How would you feel if your childs other parent pretended to be your child through text?

How would you react if you found out your child’s other parent, and/or step parent (while in their care) has been using your child’s cell phone when they are not around to text you and pretend like they’re the child?


My ex did this. So then we came up with a special way the kids end their messages so that I always know it is them and not the ex. I also could tell it wasn’t my kid just how it was messaged.


Concerned that’s odd behavior


I feel it doesn’t get anymore toxic than that!!!


Unfortunately it happens. Of course it’s upsetting. I used to get so upset with things like this but sadly I think I’m used to it. I just ignored it when it happened to me. I think the most important thing is how you reply. You’ll be able to tell when it’s not your kid by how it’s written. I’m sure now there are certain apps you could download with a password that only your child can have. Or like someone else said end the message in a certain special way.

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Give your child a code word and tell them never to share it with the anyone especially the other parent! That should help!


Lmfao the real question is how would that person like the knock on the door when I found out!


Toxic is toxic… went through similar bitter exs are real worse when they get medically ill gfs involved too and continue to stalk me. 15 years later here. Something is being hidden in my experience when this happens. My ex did it to find out if my son was talking about his abuse then he covered his tracks with the system cause he has family that works there… unsure of what exactly the systems for when it continuously allows abuse to happen for a quick pay check

There’s only one reason. Dad is afraid he’ll say something that can be used against him so he THINKS he’s smart by using his kid. BTW a responsible educated adult can tell the difference in the text.


Its not hard to believe that instead of harmless fun impersonating a child is malignant behavior, if you ever suspect anything you should imediately call or video message and see how long it takes to get an answer, if it takes more than one or 2 rings then you can be certain the phone is not in your childs hand

There is no response to this because there’s too much missed information.
The reason why they’re doing it. Are you unreasonable and expect your kid to contact you all the time. If so, is your kid having a good time and instead of always interrupting said play time, movie time, game time, they’re messaging you to let you know all if fine.
I can’t see why they would pretend to be the kid with you? How old is the kid? Maybe they don’t want to contact you so the other parent is just keeping the peace.
When many couples split up they tend to forget that just because they chose to not be a couple the child didn’t choose to have just one parent. When on time with a parent that time shouldn’t be interrupted unless the child wants to talk to the parent or there is an emergency.

This gives off sociopathic behavior vibes with a need to hide something. I would definitely investigate.

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Create a secret code with your child so that if you have any doubts you can send a specific word or emoji and they reply with theirs. It doesn’t need to make sense as long as you both know the code. When you know it’s not your child screen shot the interaction and print them keeping a running log of dates and times for possible court needs.

Would depend on what is being said :thinking: my son is almost 9 and he doesn’t know how to text his daddy and will ask me to help text his dad and i do let his dad know that I am helping him and we keep it all cordial and all about our son we don’t use our sons phone to call or text the other parent for discussion I Have also told his dad he can call his sons phone anytime in the morning and till 8pm at night to talk to his son

Very concerned. That’s super toxic.

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I need to know more but that’s creepyyy


The other parent shouldn’t be using the kids phone for there own personal use to message the other parent it just causes unnecessary problems and drama

I’d be worried on wtf is going on if they feel the fked up need to do that. They be hiding something or trying to get dirt on you


As long as you are 100% sure it is the other parent. Like have you asked the child if it’s them or the parent? Cause if you are just assuming without proof.

Shady . would like to know what they are saying. I would tell your child to video chat with you if they need or want to talk to you from now on. If you get another text, call your child and see what’s going on. If you are told they didn’t text you, have a private discussion with your ex after your child’s visit is over and let him know that you are not putting up with it.

My husband’s ex wife does this ALL the time. He calls her out everytime she does it! We now know when its his daughter because she will keep talking- if its her mother she shuts up

In our case we’re accused of taking my stepsons phone everytime he sends or says something she doesn’t want to hear. :face_with_peeking_eye: guess it depends on if it’s actually what’s going on or not.

That’s insane! Manipulative and deceiving

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I’d be pissed. How old is the kid. Tell to put code on

Heck no! I would be going off!

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I’d be pretty mad. That’s sketchy af.

That’s weird and concerning….

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That is some manipulative psycho stuff

So fucking weird bro… I’d refer him to professional help…

That’s fucking weird… That’s how I’d feel. Like what?

Umm. Stop texting and call your child.

absolutely not… hell no…

It’s creepy and suspicious

They would never be around that adult again.

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That’s horrible, and very toxic.

Thats bullshit and concerning behavior. Who in their right mind does that?!

Hell no… If this happened to me… I’d bring this up with my present lawyer and prlly end up with custody of my kid due to the other parent being mentally unstable. Lol

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Set their phones with a PIN. Don’t use their birthday. Use something dad & stepmom will never guess like their initials as numbers (A=1, B=2 etc) or last 4 numbers of their Dr or relatives phone number, an old address or just their favorite numbers.

Ask the person your texting a question they’d only know. Or set up a word only they know.

I have parental controls & look out. I’m also petty. If I knew it wasn’t my child I’d make that phone “scream” repeatedly until my kid got their phone back & called me.


Make it so they call when they need you.


I was pretty easy with co-parenting but I’d lose my :poop: Somebody would be getting charged for whatever my lawyer could think of. Nope. And I’d get a court order to make them stop.

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That’s gross tbh. Like wtf.

Not acceptable opens your child up to stalkers, pedophiles