How Would You Feel If Your Boyfriend's Ex Lived With His Mom?

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"How would you feel if your boyfriend’s ex lived with his mother? We’ve been together for 3 years (living together for 2 1/2 years) and she’s still living with his mother. He doesn’t see an issue with it. Six months ago I discovered she has still been texting him asking for help and sending him pics of herself. I’m not comfortable with this, have expressed this to him multiple times and why, and he still doesn’t get it. Wants to go “hang” at his mom’s house without me for a few hours and thinks it’s no big deal that she’s there. This is causing major issues in our relationship. How would you deal with this?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Leave. “Wants to spend a few hours at his moms house without me” girl u must be naive u know dang well what’s going on. So either you’re very young or you’re very naive."

"I wouldn’t deal with it. Bye"

"Only thing left to do is pop up at mamas! See for yourself!"

"Why doesn’t he want you there??"

"How do you deal with it? You unload him"

"Don’t waste anymore time! Get out while you can!"

"Don’t allow yourself to be put in that position. Use your self respect and leave now."

"I mean I guess if he really loved you and respected your feelings then he would tell her or his mum that she’s gotta go and move on with her life somewhere else and he sure as hell shouldn’t be hanging out there WITHOUT you. Girrrrl Don’t put up with that shit"

"Honestly. It really depends on a LOT of factors. Why does she live with his mother? How long were they together? It is kinda suspicious he’s excluding you from going over there. I’d pop up unannounced and see what’s up."

"I wouldn’t deal with it. He clearly doesn’t respect you."

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