Husband watches porn every single day, even multiple times

We’ve only been married for 2 years and have a 3 month old son. The thing is my husband has a foot/ tickle fetish and I only found out about it after we got married. It’s a major portion of our foreplay and I enjoy it quite a lot as well so I’ve always been open to try new things sometimes beyond my limit as well. But recently I’ve found out that he watches videos of naked/ half naked women getting tickled all over every single day every chance he gets. I first found out about this 6-7 months ago and I’ve tried to ignore it because he is nice to me otherwise and cares for me a lot as well but now he only tickles me when he wants to have sex after like 3-4 days. ( it used to be our regular thing, tickling each other, laughing and enjoying each other’s company) It’s getting on my nerves and it makes me feel like I’m just his play toy and there’s no emotion in our love life. How can he have lost interest in me in only a year. I want him to stop watching that crap cuz he’s losing interest in doing those things with me cuz he gets his fill elsewhere. Am i crazy for thinking like this? Also, is there a way to have this conversation without letting him know I’ve checked his phone multiple times. Cuz i feel that we wont be able to get past that violation of privacy. But I guess there’s no other way right? Please help me sort this out cuz I really can’t talk to anyone around me.

Just bring it up to him. Even if you notice nothing else is going on, it still needs to be talked about. It obviously bothers you very much & you need to let that out before you blow up on him, resent him or push him away. Tell him you noticed this has been happening for a while and you wanted to bring it up because you believe it’s now affecting your relationship with each other & affecting your sex life.