He’s probably just sexually frustrated and figured that was you saying “no.” Not that gives him the okay to say that. Let him cool off then try to talk to him.
I agree. He sounds sexually frustrated and irritable. You guys should make Sexy time for each other soon
Just because he can’t touch you doesn’t mean you can’t touch him
He needs to grow up sexually frustrated or not
This is not advice. I would leave him.
Laugh cause getting your period does suck.
He knows you’re not responsible for his org@sm … right?
But on the other hand sex is so much more than inserting a penis in a nunu sounds like you guys can have alot of fun exploring other ways to please eachother
I’d ignore his fit. He can be frustrated but that doesn’t mean you aren’t too, and him pouting and being a jerk surely isn’t changing anything. Nothing worse than a man who thinks his feelings are more important than anyone else’s. Once he’s done with his tantrum I’d remind him you too have feelings, and sexual desires and maybe next time he’s thinking about getting it on and a natural occurrence that you can’t control stops the fun, he could consider your feelings as well and keep his mouth shut.
Tell him he’s more than welcome to have it for u:rofl:
Chill. I would’ve said something back jokingly. But then again, there’s not much that my husband and I don’t play about. So I’d just say let it go. It isn’t a huge deal.
He sounds sexually frustrated. Him ignoring you isn’t fair, but it could be because he doesn’t want to give you attitude or come off aggressive. Try making time for each other! Both of you need that
I would make him bleed for a week somehow. That’s just rude.
Have sex befor ur period start
People need to have a connection on a sexual level especially men. Their egos don’t like being told no which is what he heard. Sounds like you need to communicate and make time for each other
If my husband Said that he have it be joke bc he knows I like tease him tho whole period ( we both don’t like period sex )but seem like ur husband got up setup seem like there some issues maybe u all need make time for each other…for him get over it when kids sleep or go to bathroom blow him until he get really close then stop look at him say now be mad walk way lmao if he ask y u did it say just bc I said I should be getting my period did say I was on it or I wouldnt still have fun in other ways maybe now u listen wait b4 u jump …it might be petty w.e lol
U should’ve just gave him a B.J. LOL… Take some midol and stop being so sensitive
Time to find a new significant other
I mean obviously ground him if he wants to act like a child about it.
I would say he is tired and frustrated to.
Ignore it he sounds sexually frustrated and maybe he feels a little rejected he’ll get over it.
I’m certain my boyfriend and I have both said you suck to each other. My response was, yep and you like it and grabbing him by the balls.
I mean, my husband will tell me I suck when I get my period too. Lol. But he doesn’t act like an ass about it. No period means no baby.
Sounds like he sucks too
Sore or not, whenever my ex was an ass like that I would play with my boobs in front of him and go on about how amazing they are. Lol
Personally I don’t mind having period sex, but his attitude, (sexually frustrated or not would turn me completely off
If you all don’t have a chance that often why would you let your period stop you. Just throw down a towel and got to it! Lol.
Tell him his attitude sucks! It’s not like you want to have a period, nobody wants that! But you can still have sex while on your period. It can be messy but just take a shower afterwards.
Have sex most men don’t care about the blood
He’s just sexually frustrated… there are things you can do for him while on your monthly…
I would’ve popped off with not today I don’t but that’s me. We pretty much talk shit to each other daily tho so it wouldn’t be off hand for us
Your mouth isn’t on its period tho
So, you barely have time to connect, when you do have time to connect, you tell him no I wonder why he’s frustrated…
Sex is a huge part of any healthy relationship, you need to make time for it; not just because your husband is sexually frustrated, but because it’s important for you too. Sex and intimacy doesn’t have to last hours. It doesn’t have to require perfect silence in the home. If you have 10 minutes because the kids are watching an episode of their favorite TV show, take that 10 minutes and have the greatest quickie ever. You could have responded with, 'Yeah, I do suck" and pulled him back into bed and gave him head. You could have, pulled him back close to you and said, “I don’t suck, my period sucks so lets have a good round before it actually gets here” and rolled over and rode him. You could have grabbed his hand and slid it down your body and said, “there are plenty of other places you can rub, kiss and suck that aren’t sore”. Getting rejected sucks, especially when there is already little time to get it on. Good luck with the Auntie visit, hopefully your period packs up and is gone before you know it.
Why not just tell him not to grope your chest? Making time for your spouse is important. And so is making time to be intimate. It’s what separates you from spouses and turning into roommates.
Would have just given him a bj idk saying “you suck” in my house hold is not an insult I would have just thrown a pillow at him haha! But, ignoring you over it isn’t cool.
He’s being very childish 1st off and you need to make time for him
It sounds like he was kidding. I can’t imagine a grown man saying that and being serious.
Sounds like you in fact… do not suck
I think you’re making his comment a big deal when it’s not. Some of you would never survive in my marriage lol.
Selfish pig…ignore him he will soon appreciate everything you do
My husband and I have sex as much as we can. My period has never stopped us before, unless I’m in a lot of pain or something. Throw a towel down or get in the shower. I understand life can get busy, but you’ve gotta make time for intimacy with eachother.
Definitely try to make time for each other. It’s so important in a relationship. I understand how hard it can be. I’m a stay at home mom of 2 and also 32 weeks pregnant, plus we moved into a new house so I’ve been extra busy with deep cleaning and my hubby works 12hr shifts so we don’t get much time together.
It just sounds like he’s sexually frustrated. Most men have higher sex drives than women. Them getting that release helps soo much with their stress. Just remember, your partner has needs too.
I’d tell him to grow up
You have three kids together so why are yall not doing it even tho you have your period? Kind of sounds like you just dont want to.
Men always act immature as hell if they don’t get sex when they think they need it. He will survive!! He could of been nicer about it though? Men???
Honey you maybe tired but if you don’t get what you want then he will start to look elsewhere , not trying to be mean . Don’t let him loose interest good luck
I’d probably laugh… but I also make my husband a priority and he makes me a priority… we have 5 kids so we don’t have date night or any of that we just cook together, always eat dinner together,we touch each other all the time just a random hug,kiss,butt grab, hand hold… We talk,we cuddle while they kids are running around the house crazy…there’s no time for us but we make time and r have sex 5 ×s a week atleast
He’s just frustrated…give grace on this one
To me it sounds like he’s sexually frustrated I would try to make time for each other even if you are tired
I would ignor him for a veeerrry long time.
I would take advantage of the opportunity to get it in before my period and not be so moody about it
Girl I have 9 kids and we are intimate at least 5 times out of the week. I understand being tired 100% but your husband needs attention too. You can’t just ignore that your marriage wont’ last. Make time for you guys. Other stuff to do when shark week hits. Sounds like he was joking but at the same time upset. Be an adult and talk to your husband and not fb. you have to see his side too.
lmao it was immature. Plain and simple. He needs to realize that you have a lot on your plate and by the end of the day, your libido just isnt revving. But you also have to look at it from his perspective. Being rejected constantly hits the self esteem. I think yall should sit down one day and talk about greasing the wheels of the household. Maybe a new schedule can make things more efficient? Maybe date nights are needed weekly/bi weekly? It’s easy to get lost in the day to day dredge.
Ha I’d pack my shit and leave.
That’s his fault for being scared of a little blood
Call him back in the room and do it before your period starts
Well you gotta keep him loved. Make time for him too. Sounds like you just don’t want to keep the fire going. Sounds like you just keep putting the fire out. And now he is getting frustrated.
1st of all thatd be the last time he said that to me, he would be enjoying his Xmas dinner thru a straw
Give him his dummy back
my husband does the same I just tell him get over it I have no control over my body cycles and then that’s leads to him being a smart ass
Get a babysitter for your kids or drop them off with family and make time for him. Not fair to him
We are in our 50’s (well I’m very close) and twice a month sex is NOT enough. I’d be cranky if I were him too. Period sex is a thing. They make towels and showers
I’d tell him to grow up - is he 12?
Please him in other ways use protection and let him have sex if you haven’t started yet !
I would have said “yes I do. Gimme you sucker.”
Well to him by you saying they’re sore that means you’re not in the mood……
I would say “ see you’re already on yours” hahaha
Throw him a bottle of lotion and tell him to get over it.
I think it’s hilarious… You’re being silly.
Is his right hand also having issues?
That is so childish.
Read the book men are from mars women are from Venus
Woman need to feel loved to want sex
Men need sex to feel loved
I read this book and I understand my hubby so much better now
Men and women are sooooo different
He’s feeling unloved
Assure him you love him xx
When he said
"you suck "
I would’ve replied with a
“yes I do, but not for an asshole like you”
People post the stupidest shit on this page…
I guess it all depends on how he said it.
3 kids and zero communication skills and throwing tantrums like a rejected 16yo.
You’re so lucky
Your giving it to him twice a month then complain when he touches you… this is why men cheat. Get mad at my comment idc but men need sex and love to.
I can’t imagine being with someone who would consider sex off-limits just because I’m on my period.
Since he responded with “you suck”…. When he comes home this evening be in bed holding a sign that says “come let me show you how much I suck”! And give him the best blow job of his life!! And when you’re off your period have him return the favor!!! Don’t get mad… make it work!!!
Real men don’t care about blood
That was very rude of him. Sounds like he was in a bad mood and he’ll get over it.
I would be honest with him and tell him that that hurt your feelings. How do suck because you are about to start your period. That’s kind of rude to say.
Tell him to stfu and get naked anyways lol. I would. God gave you 3 holes tell him to start filling
It does seem kind of childish, BUT…he is probably extremely sexually frustrated. He took what you said as rejection when he really shouldn’t have, though. If you haven’t started yet, go to him and seduce him! Make him feel wanted.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but men need sex more than twice a month and I would just try my best to do it a little more and I bet your relationship starts getting better
I get being tired, but sex and sexual attraction (not just sex) is a part of a healthy relationship. Unless you’re a sexual. I’d be upset too if I was only able to be intimate twice a month. If feel like I was loosing my partner, and a way of connecting and communication.
Sounds to me like you have substantial underlying issues that are the REAL issues here.
I would take this as an opportunity to talk to him (not strangers on the internet) and try and find the route cause and solution.
How old is your husband? 11? As for the other commenters, ya’ll are just sick to say she needs to take care of him:woman_facepalming: My MAN would never! And I would never allow that fuckery.
Your mouth still works.
How old is your husband? Seriously that’s super childish but in saying that you both need to make time for each other. Have a date night at home once the kids are in bed. Spend some time together
Abit TMI but my partner doesn’t mind if I’m on mine. We just do it in the shower, or lay a towel down, then get in the shower after but that’s if it’s only a light period, if it’s heavy we do only do it in the shower. But everyone is different and he needs to respect that you are a women and can’t change when your period decides to come!
Childish! He wouldn’t complain if it had to bleed for 5-7 days once a month!
If I don’t feel like it my partner takes care of it himself cause he’s grownup.
You guys need to make time for each other though it’s the main cause of relationship break down
I’d tell him to get over it. He’s acting like a damn child.
#1 not smart to mess with a woman who can bleed for 7 days and survive! #2 introduce him to Rosey Palm and tell him to shove his child temper tantrum attitude!
Childish, my bf and I both work full-time and opposite hrs; with 6 kids, 3chickens and a cat! We’re lucky to get to eat dinner together before I’m off to work, we usually get “that time” when i come to bed when he’s waking up lol. Eta aunt flow doesn’t stop or interupt that time either, my drive gets kicked into high and jump his bone anytime we’re together
Uum I’d just go give him some bomb ass period sex… Fuck it. Be like who sucks now… Suck these titties bitch!!
Mine tells me I suck every month when I start. I laugh it off. He is now counting the days till I have my hysterectomy next month do to medical reasons.
Just do a fast one when your tired men will think you don’t love them if your always tired they get very upset I don’t know why but that’s how they think
Awe he was just ready for some action and had his bubble burst… I would definitely just try to please him… maybe in other ways! It sucks when you’re so tired and literally just can’t but always always always try to make time