How would you respond to this?

He better enjoy this red carpet show :joy::dancer:

Bleed on him while he’s sleeping


I really could care less your sex life sound like a personal prototype me !!!

Lmao I’d walk behind him a pinch his butt! :joy: Then Id shake my tatas at him and would say tough like getting any next time with that attitude lol. My husband and I make jokes like that though. I don’t know how serious your conversation was but I wouldn’t be mad.

He’s very selfish only thinking about himself :astonished: WOW

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Next time he is ready explain to him that while he is a great man you are tired of cocktail sausage and want a full sausage :grin::grin:


:joy::joy::joy:. He’s joking. My husband is flip all the time. It’s sarcasm. Take it with a grain of salt. Your a little sensitive because of f the extra hormones. Blow it off. If he was serious talk to him about it. Never let things stew. It makes for a sour marriage. Communication is a foundation of marriage. Ask him why he said it. If you can be intimate,you can say anything to each other. Discuss it. Let him know it bothered you. I’m sure he will apologize.He loves you , he wouldn’t have been frisky if he didn’t.


I would have said so do you

I’d find a new partner🤷🏻‍♀️

Well unless you want another baby he should be glad you’re getting your period. I’m sorry ( not) but tell him the grow tf up. :speak_no_evil:


While he may seem like a jerk…
Maybe its time to make time for each other, loss of intimacy can really make things difficult even if it’s a legitimate reason but feeling like there is always a reason will just make it even harder to gain an interest especially when he was trying because now he knows that he’s gonna wait another week & likely until your in the mood.


It depends like if you usually turn him down he probably would assume he was getting turned down. Although if you made him rub your tits it could have been misleading…
Either way it always comes down to communication or lack of.

I think you’re both probably putting too much energy towards something that’s already in the past and you can’t change

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Sounds selfish to me

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Set aside some time after you’re off your flow (seems like he isn’t into period stuff …) and give him some extra affection. Plan it out. Plan around it by putting kids to bed a little earlier and prep yourself with a warm relaxing shower. Maybe even have him join you.

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I would take it as, he wants you, but super frustrated, so the intimacy and want for eachother is still there, just sadly life making it complicated.
Try not take personal and find a time that both can have time out, or get respite.
Having a child on spectrum is hard, having children harder again, and you both work keeping house going, you both are doing an amazing job :smiling_face:
Just remember you together as a team outside of work and raising kids, is just as important :smiling_face:

As a mum of a child on spectrum, my advice is…… make respite a high priority for you and hubby right now :kissing_heart:
Sending love hugs and positivity to your family xxx

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Something wrong with your mouth?


He only cares about he’s pleasure and needs being filled not the fact your in pain or hurting .
He’s selfish

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Is there a reason you cant have sex on your period?

Like it or not, if his sex drive his higher than yours, he’s going to get frustrated. Especially when you barely have time together.

A lot of the comments on here are childish and selfish. Unless he’s an ass and doesnt treat you right most of the time, his needs matter too

I’d tell him to suck it up!

So you couldn’t fuck because your period is due😒suck his dick next time then, keep it lit

:rofl: I get my period twice a month for 8-10 some times whole months…I feel pain of both of ya’ll woth a 2 9 and 13 year old. He’s just having a temper tantrum. Give him a day or 2 yall will be good

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He just wants to make love to you,he probley feels rejected. You both need to have an appointed time to spend togather. You both need love and affection or you are going to lose each other and your entire famley will lose!


You have to remember that you need to care about your relationship to. Eventually if you neglect him, he will turn elsewhere. Our partners are no less important than our children. They need love to


Purpose time. Time is sooooo important. The kids well being is important yes but when both partners are happy and fulfilled and put first thatblove amd happiness flows down to the kids naturally. I myself have 6 children between my partner and I. 1 is autistic, 1 has adhd and another has debilitating anxiety. It gets rough and had at times. I myself am also on the spectrum of what some consider “high functioning”. We could just let all those needs get in the way of “us” but we purpose to connect every night and every morning plus scheduling dates on any off dates. This is so very vital and important to not just go on auto pilot and “roommate” mode. Communication with understanding and making each other a priority is so important

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Why tf they act like we have any control over our period lmao if i did id choose to not have it


Also hold out when your period goes away

Should of taken the quickie if you had not started . It happens to all of us . Most women get a bigger orgasm during that time . He was just frustrated from wanting some . Time for a talk since the lack of communication is way off.

Just give him some head

You have sex with your man 2 times a month and your complaining about him touching your boobs and getting upset because he’s lonely wants some attention. Just have sex with him but tell him not to touch your boobs because they are sore. Make your man feel wanted when he needs it just as i assume he does for you.

Some of these posts are absolutely disgusting. To even think about telling some poor women to have sex on her period, clearly the ones that do must not feel much or have one the size of the Grand Canyon.I also have kids on the spectrum and it can be extremely difficult. How do you know they even have family to help. Some people are just judgmental arseholes

If my husband were to tell me “ you suck” I would respond w “yes I do, and well… now come here” :laughing:

I honestly don’t think he did or said anything wrong…

Y’all could have still had sex. Lay a towel down. Find time for sex

You can have sex on your period, also your period coming doesn’t mean it’s there?

I totally get being tired but our men need attention too. You wouldn’t feel so great if your husband rejected you if you were trying to start something.
You said you were about to start not that you’ve started so I would do something before if does start or I mean a blow job will help too.

Some women and I’m not saying you but some complain when their man wants it all the time but then get mad when he goes and watches porn or goes and finds it somewhere else! And it’ll definitely be crappy of him to go find it somewhere else but you also have to nourish your relationship with your husband or it won’t last very much longer

Tell him if he doesn’t want another baby, he needs to slow his roll and wait a week

If you haven’t started it no reason to not be intimate.

He’s an asshole caring only of his needs, how about making you feel loved, relaxed, and aroused by that, MEN SUCK

Wow! I’d ask hmm would I suck if I wasn’t getting my period because I’m pregnant??
Because if you don’t get your period that’s the deal.