Lol a few months in high school so you have no kids married this guy or been engaged a few months is nothing in the sceam of things especially in high school get used to it
I wouldn’t be bothered at all your an adult now. You dated him in high school lol you said you only dated a few months and weren’t serious. Move on.
From high school I wouldn’t care
girls just gotta be jealous for everything cause females don’t wanna see other females succeed
A few months in high school ? I wouldn’t stand in their way at all
What a weird hill to die on.
Lmao wow. Deal with it.
I’d find it hilarious that you even thought anything of it. I imagine you’re all different people than you were in HS, right?
Seriously? i get girl code, but sheesh, get over it. be supportive of your best friend and who she wants to be with
Get over yourself and be happy for her.
My sister married my ex… get over it, lol.
Everyone is somebody’s ex.
Well you only dated for a few months and unless there was domestic violence etc then sure it could feel weird but there’s no reason why your bestie shouldn’t date him/her surely?
Uhhh. I wouldn’t care. If it works for them awesome. I’m more interested in why it makes you feel weird. Jealousy problem? Controlling issue?
Bringing high school drama into adulthood?
I have never been jealous so I really wouldn’t care my kids step mom was at my house all the time life moves on
Get over it haha I mean it was an ex in high school, it’s not like he was a recent ex husband or something.
Youre overreacting. Get over yourself.
If you 2 we’re not series no issues
You’re grown. It’s was a few months. Get over it
A couple months in high school doesn’t count.
Oh geez…. We are adults now. Let the high flames stay in high school.
Omg so what… get over yourself.
Who cares?? If it was your recent ex or your ex husband , that’s weird but an ex from high school
That wasn’t even serious then it’s nbd
I’m engaged to my exs best friend ( they call eachother brothers) I dates my ex 14 years ago.
If you don’t care for this person what difference does it makes who he dated girlfriend or not
Sometimes what’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander … Have a good day gander
I wouldn’t care if me and the guy ended on good terms just cause it didn’t work for you and the guy doesn’t mean it won’t work for your friend and the guy. There’s more fish in the sea just be happy for her
We don’t own ppl! Get over it! Someone from high school to get jealous over is ridiculous
I’d ask if he’s ever seen anyone digging that deep into their trash can before, because he just did the same thing.
It’s no big deal. Let them be happy.
On high school for a few MONTHS SENT ME You’re joking right. That relationship isn’t even on your credit report anymore
You dated for a few months, not years. And it was how long ago? Get over the jealousy.
Hs? Seriously who cares
Nothing wrong with that. You dated as a teenager for a few months. It’s not like she’s dating the last guy you was with or your ex husband. Let her be and be happy for her. The only reason I’d ever be upset if my best friend dated any of my exes is because they are shit humans and I’d never want them to treat her bad as she’s amazing. I would however leave her to it but always remind her I have a shovel and an alibi ready for her.
Even if you peed on him, he’s not your property!
I wouldn’t be phased about it at all but I hope she had the decency to tell you
I don’t care. I’ve dated some wonderful people who I’d love to see happy with a friend.
Anyway as heather above said “we don’t own people”
My best friend from high school married my ex husband and is now my sons bonus mom. It’s been the best for all of us. We aren’t as close now but I say your situation is WAY less personal. So just let it go and keep your friendship. Men aren’t worth fighting over
l Get paid over $124 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19534 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
It was highschool, we’re grown now. Let them try it out.
My best friend married my ex. I don’t see an issue in it as long as he’s not abusive stay out of it.
If you are not into the ex let it go
Well, hs was 20 years ago soooo… lol. I think “you can’t date exes” is a dumb rule. I’ve never been bothered by anyone dating an ex, but I have been a bit upset when I felt it was intentionally kept from me.
they are your EX for a reason! Be happy for her
Seriously? Wow! Didn’t want them then but don’t want someone else to have them either after 10nyrs. Get over yourself!
High school. Few months…I agree with Rhiannon Headrick you didn’t marry him and 3 months is nothing, especially for high school. Especially compared to adult life. Yall are grown now. Let it be and move on.
I may think its a little weird at first but I wouldn’t care
Are you 19 and the breakup was last year? Was the boy abusive or unfaithful? Were you trying to get back with the ex when they started dating? If the answer to all of those is no, I’d let it go. If the answer to 2 or 3 is yes, I’d sit down with her and explain the situation.
My ex in high school? I don’t think I’d care as long as she told me about it first. High school was like 17 years ago for me so who cares lol
Who cares, if you’re not over them then you should’ve been upfront with your best friend about it before they started dating.
I would get over it. High school? Really??? Time to grow up.
Who the fuck cares!!!
If it was a very recent and significant ex or an ex husband, I would say it was strange. But a guy you casually and briefly dated in high school? You gotta let that go and let your friend live her life.
Aaah. I miss when Highschool drama was my only worry lol
Earlier in life it was the rule to not date your friends leftovers. Nowadays, I don’t give a💩
If it wasn’t serious I don’t really see the problem
Girl please you even said yourself it wasn’t serious and it was just a common high school child relationship. I wouldn’t feel anyway about it. Let her be happy.
Lol still stuck in the past much?
Lol my bestie had a baby from a 1 night stand with my ex-bf (of about 9 months as adults)…everyone said to care, I didnt lol. Kinda a shady thing to do overall but we all moved on so who cares
In High school for a few months? And you’re on here asking this question?
Happy for them if it works out.
Who cares, they are an ex.
The past is the past!!
Who cares! For fucks sake it was in high school.
You just said your relationship with your ex wasn’t that serious so why make it an issue?!
I think it depends on how long ago high school was for u. I wouldn’t care at all because I’m far from my high school years and my high school relationships were not serious.
How is that weird to you?
It wasn’t a legitimate or serious relationship and was simply a high-school fling thing.
I could see you being up in arms if it were a very lengthy serious thing where it even had possibility of marriage some day, but a high-school thing? Move along.
Some of these posts on here are just ridiculous .
One of my old best friends married my ex. Happy for them!
Had my best friend date my ex husband of 12 years for awhile when we divorced. I wasn’t upset I was happy to get rid of him but sad for her because I knew what she’d be going through. It ended badly and I was there for her…
Be happy for them…
From high school, dated for only a few months, not a problem, not even a little bit.
Why are you looking for a problem when none exists.
I would not care idgaf about any of those people anymore.
Why does it matter? Are you still in love with him?
Oh geez. These situations are bound to happen to people. Especially if you live in a low populated area, or don’t expand your social circle. You even admitted that you only dated for a few months. In high school. Stop living in the past and move forward. It’s not like she stole him from you, or you broke up recently. Hell, you probably haven’t even thought about him in years. It’s not that serious.
It’s not weird at all. Atleast I don’t find it weird.
No words, no feeling and not your business.
Mine married my ex. Lmdao then dragged me into their drama when he cheated on her two kids later. They started dating right after he and I broke up. In fact they got real close behind my back one day when we went to his house.
I wouldn’t care that’s their problem now
Honestly that wouldn’t bother me. If it was like a long term relationship than yes, that would but just for a couple months? No problem
It was high school, not serious at all
Get over it your an adult
Sounds like your still in HS. DONT BE A COCKBLOCK LOLs
Are you an adult? Or are you still in high school?
My brother in high school and my current gf (my neighbor growing up known her 27 years) they kissed in high school MY BROTHER AND MY GF. Guess what, we’ve been together for two years- not awkward.
I don’t know one of best friends married ex of mine
I didn’t care as long as she’s happy
That’s all that matters to me that friends and family are truly happy
If it wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t care