wait, when he’s off work you don’t cook or clean for him? Honey you’re his wife not his mother!


It depends on the tradition and style of your marriage. Every couple in the world has a different dynamic. How you and your husband work is entirely up to the two of you. There’s a difference between bashing you and complaining about things that you do or don’t do. No one can tell you how to feel about what was said, but you can control the way you react to it. I’d have confronted them both if what he was saying wasn’t true. If it’s your job to keep the house up and cook while it’s his job to make sure that there is a house to clean and food to cook then maybe you are upset with yourself for not doing those things? We all like to be the victim’s of our own stories; but what’s your part in the story? You told us what he was saying to his mother, but you didn’t tell us the dynamic of your relationship, the role you play, or any other information for any of to really make a decent judgement call. a relationship is a 2 way street that takes 100% of effort on each person. If neither of you are giving 100% then it’s going to be a bumpy ride. To answer your question, you approach it by being honest with your husband in telling him how that made you feel and that you’d like to get on the same page with one another. Ask him flat out what he expects of you, tell him what you expect from him and you building something that works for the both of you that both fosters respect and nurtures the love you share. Neither of you are mind readers and to have that information in black and white is pretty helpful. Communication is key and it’s something the two of you are lacking.


I would tell him to now get your mommy to cook and clean for you because I am done…And if mom lives there put her butt down the road…

Tell him if he is not happy with the way you do things he can go live with his mommy.


Well I give you credit already because I would’ve gone in there and immediately joined in on that conversation regardless of roles you each have. He needs to come to you.


I mean, is it really like that? If YES, Maybe you should try to step it up a bit. You heard it from his own mouth what he’s unhappy about…a dirty house and no hot meal…nothing that couldn’t be fixed today
If NO… chocolate laxative cupcakes coming soon and then confront him while he’s stuck on the toilet :rofl:

I always say that communication is very important in any relationship. Obviously we don’t know the full story. Has he approached you with these concerns before? Or is this the first time you are hearing about it when he was talking to his mom. I feel like there is more to the story here.

You only mention your husband bashing you

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There is a lot of missing information. Do you work, are there children in the home, and has your husband discussed this with you before?
You need to talk to your husband and let him know that you overheard him talking I his mother. Communication is very important in a relationship.
Also, is there any merit to his complaint? If so, you need to discuss with him why. See if you can compromise.

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I’d laugh and kick them out … gather my things and peace out… now they got something to talk about some truth… she seriously left…lol

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I would confront them both face to face and tell them if they can do it better go right ahead! If not ask your mil if she’s coming to see her son that’s fine but if she doesn’t like the way your house looks stay home and until she’s paying the mortgage and taxes to shut up!

If he wants to bash, let him do a the cooking and cleaning then.

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Leave now girl it will get worse

As I heard I was entering the room and addressing it one time.

Yes u approach both of them together on the spot. How dare your husband do that. Grrr

Leave him and let him move back home with his mommy

I wouldn’t do nothing no laundry no food and when he asks y tell him since I don’t don’t do nothing you can do your own stuff