How would you handle this?

How would you guys handle this? I’m a mom of 2. One of my kids belongs to my ex. We haven’t seen any kinda help this school year. Zero. When ask it’s we don’t have it. Or we have other kids to worry about. Then other parent brags their paying step child’s homeschool. That’s awesome. But where is the help for his child? As a mom I can’t understand why you’d not wanna help your help but can someone elses first.


Is he on child support and does he pay it?

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Get court ordered child support. I would have done that as soon as y’all split.


How about u just realize that dudes not going to do it. Stop asking or being surprised when he says no. Do for ur child urself. Go put him on child support and let that be it. U keep asking but getting the same answer. That’s insanity. Stop asking


Cut the shit. You must have a COURT ORDERED child support and visitation schedule. You cannot do this any other way. If you actually do have court ordered support and visitation then he is in contempt of court.

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Well , that is not uncommon.
There’s nothing you can do becasue you can’t force your ex to do stuff he doesn’t want to do .
The only thing you can do is to get a child support court order( in case you don’t yet ) if he already pays child support sadly what he does with the rest of his money is not your business.

He helped you make your kids
He needs to stop being a child
And man up to his responsibilities
Just because he has kids with another woman
Doesn’t mean he can abandon your kids
I feel so bad for your kids
Turn the tables back on him
And apply to the court to have his parental rights removed

This is why you gotta get it court ordered so they have no choice but it’s possible it’s not really his money and the mother of the child’s money? Idk… either way these are the moments you got to look the other way.


They can keep tax refund for back support if is ordered. Also keep refund for spouses taxes

Your husband needs to take her to court for child support.

Paying for stepkids homeschool may not mean her specifically. My DIL doesn’t work at all but still claims to pay for things. She’s using my son’s money. Maybe the ex is using her husband’s or boyfriend’s money to pay for the kids homeschooling? Only her money would count towards child support.

He has no choice about taken care of his child. If he doesn’t let the system take care of it.