I am 27 and possibly going through early menopause: Advice?

I am 27 years old and kinda going through some changes with my body. I am pretty late in my period, NOT PREGNANT doctor did a blood test, and it was negative. He told me the reason being is I did not ovulate after my last period. My last period was December 23rd, and I was supposed to start on January 28th. He prescribed me a medicine that’s supposed to make me get my period after eight days on that medicine with only two left, still no period. He decided to do a blood test, and check hormone levels, got the results today both hormone levels are low. He mentioned possibly early menopause. My question is, has any other young girl gone through anything like this? If you did and it was early menopause, were you able to get pregnant? I plan to have my second and final kid as soon as I can if this is my case. Just so nervous that I’ve missed my opportunity and that it’ll be impossible now thank you.


My friend had period issues where she was on once or twice a year but she did after a while get pregnant with assistance. But if u do have menopause u cant have kids after . Bleeding stops all together when u have menopause and wont come back after .

Ur dr should have told you that it can take uo to 14 days from your last pill before a period starts…also certain hormones change during certain parts of your cycle, soooo they should do more testing before even considering fhat


This exact scenario happened to me. I had every blood test and probing female exam possible. One very smart nurse practitioner mentioned that she wanted an image of my PITUITARY GLAD. Turned out I had a prolactinoma, which is a benign small tumor that makes your pitiably glad malfunction. High prolactin was the reason for no period. I take two small tablets a week and all is controlled and back to normal!


Are you sure you don’t have pcos


PCOS can also have the same affect and it’s honestly more likely for your age then menopause. But I do feel like more testing should be done and he could of said that it could be many things instead of narrowing it down like that.

You should also get checked for PCOS, I’m not sure about levels and all of that but I have it and I do not get a regular cycle at all. I have had one baby and am pregnant with my second! I would get more tests for sure!

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My blood test came up negative till I was 3 months pregnant. Just saying…


I would definitely look into everything the others have suggested, however…early menopause does happen. Happened to my grandmother at 30. It did not happen to my mother and it has yet to happen to me (37). We are not sure why it happened to her even now. Sometimes things just are. <3

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I had a doctor tell me I was in early menopause at about 29. I had a baby at 42. He was wrong


I went through early menopause, had issues before, was finished having babies so I had a hysterectomy. Best decision ever!! lol. Good luck and hope you can still have babies.

I would say you need to be more thorough. Ultra sounds etc. I went through this and …i now in medical menopause due to serious diagnoses, i had no choice. Please be your own advocate. I left the office and didnt understand, until i told my husband about the appointment, we (my doctor and i)were talking about cancer. Like i actually told him no chemo if it is and still left without a full understanding. Thick head i guess.

You can still get pregant with drug assistance if things are off you dont know the situation yet can be down to many things

I had to take prognova to bring on a period after not having one for a while sometimes after coming off birth control it can take months to a year…

Have you had your thyroid checked? My sister in law’s period stopped and started again once she was on medication for low thyroid.

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2 healthy babies and a miscarriage with a PCOS diagnosis . Third pregnancy with only one ovary my miracle baby. Complete hysterectomy at 34. All of my labs always were always normal hang in there !

I was diagnosed with peri menopause/ low ovarian reserve. But they can only test it at a certain time of your cycle. It tells them how many eggs you have left and the quality. One late period doesn’t seem like a cause of concern. Lots of things can cause you to ovulate late. Diet, stress, sickness etc.
I was able to get pregnant but it took 3 years. My sister also was diagnosed and just got pregnant with IVF. So it’s not hopeless. I would definitely seek more answers though. Thyroid issues can also mess up your cycle.

Get your pituitary gland checked! It can cause hormones issues.

Never know you still could be pregnant

You can be perimenopausal for yearsssss before you actually go through menopause. And it’s absolutely possible to get pregnant, but you might have to use fertility drugs.

I don’t get a period because I had to have my thyroid taken out and my hormone levels have been messed up ever since plus I have other medical issues that I’m sure also cause me to not get mine.

I went without a period for 3 months, had a test done Jan 29 of 2015, was prescribed pills to start my period. No period. Feb 13 I took it upon my self to get an at home test. My twins are 4


If you’re under/over weight your period can stop too

Go to an endocrinologist and get your thyroid and pituitary gland checked

My daughter was diagnosed with Primary ovarian failure at 16. My girlfriend was diagnosed in her 30 with premature ovarian failure. Try fertility preservation with a fertility clinic. I hope this helps you. My daughter was born without eggs. There was nothing to save for her. Good luck.

I was 38 went my stop

I had to take medicine to restart my periods when I was 30. The side effects of the meds were horrible!

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Go to a different gyno, I had these issues and they did a sonogram, it’s because of ovarian cysts, nothing to do with menopause.

Did he check your thyroid?

You could have pcos, autoimmune issues, thyroid problems. A while host of problems… this was just one missed period and tour dr said that?? What dr is this??


I was thinking PCOS also… look it up… I had some scary moments in the summer time and turned out I have diabetes so it could be anything but have them check for everything just to make sure… I supposively I don’t have PCOS but I had alot of the symptoms and with excerise and pills and cutting back on junk I’m doing better… but it was very scary…try not to let your mind run wild… it’s hard I know I’m the worst at overthinking but sometimes my overthinking is right…

Go get a second or their opinion from a different doctor. Could be pcos, a gland issue, thyroid…etc. how many periods have you missed?

Go to an endocrinologist.

Id go to endocrinologist like she said. I ended up developing pcos from low blood sugar and it made me have periods like every 4 months . it made my hormones all wacky n gaining weight etc

Have you had your thyroid level checked? If it’s off balance it can make your periods wonky.

Get a second opinion from ob/gyn and maybe follow thru with a endo. Best of luck to you.

I did the same thing I went to my doctor I told him I had missed
Periods he said your pregnant I said no I’m not he said well he Chect said your right your not.it may Be like me after that I had a female chech thy done a Pap smear I was stage 3 cancer so be sure you have it checked out.4 is cancer.

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Your too young but its possible.

Definitely go to a specialist. It could be PCOS, its so common now a days. All that would mean is that your hormones are off so youll have fertility issues.

Get a second opinion please.

You can still get pregnant but its a small window

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Are you on birth control? Some birth control will stop your period completely

Also you can get inplantation using a donor egg :blush: always a way to have babies even adoption

My period comes lately every 3 to 4 months I’m in 32… thyroid can also affect your period certain meds can stress… a friend of mine was in menopause and she had a kid

I used to have a period every 6 months and got pregnant no issues. One pregnancy on birth control. It might just be the way your body works. Or could be other health/mental issues. Have a scan done. Make sure its nothing serious. I went through this recently. I was just stressed

When I was 23 I was told the same thing early menopause… Turns out I was diagnosed with PCOS. Talk to you Dr about this possibly in your case.

Sounds like PCOS to me. You can stop ovulating with it but still have hormones like estrogen. I’m assuming this is a obgyn Dr not a primary… if it is I’d get a second opinion and get venture into pcos see if it’s something you have. Thyroid can be a thing to. Dr are human to they can make mistakes. I wish you all the luck and health

Ask to be tested for Fragile X. One of the symptoms in women is early menopause.

The first thing I’d do is get a second opinion. There are several other conditions that are probably more likely than early menopause. I’d want that assessment confirmed before worrying.

I would get another doctor. Sounds like s/he is late ordering some tests.

It sounds like what I go through with my PCOS as well. It makes my hormones all out of wack. If you do have PCOS trying for another child would be best to start sooner, with medications your doctor can prescribe you to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy and you can conceive easier. PCOS will cause you to have trouble conceiving and carrying out full term, least in my experience it’s been like that. It however is not one of those things that a doctor can just run a test on and say it was positive or negative. It will take time and many ultrasounds and other appointments to rule out anything else.

Has PCOS been ruled out? It can cause hormonal changes, mood swings, absence of periods for months at a time. Go to a specialist, to preserve your fertility.

I was told early menopause at 24 after my periods stopped for three years . They later returned about once ever year and I was diagnosed with pcos.i went on to have two more children.

I was on a Medical Menopause (2009), and got pregnant. I had Endometriosis and PCOS, Preggers can happen!

Maybe look into PCOS like everyone is saying. Which hormones were low? If the LH/FSH ratio is off or if your testosterone is high that could indicate pcos. However if it’s low progesterone and estrogen and if FSH is high it could mean early menopause.