How would you feel if your husband took a vacation without you?

How would you feel if your husband is goingon vacation with his family and you and your kids (not his) were not invited? But they invited your husband and the kid you share together? Because I feel like this isnt okay…


I wouldn’t be happy but then when he comes back I would go somewhere without him or the kids for a week and I wouldn’t even bother with his family anymore or is there already trouble there


Is there a genuine reason why you weren’t all included?

Nope, if you guys have a kid together I’d be against him going. Letting them show favoritism just because they’re related to the one kid can affect the other kids plus I wouldn’t really be comfortable with my child going on vacation without me, call me a helicopter mom idc.


If its fishing may ok then otherwise a no no

I wouldn’t mind, but I know he wouldn’t go without me unless I was unwell


What’s the rest of the story


Was cost a factor? Are they subsidizing the trip for hubs & one grandchild? Are your kids older & would they be bored at the destination or be likely to get in trouble? I’d sit and ask hubs if you’re not comfortable asking the in laws directly why the three of you aren’t invited.

How long have you been married? Are they close to his ex-wife if there is one? Is there bad blood between you and the in-laws or have your kids treated them warily/dismissively/act bored around them? Is their idea to take the neediest child while you get uninterrupted time with your two older kids? Do they think it’s your folks’ responsibility to take you and your children on vacation without your husband?

And yeah, I’d plan a girls week/end away while he deals with the kids as payback, but maybe that’s petty.

My then husband and I took separate vacations to his relatives’ place at the beach our first year because we couldn’t get the same week off (it as that or no vacation at all) but we didn’t have children then.

I declined going with hubs and kids skiing as I don’t like the cold, bulky clothes, speed or spending that much money. I got time and quiet to myself, they got bonding time with dad. Plus I knew he’d dump all responsibility for the kids on me the entire time so I wouldn’t be able to have any fun myself. That worked for us. But taking some kids & not all?

My MIL had some weird obsession with our son, but we all worked to see my daughter got equal presents/experiences/attention and explained early on that it wasn’t her, grandma was just weird.

Hope you get some answers.


Not acceptable… he knew what was included prior to accepting this relationship… so if it’s not the full package ya gotsta go! Find a lawyer and start figuring out your future… it’s going down hill… he can’t stand up to his family to say this is my family…. You don’t accept it I don’t accept the invitation.


I’d take the other kids on a holiday at the same time.


Bullshit. If all not going nobody going

I feel that there’s more to the story that we don’t know about. Need for information


Why would he go with family when your family too and only take blood related kids!!! I don’t think I would be very happy with this at all xxx I would book a holiday for the people who got left out cause himself and his family made you all feel this way!! It’s not a family I would want to be included in tbh x


Happy to have some me time not running around doing everything for it

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Not ok. He shouldn’t go if they didn’t included you. If I were you, I would go vacation with the kids without him

I would take it up with your husband. It’s his job to make sure his family includes his wife and step children as their own.


It’s wrong.
My fiancés family is having a reunion next year, (like 5-6 days at some cabin resort 3-4 hours away) and my kids from my deceased husband and I were added to the group chat and included. I doubt my fiance would go if we weren’t included.

Honestly he shouldn’t go. He should stick up for the fact you and your kids are his family too.


My husband would never. At his sisters wedding he was invited for going the limo with his 2 bio kids but there was no space for me or my bio kid so he said no and didn’t even tell me about til later on cus he didn’t want me to tell him it was ok to go cus he didn’t wanna go with out me and my son. He didn’t think it’d be fair, especially to leave only one kid out. That was just a limo ride.


Definitely not ok. My husband would decline.

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I’m sorry, but my husband would say my whole family comes or none of us!


Your husband should’ve said that he’s got more kids than just those ones… I’m sorry, but if he’s okay going and not taking his step kids or his wife, he is not it.

Not matter the circumstances or the relationship between you and your in laws, he has a commitment to you and your kids , if he is allowing this you have a bigger issue to be worried about

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My fiancé would personally decline and would honestly be offended at the suggestion.

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Are you kidding?? Absolutely not!

I don’t see a problem my mom.goes on
Vacation without my dad she’s going with here sister neice and a friend and they didn’t invite him and he’s not bitter about it either

Once he gets back you should go and book a 7 day all inclusive resort to Mexico or Cuba

Not all families and in-laws accept other people’s kids. There’s nothing wrong with that. I know I couldn’t do it and I wouldn’t except anyone to accept mine as theirs. It’s really no big deal.

And they say there are no steps in family. If they are not accepting you and your kids then he should not be going . And he should be telling them the reason why . If he goes and takes one the child that he fathered then he is just as bad as they are .